Monday, January 31, 2011

Deletions In First Chromosome


The brush is fine. The female seems relaxed. The clitoris, clearly visible. Mayte Parada, researcher at the Laboratory of Neurobiology at Concordia University (Canada), lift the tail of the rat to be appreciated the focus of their research. The epicenter of female pleasure in this and other closely related species, says there, the clitoris.

This wayward capsule brings together more than eight thousand nerve endings, and it could find the hidden secret female sexuality. Many and many would agree with that statement. Moreover if we add that 90% of women need clitoral stimulation to produce the blackout. But it could be so easy to solve a puzzle that each year produces more scientific papers than string theory.

Mayte Parada is one of the hundreds of distinguished researchers trying to disentangling the skein of pink sex. What women want in sex? Your rats are fortunate in the world of laboratories. Stop injected with hormones that predispose females to copulation, causing ovulation. Then they stimulate the clitoris with a brush impregnated a stuffy odor. "The clitoris is an organ that sends signals to specific brain areas that regulate female sexual behavior. We found that stimulation associated only with pleasure if done with alternative friction (distributed in time), not constant. The area preoccipital (MPIO) responds much more activity to stimulation of breath, and not to the constant stimulation. " Go with the rats. If given a choice, stay with the male impregnated with the same aroma.

"This tells us that clitoral stimulation helps to associate that positive experience with a specific male. The clitoris of the rat functions as a leisure and learning. "If the rat passes it well, and not with any brush, remember the male that had the right scent. "These studies," says Mayte, "is a first step toward understanding the function of the clitoris in female sexual behavior."

I ask for a combined red button, the clitoris, as all protocols is a good starting point for ending the Cold War in the bedrooms. But not alone. And here the complications begin. Other genital areas deserve such treatment. By region supplying the signal to the brain, the sensation of orgasm is different, and hence it is common to speak of clitoral orgasms, vaginal and "combined." To hit the target, to do a master with practice, ie, "to masturbate a lot," recommended by sexologists.

The path along which nerve impulses travel from the genitals to the brain is the spinal cord. Barry Komisaruk, a specialist in psychobiology, writes in his book The Science of Orgasm, published by Johns Hopkins University (USA), the case of a woman with a spinal injury that "crackling" when stimulated with a vibrator at the height of the neck.

Komisaruk and his colleagues did extensive research field with volunteers. "I think one of our big surprises," he explains, "was when we found women who had orgasms without any physical stimulation. Reached the climax (the big O) only to the imagination. " Recreated some erotic scenes, others landscapes ... and one of them imagined energy waves that ran over her body sinuously, entangled in the corner that was the angle of your legs. Komisaruk says that if these women can achieve orgasm only by the imagination, is due to kick off a good race is the clitoris, but behind the eyes.

The "neighborhood red "the brain is perfectly located. Some people with Parkinson's, electrical implants located in that area to control the tremors characteristic of the disease, experience orgasms or very similar feelings spontaneously.

To lubricate the brain are needed all those intangibles that women accessories boldly asked: "Imagination, fantasy, feel wanted ..." King Kong, a gorilla, had them all. In the uncensored version of the film, the beast, huge and hairy, subject to the lovely Ann. King Kong, with this great hand made to crush rocks, you take your clothes off very slowly, while light music footage imagination, and look with a distinctive gesture: the love! The Invincible Kong makes the silky dress torn, it leads to the mouth and smells like a fetish. The sexy blonde moves like an eel in the hands of his captor. Censored the scene for its erotic charge. They took the music, left Ann with the dress intact and added a few screams of terror that annihilated any bastion of sexual tension. Never mind that King Kong is a hairy gorilla. Demonstrate what they have in Toronto is that women, rather than the character of the action, what excites him is the context.

