Monday, January 31, 2011

Disk Utility To Mount The Sims

About HPV - Human Papilloma Virus - Sigmund Freud

HPV, or Human Papilloma Virus, infects the lower genital tract: vulva, vagina, cervix and perianal region. Although more common in women, men can get it and with the same injury, expressed as flat warts or spots on the penis or perianal region. While the rate of infection in humans is less, often acts as a reservoir and transmitter. The vaccine opens a very important in preventing cervical cancer and perhaps, in future, allow the eradication of this evil.

is a sexually transmitted disease more common today and it is believed that between 70 and 80% of the sexually active population will be infected before age 50. On the other hand, presents more than 100 types and among them are the high risk that can lead to cancer, some of them are at 16 and 18 as the most popular.

While most HPV types do not have serious consequences, 99.7% of cases of cervical cancer have been by the disease, which does not mean that all women have the virus will develop cervical cancer.

Sexually active people should be careful regardless of gender and caution is recommended during pregnancy to avoid vaginal delivery if they detect the presence of lesions that may endanger the baby.

virus subtypes
There are about 100 subtypes of HPV which are differentiated by their oncogenic capacity or not. Within the oncogenic HPV and greater risk, the most common are 16,18,31,33,35,39. Among non-oncogenic (HPV low risk) highlights the 6.11, 40,42,43,44. Diagnosis

According to Dr. Marianela Atencio, Department of Obstetrics and Cervical Pathology Halitus Medical Institute, "estimated that between 60 and 80% of the population may be infected with the virus without knowing it because it causes or gives minimal symptoms. " The only way women can tell is if they make a gynecology and perform a Pap smear and colposcopy. Once the infection is possible that the first show signs of doubt, but may indicate the presence of abnormal cervical cells, ie they have a different appearance, indicator the presence of HPV. Moreover, in the second supplement to the PAP, since it allows to observe the cervix and facilitates the identification of lesions caused by the virus. "If the results indicate, then a biopsy can be directed to obtain a tissue sample for analysis to confirm the diagnosis or not," said Atencio.

While genital warts is one of the most common signs of the virus, visible on the outer lips or thighs, or invisible in the vagina or cervix, in some cases, a person with strong immune defenses can fight the virus and never se enterará de que lo padeció. Es por eso que en algunos casos, la infección se mantiene latente y esa persona transmite el virus a otro por desconocimiento.

“Si una mujer recibe un diagnóstico de HPV es importante que el hombre realice la consulta correspondiente para, en caso de haber sido contagiado, que el tratamiento sea para ambos. Si el hombre presenta verrugas es recomendable la consulta con un urólogo para descartar la presencia de HPV. A los hombres no se los suele estudiar por HPV salvo que la mujer presente el virus o que el hombre manifieste verrugas”, define la especialista.

La hibridación molecular es un procedimiento mediante el cual, con una muestra citológica obtenida similarly to Pap, you can know whether there is an HPV infection at high or low risk. Does not indicate which subtype is, only if oncogenic or not. This technique is particularly accurate indications of lesions that persist over time.

Importantly, the HPV is not curable, what are the injury will heal it causes, means that the infection remains latent in the body and can cause further injury. For all that is important to be alert and make an inquiry when one partner has HPV, if there is itching or discomfort in the vaginal area for a reasonable time, if you find lumps or swelling in the genital area or around or even skin this area changes its color or appearance.

Dr. Sergio Pasqualini, Director of Halitus Medical Institute, added: "While HPV infection is considered sexual transmission has been shown that there are other routes of infection, for example, in immunocompromised patients by self-inoculation or fomites , etc. Condom use is in the first instance, a way to minimize risk, albeit as the base area of \u200b\u200bthe testes and penis are not covered, does not eliminate the chance of infection by 100%. "

Moreover, as the specialist said, "should avoid sharing baths, towels and sheets with whom they have HPV. And given that early diagnosis is the best tool, it is imperative that women get a Pap smear and colposcopy-injury to detect HPV-once a year. "



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