Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Heating Low Loss Headers

Sinde talking about ... Big ass Day'11

Many people have said these things better than I could say about this topic. I just want to leave you with 4 things based on my personal experience:

- I'm watching Babylon 5 in Yonkis Series. I admit it. Do you know why? It is the only place where I can see beyond the first season in Peninsular English. And why say more beyond the first? For the first one I have more than seen, is the only original left on dvd and after several emails to the distributor yet I have no answer to when or whether they will get the rest. I would buy it if it were for sale, but as they do not want my money because I keep it ...

- English cinema I do not like, I've said several times. The fact that a film of war (a conflict over which there are movies English kicked and, damn it, began 75 years ago and ended it 72) that has just stepped theaters (I'm still looking for the number of rooms in which it was released, if any kind reader knows and can quote me the source, below are comments) and not nearly recovered their investment ... made mostly by grants and public funds speaks volumes as is the case in many ideas and dandruff. The actors make the film after they charge, and the impact they have, as I understand it, it will not be for the money they earn but by the quality of that work ... word of mouth from people who say 'you have to see this thing that is so cool. " Focusing
again I must say that seeing the broad theme of English cinema I will not spend 8 euros to see a neighborhood drama, a story full of stereotypes ("The Chronicles of Narniecas, the queer, the whore, the junkie and the closet ") or the like. Damn, I fooled enough 'Alatriste'.

- I download music, I admit. But I admit that I still buy discs (both CD and vinyl) of bands I like. None English, specific. Mostly English, Japanese and Americans. What I do is spend time and effort in looking for the latest album by Alejandro Sanz. I do not like anything. Besides, I think anyone who lives, works and taxed out d Spain should shut up before saying lindeces as has dropped, mainly because as you respond .
could say that I think that trying to pay for a disc of 12 songs about 24 I think an evil thing euros, but as I said before. I also think a lot of nerve to want to put your rights as an author over fundamental rights (read: freedom of expression and the presumption of innocence), but I'm not talking about all for free. At any time.
Although bullshit me when I write here, and if there way I could give wings to my projects and I would come out ahead out of them, at least just enough to cover what it has cost me. But when I write here I do with this idea. I write because I like and it fills me, calms me and helps me focus. When the federal artists became so greedy?
apart from that, you know few artists I have met through internet? Hundreds, many without their own album and sell their works

- I really, REALLY, that Sinde Act will not only be ineffective (you can not stem the tide, you can not stop the signal) but will close the technological advancement of the Llori-racy of the authors while others are ready and accurate use of new technologies to reach more people make more money and pull to up front. Be aware, gentlemen, but will close a page more. Although close the link to pages on foreign servers go another way (such as using social networks, mailing lists and, I say from now on, return to the glorious fserve IRC and automatic).
The feeling I get is that they try to cover all the holes of a strainer to keep from sinking. And you end up with a large intranet will cover the whole country ... with the predictable consequences of stagnation and no piracy ... and just creation.

Why technology platforms do not use or permit to enter the country? Spotify is the best invention since the compression of files for everyone, and I'm nothing to pay for it (all be for not listening to Melendi cocoon while I have a list of Brian Eno and Mike Oldfield). iTunes is being made of gold, but have some another bump, as the network attempts to antisocial, and Netflix in the U.S. has a large volume of sales and shows us that if you put a price competitive people do not bother to pirate. And do not make me talk about, the Kindle and ebooks. Maintain a model

ignoring the incredible technological revolution of humanity and mother's advice * is closed very much, and passed through the liner before those rights ... they mourn my common sense.

the end we will end badly. I, for the time being, be who I am voting NO ... the problem is that I start to run out of options. See

OST for this post:
Andrew WK - Ready to Die
** Kill Hannah - Lips like Morphine

-------------------------- * [mothers and Sesame Street taught us to share what you have is good, the one with the webOS that otherwise will face Triqui. I said]
** [Goear curiously has a license from the SGAE ... not exactly where or how, but it XD]


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