Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wwe Edge's Trench Coat For Sale

megaconstructions of the sixth (I)

chupi Megaconstrucciones is a documentary of those Discovery Channel doing really cool things to show, in particular engineering challenges in the form of gigantic vacant buildings equipment or soaring.
But that dwarf compared to the things that engineers can imagine, and much more compared to the imaginations of science fiction writers, architects and engineers to the top of pills without a prescription.

And we always have great things molado *. While we may not make much sense. And is that however impressive is the Burj Dubai (the building and the largest structure built by man with 832 meters high) I still think ... nothing. Just a big thing because. Will compensate or something.

I've run into some crazy engineering, industrial engineering night terrors and materials, thanks to some books I browsed the small at home and on the other hand, thanks to Internet, who knows everything. If you have vertigo hits the wall:

Tatlin Tower:
Any idea?
Surge in 1920 by the Russian architect Vladimir Tatlin

And does it come from?
In 1920 many things happened in Europe. Mostly we were experiencing a hangover The War That would end all Wars **.

in Russia was on the rise of communism, so this gargantuan building Tatlin designed to serve as the headquarters of the Comintern (Communist International ). In fact the official name of the tower would be "a monument to the Third International."

The tower, made of steel and glass would measure 400 meters high, and turned up at an angle of about 65 °. The lower part of an amphitheater and what would I have told you rotate the entire building?
An entire revolution every year (no joke intended, really). And in the domestic building in the pyramid-dome other mechanism that would spin in full each month. Tatlin
not play to defend, is unclear. Designed a building taller than the Eiffel Tower, the tallest building in the time and would have needed to build all the steel in Siberia, or so the legend goes ... and, no, the legend does not say anything about 1000 or minarets esplandecientes majestic elephants.

Molonez Level:
7 / 20. Because it views that change every year, like it or not spent a lot of electricity and not to squander the patio. Besides, the building would be the lightning rod in the world with so much steel.

Tokyo Sky 1000:
Any idea? Some
handful of geniuses of Takenaka Corporation it brought to light in 1989.

And does it come from?
Japan has a very big problem with space. The problem is that they start to fall short. As happens in almost all inhabited islands, is a very small space to live all over the world, and Tokyo is the city that everyone wants to live.
This makes construction a laugh, because what is paid for a work is that 90% is just to buy the land. Why

which passes the solution? Well, since artificial islands keep getting veneers and of reclaim land from the sea in volcanic islands and ocean are dirct largest planet requires much more thinking, for now only remains profitable in the field. So are put forward to 'condense' many buildings into one. I present this is just the first. A tower of 1 km. with a plant height of 400 meters wide in a hexagonal shape. In its 14 levels with concave FORMIT be condensed an area of \u200b\u200babout 8 km. square. That's nothing.
Green areas in central and office and apartment buildings on either side. For a change, the technology to build such big buildings is not yet at our disposal this building would not only have to deal with the structural integrity of something so large, the exposure to the elements and lack of oxygen in the upper floors (well, how milk gets sunlight in the interior of the intermediate floors for green spaces?).

And I have not said anything about Godzilla, King Chidorah or Biorante ... What is Japan, milk!

Molonez Level:
10/20, Because yes.

Bionic Tower
Any idea?
Launched in 2001 by English architects Eloy Celaya, M ª Rosa Cervera and Javier Gómez
"And this is coming?
This comes as before, but with a twist. This vagabond would have 1.2 km. high and low and would not be a skyscraper, but it would be a 'vertical city' . Started developing the idea in 97, following a convention in London. From then until 2001 developed the idea of \u200b\u200ba multipurpose building design based supertall biological structures. And it looks good.

The building's design is based on a floating island whose 'foundation' grow as you grow the building providing more stability as required. The city has vertical an oval shape, the columns that support it have a fractal structure (consist of other columns that carry electricity, water and form the 'skeleton') so that the building is 'flexible' in the sense that the wind passes through without eroding much of it abroad and how it can harness that wind power.

addition, as in the earlier buildings, seems to have a lot of green on the inside with the intention of, together with the outer end of glass and steel, helping to create a microclimate that reduces costs and such and that. Every 80 meters there is a 'neighborhood' prepared for this purpose, taking into account that we talked about 300 plants, it gives me is enough.

for now are often interested in Shanghai and Hong Kong in this project, to see what comes out ...

