Monday, February 7, 2011

Other Names Of The Game Bow And Arrow

IMMORAL Emergency Decree 001-2011 and 002-2011

Here at home, no doubt we need a press that is fair, objective and honest. And above all it plays for Peru. And do not you dance to play the entrepreneurs, and major transnational capital. A press report, educate and guide people to want and love to our country. And above all we talk in simple language. They leave the technicalities of all kinds in the closet. In Peru have to talk in front. Without cortapizas halftone. Why ?....
Because we know this government APRA that it is already out, career, as if those who live in this beautiful land of Peru, we were jerks in the name of the little word prostitute sinverguezon of EMERGENCY, want enyucado two Emergency Decrees the 001-2011 and 002-2011, supposedly to expedite Execution / 33 projects infrastructure, easing environmental requirements, and no doubt it must be said aloud, with the clear purpose of promoting afordable groups, and amen to lined well, they leave. In plain language the government responds TROUBLE blessed and we are not so stupid for not realizing it is the fat commissions they hide behind private business.
Fellow known is that the RTICLE to 118 , inc. 19 of our Constitution authorizes the Executive embodied in the President, to issue extraordinary measures through emergency decrees with the force of law, said that it Emergency Decrees should be on economic and financial matters, when so required by the national interest and under must report to Congress. That is, my friends clearly state that are issued for emergency situations. Then "who are trying to fool with these unconstitutional dercretos emergency?
thing is that with these emergency decrees, once again become effort uncovering the sellout and traitor of this government. Al caballazo irritated with these rules is to sell to foreign capital, mostly Chileans, our ports, airports, roads, and others. And most crucially privatize the North Terminal of the Port of Callao, which for Chilean capital are ready to take over the strategic port of our paĆ­s.Y allow our neighbors to the south, go slowly taking over Peru. If now and bought farmland in Ica.
ask, without so much want our Peru, why these blessed rulers of the star, not preucuparon of these investment projects at the beginning of his administration? Why now gentlemen, if you are only 70 days to go home? Respond . Why? URGENT Now for supposedly intended to cut the powers control over resources, taking the turn with cachita and seafood to the Government Procurement Act, reducing time and limiting the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)?
In this sense the danger that threatens our country, that our ports, airports, and water to pass to domains of the Chilean people is that this trench also joins Protext chain of democratic institutions in the country, port workers, and dignified country, and requires that as soon as a ray of Congress President to convene a special legislative session, and repealing these decrees Emergency, Emergency that has not one iota. And we welcome the convening of the National Day of Struggle given for this rejection Wednesday 9 THE AUCTION AND LOOTING THE COUNTRY. Ahi esters. URGENT PD according to the Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary means: AS URGENT. LACK pressing than is necessary for some business, talk about the laws and decrees, ACTUAL OBLIGATION TO COMPLY . Finally remember don Manuel Gonzalez Prada ... HOURS OF FIGHT ... "Where you put your finger ... SALTA LA PUS.


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