Friday, February 25, 2011

Still Bathed By Babysitter

(Here are a little More than eight in the morning)
I send the text of his compatriot in this way.
A hug from the land of their ancestors

"Dear citizens of the global neoliberal world:

From Montevideo, Uruguay, a country that was able to welcome many Galician and English in general, when misery swept southern European areas mainly in the processes of "modernization", where the offices were destroyed by massive industrialization, is that I am glad I can contact you in

Here there is also the mobbing. At the same time there is an association ACAMU, which is in its infancy, but slowly begins to add in the social environment, since it is suffering from this scourge in its postmodern version.

is extremely interesting that among you talk of "solidarity" as one of the values \u200b\u200bto develop in situations like this. Perhaps these issues bring with them on the positive side, the necessary review de ciertos valores que se han ido dejando de lado en una sociedad capitalista que de la mano del neoliberalismo, y su hijo primogénito "el consumismo" han conjugado un sinfín de efectos perversos, como los conceptos de "eficiencia" y "eficacia", en un economicismo, que no considera otros valores más allá de conseguir el éxito económico, dejando por ejemplo a hijos abandonados al salir los dos padres a trabajar y buscar su desarrollo personal y profesional, por encima de la constitución familiar.(otro valor perimido)

Este es un país chico, y estamos pasando ya hace más de 10 años un aumento sustancial del PBI, con disminución histórica del desmpleo, bajo los gobiernos progresistas que se preocuparon de pagarles las deudas externa al FMI y al BM. Esto permitió, emitir esa deuda en bonos negociables de deuda nacional en el mecado

inteno, cosa esta que tuvo una muy buena acogida.

Esta independencia de esos organismos internacionales fue tan importante que nos permitió poder realizar lo que nosotros deseábamos realizar con nuestra economía, y no lo que ellos nos exigían que hiciéramos para pagarle la deuda.

De esta forma logramos DISTRIBUIR los recursos nacionales, realizando un país más justo y solidario, donde las clases más desposeídas hoy son verdaderos ciudadanos, ya que les llega todo los servicios de: salud, agua potable, luz, teléfono, saneamineto, education, eliminating poor housing, little by little, one for each child lapto licial school, etc.

This has brought increased consumption has reahabilitation aim and invigorate the economy, they both have also been tried in the MERCOSUR area.

But beyond all that, we are being invaded by theories and values \u200b\u200bof the "first world" or "core countries" that have led to bankruptcy, under the speculation and corruption.

is then that bullying is found in Sweden by Leyman, in the early `80, studying birds, strangely enough, and we are in different scale, we are suffering these perverse effects identeficados as bulliny as harassment in the student, and mobbing, and harassment works.

Inside my master study in sociology of work, I develop in my final thesis, part of this issue and seek to measure what the impact of bullying in our environment.

that is new from the agreement with AECI (English International Cooperation Association for Development), University of the Republic, is being processed in certain powers, extremely significant changes imposed by this partnership where support is monetary change "Developmental changes" under the neoliberal positions.

Thus, the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, LL has imposed a state of terrorpsicológico in the Faculty, at the request of the new dynamic efficiency.

This is bringing persecution, dismissal, harassment of all kinds, screaming, bad treatment, etc.. etc.

So it is not an issue bullying Restrict to a situation of unemployment or transiting a country crisis, but the imposition of values \u200b\u200bby individuals "narcissistic psychopaths"

According to experts, often mobbing not looking for a person to stop their jobs, but "morbid satisfaction of who is doing it." This was stated by Roberto Gomez, occupational psychologist, adding that it is a "pathological form of trafficking" that is developed enough "high" to "hold harassment at the time."

Solidarity is a good tool to overthrow the kind of person .

Greetings ... and a lot of occupational health, I want from here ... Mr. Gonzalo

Cote. "


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