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Chronicle of a bad friend the president or a president bad friend ... ANAMIB


a bad friend the president or a president bad friend ...

Friday, August 13, 2010 4:13

Uruguayan Justice Special Report investigates implications of MOSSAD in the so-called 'Case Feldman' occurred in November 2009

Julio Cesar Martinez


Agents Israeli intelligence elite corps trained them to former President Vázquez in terrorist methods in the grounds of the Ministry of Interior

Nearly eight months after the events occurred, despite the "cloak of silence and concealment" pursued research on the so-called "Case Feldman" has finally come to light the implications of the issue with the Mossad, and the strange relationship of the Israeli intelligence services to the upper echelons of the Uruguayan government then headed by the Socialist Vázquez.

Uruguayan justice finally has decided to investigate the connections Saul Feldman counter the Israeli intelligence service Mossad. Recent evidence has revived the case that shocked the public in Uruguay, in November 2009, just days before national elections to be place in this country.

These connections were reported at the time, just happened the fact,, and reproduced by Islamtimes and major online advertising space. However, the media Uruguayan hid such evidence reported by tercercamino, and lent the game some former presidents of the most conservative sectors of the Uruguayan law, intended to connect the counter Feldman, with alleged "subversive" left to "pull up water to the mills" on the campaign trail.

was evident at all times that the authorities tried to all means to divert any possible link or comment which refers to the implication of the Mossad in this case, for which, mobilized all their influence at the highest levels of government then headed by Dr. Vázquez-confessed "friend" Zionist state of Israel, as well as an intense work of Uruguayan Jewish lobby in the media and other key sectors of the Uruguayan society.

A review of the events of November 2009

clandestine arsenal discovered in Uruguay and falls killed in the raid a Jewish man dressed in Israeli army uniform.

True caused commotion in the city of Montevideo, capital of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, the discovery of a veritable arsenal of war, in an estate of Pure Aires neighborhood of the town and a spa residence Shangrila, in the Ciudad de la Costa, Canelones department.

A total secrecy despite the police on this matter and the various versions that have been run in the media and judiciary in the corridors on it, was learned that he had the arsenal hidden in two armored housing sectors in its construction, was an accountant named Saul Feldman, who was eventually killed in the shooting by the police, shot after resisting for 14 hours at the residence of Shangrila, causing the death of a police officer and seriously wounded two other troops in the process of raiding the place where he was holed up.

What nobody has said so far is that this Saul Feldman, Uruguayan Jewish businessman notorious outstanding participation in forest negotiated under the previous government's current presidential candidate Luis Alberto Lacalle that was the main promoter in those years, and in the formation of companies of dubious legality in the Uruguayan financial system, is that at the time of his death, being shot by police, was wearing an Israeli army uniform and wearing slippers used by combat troops from the body and its special operations.

This is in addition to other details as soon as she slid into some other information published on Thursday that said quote: "From the outside you could see the existence of gun magazines, remnants of ammunition, and boxes containing weapons, as well as hundreds of newspapers and magazines from more than 20 years old .- Some

were published in 1991, and referred to investigations carried out by members of INTERPOL, the fight against terrorism and drug trafficking .-

In other publications included the faces of the 20 most-wanted terrorist acts it was Iranian and Pakistani citizens. "

Despite the versions that have tried to link to Saul Feldman drug trafficking or the smuggling of weapons, and even some who wanted it closer to Marxist organizations for alleged literature such guidance is found at the scene, none have been consistent enough to determine it is the absolute truth on the subject.

consign The facts come from highly reliable sources, including officials involved in the operation, adding that even in the residence where he conducted the final assault, had installed 10 traps "booby trap" which shielded sector coupled with over 600 weapons of war, about 50 grenades, gunpowder and thousands of ammunition found, makes the place a fortress and underground magazine unexpected purposes.

Counter Saul Feldman, appears to be linked to Israeli intelligence service Mossad, but is ignored the strategic direction of these stocks in a city like Montevideo.

Research has determined that this person with several documents with your photo and dissimilar names, but all Uruguayan legal documents ascertained that contacts could well get used to, has done in the last year repeated trips between Montevideo and Buenos Aires Brazil.

consign All information has been properly checked and collated from various sources, all very close to operating so we do not doubt its veracity, but hard to explain the reasons for all this has been hidden from public .

far what we reported exclusively in in November last year as soon as the events occurred.

An investigation "without"

Later, research began on the so-called "Case Feldman" one hundred explanations were sought, but none of them even hinted at a possible implication of MOSSAD in fact, but intelligence officials involved in the operation of the address counter assault, knew what they had seen, the Zionist army military clothing wearing procede3ncia Saul Feldman and many of weapons deposited there.

The Uruguayan press reported on the issue as follows:

Judge and prosecutor reviewed the case researchers Saul Feldman Research. Analyze psychological report

specialized Judge Jorge Diaz and researchers are meeting today to review the case of the economist Saul Feldman. No progress has been made. It is still an enigma as the figure of the professional himself, as the arsenal of 700 weapons.

