Thursday, February 3, 2011

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agree special code for young offenders

The Code of Children and Adolescents (CNA) will change by political agreement. There will be a section devoted to procedural aspects of the trials of minors. The ministers of the Court analyzed the performance of the judge in the case of El Pelon. "

"El Pelon". Ministers will consider the trial judge performance

The special committee on minority infringement of the Standing Committee today proposed several changes to the General Assembly to the ANC, after having collected suggestions from President of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), Leslie Van Rompaey, and the Minister of the Family Court of Appeals, Ricardo PĂ©rez Manrique.

The idea of \u200b\u200bdelegates of political parties is that due to "public alarm" that caused the case of referred child who murdered three people, adjustments are made to improve the ANC.

A document to be delivered today to the General Assembly, accompanied by a request from a month to a bicameral committee to prepare draft legislation to that effect, proposes to amend the time limit set as a limit for detention of a juvenile offender whose case is under consideration by the judge.

According to the idea of \u200b\u200blegislators, the document says it will incorporate a "safeguard clause" that can be used in a specially established by the judge to take two to four months total time deprivation of freedom while the process.

CNA The current rule states that the detention may not exceed sixty days and that after this period without issuing a sentence in the first instance the child must be released, that's what happened in the case of El Pelon "after the murders he committed.

TIME. Another change will be raised to overcome the "inconsistencies" says the document detected between provisions of the CNA on the established process and schedule. For example, Article 76 paragraphs one of whose mandates the final hearing to make final decision shall be within sixty days, but if the injunction is ordered to temporary internment of that child, the final hearing must be made within thirty days. Lawmakers raise

separation of a code infraction proceedings from the rest of the rules of the ANC.

justify this proposal, we suggest the need for the process is bounded in time, the definition of "reasonable time" beyond which detention becomes illegal, and the need to devise a new scheme procedure the possibility of a trial stage in which the defense can articulate against the prosecution's evidence it deems appropriate. Regarding the INAU

, other proposed changes to meet the deadlines prescribed psychosocial reports, without which the court can not decide.

In the case of "El Pelon" rose to the report later.

STUDY. On his first day of work after the Fair Judicial January, the justices of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) resolved individually, who will analyze the performance of the judge who freed last December 30 to 17 year-old nicknamed " El Pelon, who hours after being released he committed his third murder.

fair judge of the Ciudad de la Costa, Juvenal Javier, ordered the release of teenager under the legal deadline of 60 days that the ANC expected to pass sentence in the case of juvenile offenders in detention. "With the report of the judge (Javier) it was decided that ministers make a simultaneous study of the case and then decide if you agree or not to initiate an administrative investigation" to the magistrate, said Van Rompaey to El Pais.

FOUR MONTHS. The SCJ president explained that the statutory period provided the ANC should be expanded to "exceptional circumstances" of particular gravity and complexity that does not allow the sentence is handed down in only 60 days.

"It is unreasonable within 60 days to issue sentence because it is too soon, because in some cases, if requested evidence it is impossible to meet, "said Van Rompaey.

Asked about the possibility of keeping criminal records of juvenile offenders once they reach adulthood, said "not legally influence" in the criminal judges' decision because for them are primary.

El Pais Digital


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