Meredith Chivers, University of Toronto (Canada), investigated the differences between men and women to sexual stimuli. The volunteers were several models of images: couples making love naked men playing sports, nude women, and copulating bonobos and chimpanzees in the sun between branches and leaves. There

excitement ... and excitement

Volunteers of Dr. Chievers had to press a bar computer to indicate what they thought was exciting. On the other hand, a vaginal plethysmograph measured the increase in blood pressure in the uterine wall and the flow. According to Meredith, women are physically excited, ie the plethysmograph "beeped" with images of men and women both hetero and homo, making love. Also porn videos copulating bonobos. Nothing to do with what was going through their heads. Women only recognized sexual arousal to images of couples. For men, however, mental and genital arousal are the same thing. Women have physical symptoms of "desire" without thereby having to be unfailingly erotic desire.

If there is a "mission" so far impossible to sexologists, is to find the perfect aphrodisiac the lust active. The oyster final. Studies on coffee, wine, chocolate ... However, one of them just show that administration of a placebo improved the lack of excitement for some women. Believe they were taking a pill for libido served to who benefited. The study was published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, and was part of a study that evaluated the effects of the medication tadalafil (Cialis) for the problems of lack of desire in women. This product belongs to the family of Viagra and Levitra for erection in men. There were indications that favor vasodilation of the vagina and lubrication. Not resist the comparison with a placebo, or a piece of "nothing."

"I believe that women do not know what they want in sex ..." says John, a happily married friend. "Ah! But they want sex? "That the Manolo asks, also married and satisfied. Sigmund Freud said it another way: "The big question that has never been answered and I could not reply, despite 30 years of research on the female mind, is what women want?"

Dr. Pedro
Street, a gynecologist and sexologist Galena Health Center in Madrid, has an answer. Ensures that we live glory days for a researcher of human sexuality: "It is a time of profound change, and one of the most interesting is the understanding of desire in women." The desire for sex remains a complaint, but now deals in another way: "Some authors have proposed a different model to interpret, which is spoken, rather than desire, interest in sexual intercourse at the time when it starts, and not before. The desire before the relationship is considered more appropriate for the male model. "

Ana Belen Carmona, a psychologist and sex therapist LasexologĂ­ Association, puts it another way: "When a couple is a consultation and tells us that 'she has no desire to' ask, 'I want, what? ' If we talk about desire for sex, it is likely that men have more explicit and clear. But the big problem is that what women want to date is not considered sexual, call it love, affection ... Sex seems the second division. If we speak of stroking, touching ... I would say the desire is greater in women. This desire of women is as important as man. For the 'preamble' we should remove the prefix 'pre' and understand that it is sex, and the good. The man is still struggling to get there ... "

Let's see what they say:" I like toys, lots of masturbation, alcohol, the two types of orgasm ... I like to snack time and then eating. I do not wake up in the morning to make love ... makes me a bad milk! "Just responds Adela, 35. Lucia, 33: "I can not imagine sex without preliminary ... and long. If I'm in bed with someone who skips the 'warming', do not get into the game. " Paloma, 24: "I like to feel that I have elected me, then I am someone special, even if it's a powder in the bathroom of the club and they know that we will not see us."

Both Dr. Street and Dr. Carmona spoke of a time of sexual emancipation of women. Confirm the success of pornography for women The healthy women selling erotic novel, the 335 advisers Red Suitcase closed meetings organized with the mothers of the cabbage AMPA co-workers or offering products that look like jewels to put in your bag. Enrichment Course erotic, online, taught by Ana Carmona LasexologĂ­ who runs for 200 euros, goes smoothly. Erika Lust

The eroticism of women improves, experts say. "We have a decade managing the numbers of a population that did work in the U.S. and that would result in 43% of women could have sexual problems. Now, within the Research Group of the University Sexual Response Almeria have obtained very different book. We found that the percentage of women with sexual problems is likely between 9 and 11 percent ... These are data that are consistent with other international studies. And they seem much more realistic than ten years ago. " infografia of

it better, then our understanding in the bedroom?

Professor Street hawked before answering: "Well, there is no scientific data, because the criteria have changed from 2000 to 2010. My expert opinion is that is that women are evolving, but not men, or at least the process erotic evolution is more shy. " The woman has stopped loving Prince Charming in bed the rescue of the dragon, to keep the fire-breathing dragon. And besides, you just imagine.

Source: Lorena Sanchez to


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