Monday, January 31, 2011

How Do You Keep Red Lipstick From Bleeding

At age 10 I pounded potatoes, 12 prostituted me

Interview with Isabel Aubry, founder of the International Association of Victims of Incest (AIVI)

I have 45 years. I was born in Britain and live in Paris. Married to a man I love. I have a 21 year old son. I have a total disability, I am bipolar because of incest. Spain've posted in my testimony, "The first time I was 6 '(Roca Editorial). I'm agnostic

Do you understand why what happened?

The day I assumed it would never respond to the abandonment of my mother and my father's sexual abuse that began when I was 6, I could rebuild my life.

What do you remember from your childhood?

The feeling of loneliness and insecurity. I've seen my parents chasing with a kitchen knife in his hands and blood on the walls. I was terrified.


then behaved as if nothing had happened; so it is difficult to grow, is like a tree without a guardian. Incest has been in my life and have terrible consequences, the main isolation, which lasted until 35, when I met with other victims and found that there was crazy. How

abuses a child lives?

With terror and bewilderment. When they broke up I was with my mother and my sister, which was in charge (to cook, dress, take her to school, pick ...). I was 10 and her 4. My mother left me 50 francs on the kitchen table and a note: "I will return in a couple of days."

eventually return to his father.

Yes lived with a woman and her two children had a home and I had buried it happened. But it was violent and my stepmother was soon to leave. I was a maid and a sex object. At 10 years told me: "Now is the time of desvirgarte" did not know what it meant. I slept with him, taught me to add variety to their pleasures. I wanted to die.

did not speak with anyone the issue.

No, school was a normal girl, girl alive. Soon my father began to prostitute: swinging, orgies, and sold me to say that ten men were abusing me in one night is not exaggerating. And I manipulated to never again talk to my mother drew a horrible picture of her, and for me it was easy to believe, as my mother loved me.

lived with his father's mistresses.

I liked it when a woman was installed in the house because we shared the tasks and could return to my room as a child. But my father had just including me in your sex life, we were triplets. They always were weak and manipulable. But when violence appeared, they left.

When did you start to wonder?

At 13 he saw on TV a couple kissing, my father kissed me as they did and I realized the difference: they were adults, I was little and did it with my father. Despite the fear of their beatings, hui.

Who saved them?

My neighbor, which sometimes took refuge. One day I asked if you could get pregnant if you were not the rule. So he knew what was happening and told my mother, who was obliged to denounce it.

And your mother did not split his soul?

never wanted to talk about, I had it on my shoulders alone. I always explained that she wanted me, which made it possible to abort.

is difficult to understand that their father prostituted pleasure.

pedophile images are taken by the family. First eat their own children, then exchange them for pleasure (in the case of my father, to gain access to other women), and then sell them.

Does it occur in all social classes?

The sale will not, but the use of children themselves. In my case the orgies were rich people and no one wanted to know how old I was. My father bought me sexy underwear, she asked one of her friends to teach me to makeup. He was 12 years and that hell lasted until 14.

Does justice helped him overcome it?

The statement of the case was worse than incest because, even with physical evidence - my father wrote in a diary all kept appointments and dirty pictures, and confession, they questioned my word, I felt helpless, and tried to commit suicide.

you have much value.

wanted to die, and what I find distressing is that we have not evolved. It continues to implement a justice of adults to children: they are forced, with 5 years, to testify in court, is inhumane. 15 years I was unable to open his mouth, shaking, had my father before me ...

And then?

erases everything and I saw ami father when he was released from prison, four years later. It is very difficult to live without the memory of good parents, but had not changed: he was the victim and I to blame.

What a pain.

One day there was hatred and began the mourning of my father. And I had to do the same with my mother. In fact, this is the road to recovery. As in most families (nine out of ten cases), all denied the incest.

What saved him?

My son, be responsible for a life. At age 20 lived alone, worked continuously. Often lost consciousness and self-mutilate me. Evening class whore exercised, until I found a good psychiatrist. Fifteen years later I met my husband, a good man. But undoubtedly Today, what saves me is to save other children.

What has understood the human being?

is not evolved. Privileged role over instinct and pleasure. Renacer

"I was looking for help, I put the word incest in internet and found only pornographic sites. I decided to create a page and began to write victims. I could go to group therapy, necessary because you understand that what happened is not your fault, and created the association (www. Aivi. is) to fight for such basic things as to include incest in the Criminal Code, to inform victims and professionals (doctors and lawyers) because the lack is total for Education: we counted two million French victims of incest, but there's more. 90% of victims do not report, and those that do, 80% of cases are filed. We also publish books. "

Source: Ima Sanchis to


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