Monday, January 31, 2011

How Do You Keep Red Lipstick From Bleeding

At age 10 I pounded potatoes, 12 prostituted me

Interview with Isabel Aubry, founder of the International Association of Victims of Incest (AIVI)

I have 45 years. I was born in Britain and live in Paris. Married to a man I love. I have a 21 year old son. I have a total disability, I am bipolar because of incest. Spain've posted in my testimony, "The first time I was 6 '(Roca Editorial). I'm agnostic

Do you understand why what happened?

The day I assumed it would never respond to the abandonment of my mother and my father's sexual abuse that began when I was 6, I could rebuild my life.

What do you remember from your childhood?

The feeling of loneliness and insecurity. I've seen my parents chasing with a kitchen knife in his hands and blood on the walls. I was terrified.


then behaved as if nothing had happened; so it is difficult to grow, is like a tree without a guardian. Incest has been in my life and have terrible consequences, the main isolation, which lasted until 35, when I met with other victims and found that there was crazy. How

abuses a child lives?

With terror and bewilderment. When they broke up I was with my mother and my sister, which was in charge (to cook, dress, take her to school, pick ...). I was 10 and her 4. My mother left me 50 francs on the kitchen table and a note: "I will return in a couple of days."

eventually return to his father.

Yes lived with a woman and her two children had a home and I had buried it happened. But it was violent and my stepmother was soon to leave. I was a maid and a sex object. At 10 years told me: "Now is the time of desvirgarte" did not know what it meant. I slept with him, taught me to add variety to their pleasures. I wanted to die.

did not speak with anyone the issue.

No, school was a normal girl, girl alive. Soon my father began to prostitute: swinging, orgies, and sold me to say that ten men were abusing me in one night is not exaggerating. And I manipulated to never again talk to my mother drew a horrible picture of her, and for me it was easy to believe, as my mother loved me.

lived with his father's mistresses.

I liked it when a woman was installed in the house because we shared the tasks and could return to my room as a child. But my father had just including me in your sex life, we were triplets. They always were weak and manipulable. But when violence appeared, they left.

When did you start to wonder?

At 13 he saw on TV a couple kissing, my father kissed me as they did and I realized the difference: they were adults, I was little and did it with my father. Despite the fear of their beatings, hui.

Who saved them?

My neighbor, which sometimes took refuge. One day I asked if you could get pregnant if you were not the rule. So he knew what was happening and told my mother, who was obliged to denounce it.

And your mother did not split his soul?

never wanted to talk about, I had it on my shoulders alone. I always explained that she wanted me, which made it possible to abort.

is difficult to understand that their father prostituted pleasure.

pedophile images are taken by the family. First eat their own children, then exchange them for pleasure (in the case of my father, to gain access to other women), and then sell them.

Does it occur in all social classes?

The sale will not, but the use of children themselves. In my case the orgies were rich people and no one wanted to know how old I was. My father bought me sexy underwear, she asked one of her friends to teach me to makeup. He was 12 years and that hell lasted until 14.

Does justice helped him overcome it?

The statement of the case was worse than incest because, even with physical evidence - my father wrote in a diary all kept appointments and dirty pictures, and confession, they questioned my word, I felt helpless, and tried to commit suicide.

you have much value.

wanted to die, and what I find distressing is that we have not evolved. It continues to implement a justice of adults to children: they are forced, with 5 years, to testify in court, is inhumane. 15 years I was unable to open his mouth, shaking, had my father before me ...

And then?

erases everything and I saw ami father when he was released from prison, four years later. It is very difficult to live without the memory of good parents, but had not changed: he was the victim and I to blame.

What a pain.

One day there was hatred and began the mourning of my father. And I had to do the same with my mother. In fact, this is the road to recovery. As in most families (nine out of ten cases), all denied the incest.

What saved him?

My son, be responsible for a life. At age 20 lived alone, worked continuously. Often lost consciousness and self-mutilate me. Evening class whore exercised, until I found a good psychiatrist. Fifteen years later I met my husband, a good man. But undoubtedly Today, what saves me is to save other children.

