Friday, January 14, 2011

Whippets How Bad Are They For You

Nobel leaders also criticized those who voted "very bad" Marcola


Nobel leaders also criticized those who voted "very bad"

Mario Vargas Llosa. In his speech he defended the culture and sharply criticized Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales said that Argentina is "a country indecipherable" warned about drug trafficking and corruption

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PUNTA DEL ESTE of the issues addressed by the Peruvian writer in his speech for the financial group Julius Baer, \u200b\u200bwho was credited-with humor-"influence" before the Swedish Academy to give him the Nobel Prize for Literature.

"A wayward citizenry is a citizenry that is very difficult to be deceived and duped by any of the manifestations of power. From the point of view of democracy, we spread the culture, a critical spirit. A society develops extraordinarily when citizens are educated, "he said, before an audience of entrepreneurs and executives, and almost any figure of the Uruguayan government. The centerpiece of his speech was Latin America: "Making the addition and subtraction, the Latin American situation today seems positive and much better than the old," he said.

criticized, yes, hard at some leaders, like Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales, who he said are leading democracies "on and caricatures." But blaming the voters: "What happened (to the Venezuelan people) to vote for a commander who had rebelled against a constitutional government and against the rule of law?" He asked.

"In our countries, unfortunately, there is a deep authoritarian culture that comes from far away and that is something we to recognize and overcome it if we beat him, "he said. In Venezuela called it" a catastrophic situation "and said Bolivia's Evo Morales is systematically destroying" the country.

These would be the "subtraction", including Moreover, the situation in Nicaragua that "can hardly be called democracy"

Among the "sums", said "there is a very interesting and novel phenomenon from the past, we have a left and right, who believe in the democracy, at least act as if they believe in it. (...) This is an extraordinary transformation. There are wide areas of the left today are a guarantee of democracy and also a democratic right, which no longer believes that the military must solve the political problems of the country, but defending the rule of law, defend the democratic institutions, and are leading their countries growth rates very remarkable.

Among the key issues to improve the situation in the countries of the region stressed that it is imperative to point to corruption - "Nothing demoralizes both society" - the need to change the pattern of repression by an expensive preventive to stop the economic boom of the drug, and the imperative of "spreading the property if we democracies have really strong. "

After the conference, reiterated Argentina's something about that on other occasions, that it was" a country indecipherable "did not understand how a people that had men and Domingo Faustino Sarmiento and Juan Bautista Alberdi-the latter for him "one of the most important thinkers of Latin America - could elect a government as he has." It's gibberish: do not quite understand how they vote this way and when my friends try to explain Argentine, confuse me more. "Cristina Fernández's government" still can not strengthen its institutions as other countries have done Latin America, Brazil, Uruguay and Chile ", told El Pais.

also said that Brazil was wrong to try a parallel negotiation with Iran over its nuclear program developed by the Islamic regime and that those mistakes are. The Islamic fundamentalism is, for Vargas Llosa, the main enemy of democracy in the world.


"I have a very positive concept of democracy in Uruguay. I think it is a reality and I checked. That speaks well of Uruguayan society and certainly hope that this democracy will become stronger every day, "said Mario Vargas Llosa in El Pais after being decorated by the Circle Uruguay Press of the prize "Jose Enrique Rodo" 2011.

homage. "I am very grateful for this generous recognition that make me Uruguayan journalists. I receive with the modesty of the case and as a term of rigorous honesty, of those virtues that are fundamental to a free press to do its work. I very touched to be a prize that has to do with the craft of journalism, I have practiced since I was very young, almost a child. He was 16 when I climbed the steps and the very old newspaper La Crónica de Lima to make my first weapons journalist, and since then I have never ceased this wonderful profession, to which I must have been delicious experiences to better understand my country, to better understand human life and that many of them have been raw material for my work as a writer of fiction, "he said in accepting the award Rodo.

Vargas Llosa was also honored by the city of Punta del Este and received from Mayor Martin Laventure the distinction of distinguished visitors.

"This award makes me a symbolic citizen of this beautiful city, a Uruguayan town, of course, but also American and cosmopolitan. Few cities in the world can boast of having a diverse population, to gather men and women from geographies and cultures so different ", and added with a smile, before 60 people:" No wonder the place could not be more beautiful. "

Although since winning the Nobel Prize for his book is loaded with awards, honors and tributes, Mario Vargas Llosa told El Pais always make time to write. "My hours of work are defending tooth and nail. Is it organizes my life, which gives me a sense, so my work is still always come first, "he said.

" The overwhelming impression "of the 1966 Uruguay

RM Uruguay: theaters, the experience of seeing for the first time the shed, the impression I got reading the Uruguayan press, well written and diagrammed, and the importance they had in the pages of newspapers and weekly cultural activities " he said. He said "Monegal Emir Rodríguez, Angel Rama, Benedetti, Vilariño Idea, which I discovered as a great poet and I met very briefly. They were years in which Uruguay was a example, and was the exception to the rule: an enclave of democracy, freedom, cultural life, for all of Latin America. "

" I could not talk "

Acting Minister of Education and Culture, Mary Simon, retired annoying act in which Vargas Llosa was honored. "Do not let me talk," said Simon as he left the room Caribbean Conrad minutes before the end of the event. Simon was the only member of the Executive Branch who attended to join the Circle recognition for the press and the local municipality.


conference "Democracy allows people to choose, but that does not mean that people sometimes choose not bad, and sometimes very bad."

"We have some left accepting the market that accept fiscal discipline, encouraging investment, instead of populist recipe practice in development, open their borders, they want to export. "

" The big problem we Latin Americans to effectively combat corruption is the indifference to the law. "

" If we do not stop to drug trafficking is likely to end democracy and begin to emerge narco-states ".

" The great paradox is In many countries public education is in the hands of left-wing unions conspire against all measures intended precisely to enhance performance education ".

Read the full conference here

El Pais Digital


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