The judge specializing in organized crime, Jorge Diaz will receive today the report of Feldman psychological expert. What may make the so-called "psychological autopsy" will perhaps shed some light on the reasons that led the 64-year career to dig on his farm in Shangrila and shot for almost 18 hours with the special police forces and then commit suicide .

Research Sources pointed to the country that has made little progress after eight months. The origin and destination of the weapons-more than 700 that included pistols, rifles, scopes, assault rifles, machine guns, grenades, antitank and antipersonnel mines, is a key the case. It is known that about 100 of these pieces were stolen by various means, however it ignores the source of much of the arsenal.

specialized why the judge had requested the collaboration of the intelligence agencies of the United States, specializing in weapons, the Bureau of Alcohol, Snuff and Firearms (ATF, for its acronym in English), but until Now the agency did not submit its report.

same applies to the Justice Argentina, which means a warrant the judge Diaz inquired about the origin of some of the Argentina-made weapons.

But, in fact, little more is what is known about the secret activities of Feldman.

Remember that all began on the night of October 30 last year, when a fire broke out in the house at Elba 4210, the economist used as a store of weapons and ammunition. After firefighters extinguished the fire from entering the police were alerted to the existence of a significant number of weapons. Given the magnitude of the case was intervention by the National Bureau of Information and Intelligence (DNII) started investigations. When the next day the agent Mario Morena, along with two policemen went to the Shangrilá house economist the case took a dramatic turn. At one point Feldman shot Morena, who was unarmed, and killed him. Shortly after police began a fence followed by an extensive exchange of gunfire that lasted until the early hours the next day. When finally the strength of the GEO group were able to enter the property, Feldman was already wounded, led one of the pistols he had used against himself and his own life.

Link to narco is discarded

In Brazil's news media ran a link between the drug trafficker Jose Paulo Vieira de Mello, captured over the weekend in Uruguay, and Saul Feldman as a supplier of arms. However, when asked both Judge Jorge Diaz, who coincidentally works in both cases-such as the National Anti-Drug Squad dismissed outright the existence of such links.

And eventually the truth seem to have reached

Eight months later, when a deep silence had "closed" the case in public opinion research is a confusing episode occurred in the state agency communications ANTEL Uruguay, have put back on the table called "Case Feldman" with an added trigger: economist was indeed an agent of Mossad and that he kept weapons belonged to the Zionist intelligence services.

This information confirms what we denounce you in eight months before, was published in the Wednesday edition of July 28, 2010 in the newspaper "The Observer" of Montevideo, as follows:

Judge Feldman Díaz research link with the Mossad

in organized crime Judge Jorge Diaz investigates a track that links the counter Saul Feldman with Israeli intelligence Mossad. To investigate this court quoted Judge Elbio Roman, the former police officer who posed as a pro then chief of staff, Jorge Vazquez to get a job at ANTEL, which reported to the secretariat of the former director Gonzalo Perera, told the Observer attorney Gustavo Salle. Al

declare by this case, Roman said he was ordered to infiltrate ANTEL "a group working for the government of the Frente Amplio as concealed." According to the testimony of Roman that group that worked for the presidency, was directed by Jorge Vázquez. He said reports to be prepared to raise in writing "a closed and sealed." I turned the job since 2003 and worked undercover in Argentina and Brazil and in specific cases they told me "he said.

That fact was brought to court by Salle, who proposed the eventual status Feldman saya (a type of MOSSAD agents possessing an arsenal for possible covert actions). "Few logical and reasonable explanation is the fact that an individual should eventually face charges for relatively minor offenses and released finished killing a police officer barricaded himself in a kind of bunker with implements of Israel's army "he asked.

Salle told Diaz in June and provided data on what former police officer said. Now ask Román Díaz. According to the record to which he agreed, "The Observer", Roman said he charged $ 15,000 and that the group consisted of 20 people. "I can not give names. There are other staff members and retirees. Supposedly the government put together because it relied on current intelligence, "he said. Vázquez

called a type, competition and background gave me lessons in El Prado. I do not remember, I think Radio Patrol, (...) Teníamos clases cada 15 días. Era un grupo de personas. Una de las clases la dio este contador que falleció, Feldman. Nos daba clases de antiterrorismo”, dijo.


Hasta aquí un breve resumen de todo lo que se ha informado desde el mes de noviembre de 2009 hasta la fecha sobre el llamado “Caso Feldman”. Se desprende de ello la relación existente entre el ex presidente Tabaré Vázquez- su hermano era el pro secretario de la presidencia Jorge Vázquez , actual subsecretario del Interior en el gobierno de José Mujica- y the leadership of the Mossad in Uruguay, a fact which amply explains why the silence immediately after the events of November 2009 on the possible implications of the Israeli secret services in the case. Perhaps it is an unanswered question, which is itself the most important: for what purpose such MOSSAD Arsenal piled on the residence turned into a real bunker at a resort near the city of Montevideo?

Who are actually the officials referred to by the declarant before Judge Diaz, who made up this group of "elite" Feldman 20 chosen and trained by Mossad in terrorist actions on land belonging to the Police of Montevideo?

* This note from our Director and Editor was originally published in Islam Times

More in this category: "The Zionist colonial enterprise is doomed to failure. comes when the United States "

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