Molonez Level:
17/20; only because city water lily may molar and implement new models of planning a city that is environmentally non-aggressive to the environment and energy efficient ... and because of mega building gargantuan never see the giant DVDs Poseidon City

Shimizu TRY 2004 Mega-City Pyramid
Any idea?
Another incredible large-scale projects of the Japanese construction company Shimizu. Stay with the name, which tell more stuff from them soon.

And does it come from?
As we said at the beginning, people would cool the biggest yet. And the Japs can not think of anything else to take the project disproportionate X-SEED 4000 *** and get away a little. It's another megacity, but this time cloistered in a pyramid. Following the Arcology paradigm (architectural principles for designing megastructures forming a completely self-contained city in itself) we have a cover of carbon nanotubes that form a network in a grid outer triangular faces forming a pyramid.

This grid form a superstructure in which 'contain' transport nodes for buildings that are within that structure and a legion of (ouyea) robot builders. This building, it seems, need maintenance and some repairs very difficult. The reason is that by now the stuff of which would have to be made there. Structures would be shaped carbon nanotubes (which almost seems to be the panacea of \u200b\u200bmaterials science) and who better to keep a small robot that will forge building from within?

the end would have a pyramid of 2004 meters high, which is not bad. If you want to know miraoslo more things here .

Molonez Level:
17/20. It's crazy but it could work. Besides, it sure is a building that would be cool to Escher.

Transatlantic Tunnel:
Any idea? Possibly Michel Verne, son of the famous writer Jules Verne, as proposed in his story "An express to the Future '

And does it come from?
buildings not only human lives, there are things beyond the Big Ones live in a tower where you have to be paid for water, light and air. This is one of them.
Earlier this century
not think of anything else to people who imagine things . The world is moving at the pace of progress ... it was a very big thing that everything was in time and money (read, although not as efficiently) and you could not stop. So the idea of \u200b\u200ba bridge that linked London and New York. We talked about a Dubra bridge the enormous distance of 5.572km. leaving the-city-that-never-sleeps, and came to London, connecting to the British Isles for Swansea.

How we do this? Well, the classical idea was that of a bridge whose girders reached the bottom ... but this was a bit impractical, especially because we get to see where beams so large (the average depth of the Atlantic is 3900 meters, with a peak on the way up to 4500 meters).
What if we use oil rigs? The idea is not so bad, you just have to keep in mind that even if you use this type of structure there are problems with the tides, weather and collisions. Possibly need much maintenance.
But since the auction, what if we use that these structures have a vacuum pressurized tunnel under water? And we have
madness. The proposed idea is to mount a tunnel by prefabricated sections (about 54,000) about 50 meters below sea level, where there is no perceptible movement of water, traffic maritime and tides are barely noticeable, secured by guy wires semi submerged platforms serve as energy supply is reduced if they are equipped with solar panels and emergency areas in case of accident.

To train the clear choice is a maglev or magnetic levitation train, capable of speeds of up to 8000 km / h, but the acceleration would be a problem for passengers. The idea is a fast and comfortable journey, not just a quick trip. Perhaps if it focused only passengers traveling on the train would be too slow to compete with airplanes, but if this infrastructure is to be stable and safe, it could easily be used for freight transport ... and ultimately reduce costs

Although the problem of security is very peculiar (although the impact with the water would be tremendous, "a streamlined train might slow down without being a serious danger?) this project if it is within the limits of our knowledge engineering ... So if, to see who is the handsome you leave the money with cheaper alternatives.

Molonez Level:
15/20, not only because people begin to leave some lao planes, but because it comes in an episode of Sea Quest. Nostalgia attack! Very effective!

And now, as soon I have more great things for one or two more posts.
I return to the blog, people. Let's see how I go.

you soon. OST

this Post:
REM - Bad Day
La Casa Azul - I'd rather not
Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster Stronger

------------------ * [and grooved]
** [although there would be another later, but hey, what counts is the intention, right?]
* ** [sounds like a fucking robot ...]****
anything here ****[ a Buster Machine 3 ]


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