What has understood the human being?

is not evolved. Privileged role over instinct and pleasure. Renacer

"I was looking for help, I put the word incest in internet and found only pornographic sites. I decided to create a page and began to write victims. I could go to group therapy, necessary because you understand that what happened is not your fault, and created the association (www. Aivi. is) to fight for such basic things as to include incest in the Criminal Code, to inform victims and professionals (doctors and lawyers) because the lack is total for Education: we counted two million French victims of incest, but there's more. 90% of victims do not report, and those that do, 80% of cases are filed. We also publish books. "

Source: Ima Sanchis to

Disk Utility To Mount The Sims

About HPV - Human Papilloma Virus - Sigmund Freud

HPV, or Human Papilloma Virus, infects the lower genital tract: vulva, vagina, cervix and perianal region. Although more common in women, men can get it and with the same injury, expressed as flat warts or spots on the penis or perianal region. While the rate of infection in humans is less, often acts as a reservoir and transmitter. The vaccine opens a very important in preventing cervical cancer and perhaps, in future, allow the eradication of this evil.

is a sexually transmitted disease more common today and it is believed that between 70 and 80% of the sexually active population will be infected before age 50. On the other hand, presents more than 100 types and among them are the high risk that can lead to cancer, some of them are at 16 and 18 as the most popular.

While most HPV types do not have serious consequences, 99.7% of cases of cervical cancer have been by the disease, which does not mean that all women have the virus will develop cervical cancer.

Sexually active people should be careful regardless of gender and caution is recommended during pregnancy to avoid vaginal delivery if they detect the presence of lesions that may endanger the baby.

virus subtypes
There are about 100 subtypes of HPV which are differentiated by their oncogenic capacity or not. Within the oncogenic HPV and greater risk, the most common are 16,18,31,33,35,39. Among non-oncogenic (HPV low risk) highlights the 6.11, 40,42,43,44. Diagnosis

According to Dr. Marianela Atencio, Department of Obstetrics and Cervical Pathology Halitus Medical Institute, "estimated that between 60 and 80% of the population may be infected with the virus without knowing it because it causes or gives minimal symptoms. " The only way women can tell is if they make a gynecology and perform a Pap smear and colposcopy. Once the infection is possible that the first show signs of doubt, but may indicate the presence of abnormal cervical cells, ie they have a different appearance, indicator the presence of HPV. Moreover, in the second supplement to the PAP, since it allows to observe the cervix and facilitates the identification of lesions caused by the virus. "If the results indicate, then a biopsy can be directed to obtain a tissue sample for analysis to confirm the diagnosis or not," said Atencio.

While genital warts is one of the most common signs of the virus, visible on the outer lips or thighs, or invisible in the vagina or cervix, in some cases, a person with strong immune defenses can fight the virus and never se enterará de que lo padeció. Es por eso que en algunos casos, la infección se mantiene latente y esa persona transmite el virus a otro por desconocimiento.

“Si una mujer recibe un diagnóstico de HPV es importante que el hombre realice la consulta correspondiente para, en caso de haber sido contagiado, que el tratamiento sea para ambos. Si el hombre presenta verrugas es recomendable la consulta con un urólogo para descartar la presencia de HPV. A los hombres no se los suele estudiar por HPV salvo que la mujer presente el virus o que el hombre manifieste verrugas”, define la especialista.

La hibridación molecular es un procedimiento mediante el cual, con una muestra citológica obtenida similarly to Pap, you can know whether there is an HPV infection at high or low risk. Does not indicate which subtype is, only if oncogenic or not. This technique is particularly accurate indications of lesions that persist over time.

Importantly, the HPV is not curable, what are the injury will heal it causes, means that the infection remains latent in the body and can cause further injury. For all that is important to be alert and make an inquiry when one partner has HPV, if there is itching or discomfort in the vaginal area for a reasonable time, if you find lumps or swelling in the genital area or around or even skin this area changes its color or appearance.

Dr. Sergio Pasqualini, Director of Halitus Medical Institute, added: "While HPV infection is considered sexual transmission has been shown that there are other routes of infection, for example, in immunocompromised patients by self-inoculation or fomites , etc. Condom use is in the first instance, a way to minimize risk, albeit as the base area of \u200b\u200bthe testes and penis are not covered, does not eliminate the chance of infection by 100%. "

Moreover, as the specialist said, "should avoid sharing baths, towels and sheets with whom they have HPV. And given that early diagnosis is the best tool, it is imperative that women get a Pap smear and colposcopy-injury to detect HPV-once a year. "


Xmas Surgeon Hole In Heart

born in 1856 in Freiberg, a town of former Austro-Hungarian Empire, the famous Austrian doctor of Jewish origin.

