Saturday, February 5, 2011

Does Acute Hiv Rash Itch?


See what has happened to a litigant. We have appropriated unlawfully charged a play statation that fails 400.00 soles. He is technical and the device led him to fix it. Failed in the due date. Le claimed. The one used by them as delivery. And in that roaming the victim and his family are looking for a technician. Was physically assaulted. Owner's family out of the Play Station and beat up the coach. And you know, these are the Commissioner and report it supposedly for aggravated robbery. First he had
denounced by misappropriation. Then the aggravated robbery and thrown in jail. He was later released on parole are in the process for aggravated robbery. The Court of Illicit Appropriation at sentencing to three years of deprivation of probation rules of conduct in accordance with Art. 57 of the Criminal Code. Here comes the problem. What drives me hives. happens that the sentenced hear his sentence and goes. And does not comply with the court submitted to justify their activities and therefore to sign the book of the PLC.
to normal here. What unsettles me is the proceeding of the judiciary. More precisely the Court clerk and Criminal Justice. Mind you, in collusion with the victim without being notified the proper and validly sentenced to be present in court and explain their non-attendance and sign the book, in accordance with inc. 1 of the article above Substantive admonished him. Then without having been notified in accordance with inc. 2 will extend the period of testing. And finally eat without having notified the LEGICIDIO validly in accordance with Articles 160 and 161 of the Civil Procedure Code compliance revoked the sentence. And orders the capture NATIONWIDE.
That, say you'll be fine? For me not masters of the Forum. Why? The secretary and the judge have acted biased and have been interpreted to chicha art. 59 of the Penal Code. The blessed secretary without the victim so requests in writing, it gives a reason to judge that sentenced is not complying with the rules of conduct. Wonder how long the clerks are so, so diligent? And the judge will have fulfilled its role as Director of Process as stated in art. 49 Code of Criminal Procedure?
What the judge is due to ordering and exhausted all possible means are met properly notify the sentencing. And do you go to his office and severely call attention not to go to court to sign the book of process control, and this care should be in ACTA. And not in the record. Happened. To set foot. Who here has made a tremendous descomonunal abuse and arbitrariness. How is it possible that this Judge has given a notification, if not stated in this notice has been received by any person, if not with scribbles on the back says it was left under the door.
ADMONISH With all due respect is to draw attention, and this must be done in the Office of the Judge. And do not say you are cautioned and also send him official notice that either never received the sentencing. Oh my God! is happening in the judiciary lately? If there are some judges inept, muscle-flexing and timid who do not know what they sign. And with misconduct damage, and destroy the humble people, poor but decent does not deserve to go to jail.
And what is more reprehensible is that the Criminal Division when the case went on appeal, yielding to the opinion void Prosecutor confirmed the decision of the Court which overturned the conditionality of Pena. And this despite the fact that he spoke and told the Voice that the Court Reporter of no evidence that the condemned has been notified to be validly submitted to the court to justify their activities, much less that no minutes of the warning.
is a pity that the judiciary now that plagued some judges who follow the arrow on the prosecutor. No review or study the dossier. Sometimes the wizard makes the decision and boom! sign it. What makes me cringe. And the Constitutional Court handle these cases by following a template out jurisprudence, also following the arrow. Clear as the fibula is poor and humble, not sounding surname, I give a damn that they remain in jail just like that, even for minor offenses. For crimes cookies. As in this case for a play station. That they should not be judicialized in criminal proceedings, if not civil proceedings for breach of contract, isn't it?
From here we demand that this trench to prevent further abuses committed in this issue of the rules of conduct, he admonished the defendant in person at the Office of the Judge. And if so despite ell fails then you have to apply the newly inc. 2 of art. 59 of Penal Code. Reason? JUSTICE BECAUSE THE JUDGE IN PERSON DIRECTLY TO WARN YOU IF YOU DO NOT COMPLY WITH THE RULES OF CONDUCT YOU GOING TO EXTEND THE PENALTY, AND STILL YOU BREACH THE COMPLIANCE REVOKED AND YOU go to jail. This is the correct, legal and human to comply with the rules of conduct.


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