Monday, January 31, 2011

Getting Aroused During Waxing

A vaccine could "immunize" against the effects of cocaine

Asturias was selected along with Barcelona and Madrid to participate in a global test has

thousand people participate in a trial Asturias world the cocaine vaccine. Monaco has been selected along with Madrid and Barcelona to be part of an international, multicenter study aims to find an injection to enable disengaging of cocaine addicts with less distress and disruption that with current treatments. In Asturias will be the center The health Corredoria in Oviedo, who will recruit participants. In total there will be 30 people with high levels of cocaine and whose ages can range from 18 to 55 years. The investigation will be conducted in the Principality by Professor of Psychiatry, Julio Bobes, who also chairs the English Society of Biological Psychiatry and Sociodrogalcohol entity.

The global test is targeted to a thousand patients from Spain, Germany, France, UK, Netherlands and the United States and other countries. Before reaching this step (phase three of the study), the vaccine has already been tested in animals and in a smaller group of volunteers. The hypothesis of the hub of all specialists is that the vaccine is capable of blocking the arrival of cocaine to the brain. This will make the patient feel no pleasure every time you eat, but to suffer the negative physical effects of cocaine and left in the body (heart palpitations, feelings of restlessness and palpitations).

The injection consists of processed cocaine. The substance causes the body to produce antibodies that prevent the arrival of the substance to the brain. Without the 'reward' or encouragement to each 'line' left in the body, decreases drug dependence and therefore is easier to disengage.

Preclinical studies conducted to date with this experimental vaccine show that it does not produce the traditional 'mono' do cause the rest of treatments for addiction. "For a cocaine addict in treatment would be much easier to leave," says Bobe.

trials will start next September. For results will have to wait until March 2012. Half of the participants Asturian (15) will receive the vaccine against cocaine. Another 15 will be injected with a placebo, a substance with no therapeutic effects. The therapy is conducted over six months. The first three doses of la vacuna se darán con una frecuencia de 15 días. Las dos restantes se inyectarán una cada mes. Al final del semestre se compararán los resultados de deshabituación obtenidos en cada grupo. Durante los seis meses los participantes serán sometidos a analíticas y pruebas constantes para determinar si consumen y cuántos consumen.

Datos favorables
El catedrático de Psiquiatría se muestra optimista, aunque cauto. Pese a que los datos barajados hasta el momento «son favorables», Bobes no quiere adelantar acontecimientos. «Hay que esperar a ver qué resultados se obtienen», precisó. Si el ensayo confirmara que la vacuna es efectiva, arrancaría la fase de elaboración, approval and marketing. Julio Bobes

stressed the importance of Asturias supposed to be part of a health project of this scope. "It is a testament to the mental health network Health Service of the Principality and also an encouragement for their professional," he said. So far, treatments for cocaine addiction are based on cognitive and behavioral therapies, combined with pharmacological support. "It would be the first biological vaccine."

health center also Oviedo, Spain will also participate Ramón y Cajal hospital in Madrid, and San Pau and the Sea of \u200b\u200bBarcelona.



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