Freud was a neurologist who began his career being interested in hypnosis and its use in treating mentally ill. Later, but remained on the therapy aspects of this technique, replaced by free association and dream analysis to develop what is currently known as "the talking cure."

Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis.

This became the starting point of psychoanalysis. Freud was especially interested in what was then called hysteria and neurosis.

Freud's theories and the treatment given to patients caused a stir in Vienna of the nineteenth century and the debate over them continues at the present time.

His ideas are often discussed and criticized, and his work is interpreted rather as belonging to the field of literature and culture. In addition, a wide debate on whether psychoanalysis and treatments associated with it belong to science.

The Freud divided on examples can be summarized as follows: first, convinced his followers consider him "a great medical scientist who discovered important truths about human psychology."

other hand, critics see it as "a visionary philosopher restated human nature and helped to break down taboos, but his theories, released as science, fail to close examination."

Freud was born in 1856 in Freiberg, Moravia (now, Pribor in the Czech Republic). He was the eldest of three brothers and five sisters. He also had half siblings from a previous marriage of his father. While still a child, his family moved to Vienna because of anti-Jewish riots.

Although Freud came from a family of modest means, his parents struggled to gain a good education. He joined the University of Vienna at age 17. There he studied despite the presence of anti-Semitism in Austria. In 1877, he shortened his name from Sigismund Schlomo Freud Sigmund Freud.

Freud's early years are little known as it destroyed his personal papers twice, the first time in 1885 and again in 1907.

In 1886, Freud married and opened a private practice specializing in disorders nerve, where he started his practice to treat hysteria and neurosis using hypnosis techniques in patients as Bertha Pappenheim (Anna O.) and Emma Eckstein (Irma).

later abandoned this method in favor of free association. Observed that could reduce symptoms of patients lying on a sofa and encouraging them to express the first thing that came to mind. From that moment began to develop the foundations of psychoanalysis.

After publishing several articles on his research, Freud was appointed professor at the University of Vienna in 1900. Began to recruit people who joined the psychoanalytic movement beginning to be defined. Freud had little tolerance for colleagues who disagreed with their theoretical doctrines, and some eventually separated. The best known examples are Carl Gustav Jung and Wilhelm Reich.

In 1938, after the annexation (Anschluss) of Austria by Nazi Germany, Freud escaped with his family to England, with financial help from his patient and family, Marie Bonaparte.

After crossing the German border was required to sign a statement which claimed that he had been treated with respect by the Nazi regime.

died in 1939 due to an overdose of morphine injected by a colleague at the request of Freud himself, who could not tolerate the discomfort of suffering cancer of the jaw.

Anna Freud, daughter of Sigmund, was also a prominent psychoanalyst, particularly in the field of children and psychological development.

Sigmund Freud is the grandfather of painter Lucian Freud and actor and writer Clement Freud, and great-grandfather of journalist Emma Freud, fashion designer Bella Freud and public-relations Matthew Freud.

Freud innovated into two camps. Simultaneously, he developed a theory of mind and human behavior, and a therapeutic technique to help people with mental disorders. Some of his followers claim to be influenced by one, but not by another field.

Probably the most significant contribution Freud has made to modern thought is to try to give the concept of the unconscious (which became Eduard von Hartmann, Arthur Schopenhauer and Friedrich Nietzsche) a scientific status (not shared by several branches of science and psychology.)

His concepts of the unconscious, unconscious desire and repression were revolutionaries propose a divided mind in layers, to some extent dominated by primitive desires that are hidden to the consciousness and manifested in the slips and dreams.

In his most famous work, "Interpretation of Dreams, Freud explains the argument to apply the new model of the unconscious and develops a method to get access to it, taking elements from their previous experience with hypnosis techniques.

