Saturday, February 19, 2011

Family Guy Ipod Touch

More webcomics

In this age of rampant crisis (sigh , Germany had already gone, what hosts is with us?) And stay at home because it was tantamount to high I can not but seek other forms of entertainment. For starters, new webcomics. Bargains, fun and to abstract a while:

- Blip :
Featuring a very special character, which veil the heaven and hell, a friend of the queen of vampires, a magician superpower and an incredible cyborg be spinning a story of ... life in general. With the addition of old gods, supernatural beings and many tacos in English, K. looking for happiness and a hole in the world. Tell what the mystery surrounding the poor K. but better let you find out:)

Very highly recommended, although not seem to be nowhere and has 834 strips ... I have read in 4 days. There's that.

- Rabbit Frustrated:
The title could not be luckier, Rodolfo is a newly divorced rabbit has to take charge of your child's deep subnormal Rodolfito supreme pervert and his father all this while working IT and try to find love ... or something similar but with touch.
The webcomic that more laughter me lately has and just broke the barrier of 100. Great to keep in mind.

- Spinerette :
Molari sting you a radioactive spider or who you fall in a swim mutagenic, right? For the poor Heather is enthusiastic but has not had much luck. Mutagenic fell into a bath, yes. And I could throw nets, of course ... but only from the base of the column ... where the back 'almost' lost the name, yes. And you better not say anything about the 4 extra arms that came out. Now it

combine his love of being a superhero as you play deal cn her fellowship research (which they throw breaking almost everything), extra arms to disguise a fat suit and face Marvel comics who do not like anything real superheroes have costumes similar to those of their own. Luckily she has good friends nearby, and without disguise.
A fun approach to the world of superheroes: P

- Buttersafe:
Absurd. Ridiculous. Stupid. And surely you've ever thought one or another of his jokes. Is little danger of thinking and look much internet.

If yours is the absurd humor and you are taking time to look.

- Surviving the World:
Not so much a webcomic as a collection of truths about the world, from a guy (Dante) with gown, cap, slate and kilos of sincerity, bad temper and twisted thinking. And every day, and really cool. Too much text for you? Buuuh. Reflections, Venn diagrams, lists, tips and even questions submitted by readers. You will almost certainly start a laugh. :)

And here everything. Have fun. OST

this Post:
A Perfect Circle - Passive


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