As part of his theory, Freud postulated also the existence of a preconscious, which describes how the layer between the conscious and the unconscious (subconscious is the term popularly used, but not part of psychoanalytical terminology.)

repression, meanwhile, has great importance knowledge of the unconscious. According to Freud, people often experience thoughts and feelings that are so painful that can not support them. These thoughts and feelings (as well as the memories associated with them) can not, as stated, be expelled from the mind, but can be removed from the conscious to the unconscious part.

Although throughout his career Freud tried to find patterns of repression among his patients that led to a general model for the mind, noted that its various different facts suppressed patients.

further noted that the process of repression is itself an act is conscious (ie not occur through the intention of the conscious thoughts or feelings). In other words, the unconscious was both cause and effect of repression.

Freud sought an explanation of the modus operandi of the unconscious, suggesting a particular structure. Proposed an unconscious divided into three parts: the self or ego, the id or id and superego.

this represents the primitive processes of thought and is, according to Freud, the engine of thought and human behavior. Contains our thoughts and desires of most primitive gratification of sexual and perverse.

The superego, the part that counteracts it represents the moral and ethical thoughts.

The self remains between them, alternating our needs primitive and our ethical and moral beliefs. Is the instance that is part of consciousness. A healthy gives me the ability to adapt to reality and interact with the outside world in a way that is comfortable for the id and superego.

Freud was especially interested in the dynamics of these three parts of the mind.

argued that this relationship is influenced by innate factors or energy, he called drives. Described two conflicting instincts: Eros, a sex drive aimed at the preservation of life, and Thanatos, the death instinct.

The latter represents an aggressive motion, but sometimes resolved in a drive that leads us back to a state of calm, the principle of nirvana or non-existence, which based on his studies of protozoa ("Beyond the Pleasure Principle").

Freud also believed that the libido matured in individuals by changing its object (or target). He argued that humans are born "polymorphically perverse", meaning that a variety of objects can be a source of pleasure.

As people are developing, are being fixed on specific objects in different stages: the oral stage (exemplified by the pleasure of babies in infancy); anal stage (exemplified by the pleasure of children to control their bowel movements), and then phallic stage.

suggested then that there comes a time when children move into a phase that sets the parent of the opposite sex (Oedipus complex) and developed a model that explains how it fits this pattern in the development of dynamic of mind.

Each stage is a progression to sexual maturity, characterized by a strong ego and the ability to delay need gratification.

psychosexual model he developed has been criticized on several fronts.

Some have attacked Freud's claim the existence of infantile sexuality (and, implicitly, the expansion that made the notion of sexuality).

Other authors, however, consider that Freud did not extend the knowledge about sexuality (which had a history in psychiatry and philosophy of writers such as Schopenhauer, who read plenty albeit belatedly), but Freud "neurotic" sexuality to relate to concepts such as incest, perversion and mental illness. Science

as anthropology and sociology have argued that the development pattern proposed by Freud is not universal or necessary in the development of mental health, calling ethnocentric por omitir determinantes socio-culturales.
Freud esperaba probar que su modelo, basado en observaciones de la clase media austríaca, fuese universalmente válido. Utilizó la mitología griega y la etnografía contemporánea como modelos comparativos. Acudió al "Edipo Rey" de Sófocles para indicar que el ser humano desea el incesto de forma natural y cómo es reprimido ese deseo.

El complejo de Edipo fue descrito como una fase del desarrollo psicosexual y de madurez. También se fijó en los estudios antropológicos de totemismo, argumentando que refleja una costumbre ritualizada del complejo de Edipo (“Tótem y tabú”).
Incorporó también en su teoría concepts of Catholicism and Judaism, as well as early Victorian society of repression, sexuality and morality, and other biological and hydro. He hoped his research would provide a sound scientific basis for his therapeutic method.

The goal of Freudian therapy, or psychoanalysis, relating concepts of Cartesian mind and hydraulics, move (through free association and dream interpretation) thoughts and feelings repressed (explained as a form of energy) to the conscious to allow the subject to the catharsis which would cause the automatic cure.

Another important element of psychoanalysis is the relatively little intervention of the psychoanalyst to the patient can project his thoughts and feelings in the psychoanalyst. Through this process, called "transference, the patient can reconstruct and resolve repressed conflicts (cause of his illness), especially childhood conflicts with their parents.

less known is Freud's interest in neurology. Early in his career had investigated cerebral palsy. Published numerous medical articles in the field. It also showed that the disease existed far before other researchers of his time had heard of it and explore.

also suggested that it was wrong for this disease, which had described William Little (British orthopedic surgeon), have caused by a lack of oxygen during birth.

Instead, he said that complications in birth were only a symptom of the problem. It was not until the 1980s when his speculations were confirmed by modern researchers.

From the point of view of medicine, Freudian theory and practice have been replaced by the empirical findings over the years. Psychiatry and psychology as a science today rejected most of Freud's work. No But many people continue to learn and practice the traditional Freudian psychoanalysis.
In the field of modern psychoanalysis, Freud's word continues to play a decisive, although their claims appear reinterpreted by authors such as Jacques Lacan and Melanie Klein.

Sigmund Freud and his theories have received a lot of criticism from various authors: Karl Popper criticizes him in his work on the philosophy of science to base their theory on non-falsifiable hypothesis and reconsider the evidence when it confirms using the unfalsifiable hypothesis.

(For Popper, the Viennese philosopher, creator of "rationalism Critically, the "falsifiability" is the criterion of truth, and was temporarily admit as true what resisted refutation or falsification ")

Adolf Grünbaum believes that psychoanalysis is unfalsifiable only in the analytic situation by the circular relationship generated in the explanations of unconscious wishes. Grünbaum argues that the theory itself can be falsified and, in fact, is false.

In the decade of 60, Hans Eysenck collected and criticized all existing studies on the effectiveness of psychoanalysis. The result was that psychoanalytic treatment is not no improvement on the rate of spontaneous remission (no treatment) of the neurosis. Eysenck

said Freud was undoubtedly a genius, not science, but propaganda, no rigorous proof, but of persuasion. "

Freud is criticized by several authors also have distorted the results of their investigations. Historians and journalists have shown that there is a wide divergence between the evolution of clinical cases as Freud writes in his text and actual cases.

One of the most famous is that of Sergei Pankejeff (the Wolf Man), researched by journalist Karin Obholzer. Pankejeff suffered from a severe neurosis and recurring nightmares that she could stand on its own.

Freud interpreted the dreams of the patient and concluded that they were related to sexual trauma in childhood.
According to Freud, to inform the source of your problem, Pankejeff completely healed. However, research showed that the story was very different. Not only Pankejeff never healed, but continued being treated by other psychoanalysts until his death, and his condition worsened considerably during that time.

Pankejeff charged a monthly salary by Sigmund Freud Foundation in order to keep it hidden in Vienna for fraud not be made public.

Several feminist critics of Freud to explain to the woman as a man without a phallus and the concept of "penis envy." Sexual minorities also criticize his theory considering homosexuality a perversion.

The cultural impact of Freud's theories on psychosexual development popularized the idea of \u200b\u200bhomosexuality as a disease, increasing in the first half of the twentieth century, the internment of homosexuals in mental health institutes.

When considered a disease, both Freud and many of his followers prevented homosexuals from forming as psychoanalysts. Psychoanalytic treatment was used for several decades to try to cure homosexuality, promoting the emergence of several psychotherapies with the same objective which are based on some of their theories.

current psychiatry and other branches of psychology dismiss his work as a pseudoscience.

say he did not like either the birds or cauliflower, but he loved the dogs, who never spoke during meals and that the only dispute he had with his wife was to determine whether the mushrooms are cooked with stem or without stem. That was Sigmund Freud, one of the greatest thinkers of the late nineteenth century, whose influence has revolutionized the century, and who in 2009 turned 150 years old.

His research focused on the study of psychology in areas such as paranoia and neurosis, which gave them several publications.
As Charles Baudelaire was writing the last poems for The Flowers of Evil, in Paris, and Karl Marx had just published in the journal Die Revolution, New York, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, Sigmund Freud was born in Freiberg, May 6 , 1856, was the full mediocrity of the nineteenth century, with its huge thinkers and great battles, battles whose echoes resonate to this day.

Speaking of Baudelaire, one of his poems from The Flowers of Evil anticipated and decades later what Freud would call the Unconscious: The devil is agitated at me without ceasing; / floating around me which air impalpable; / I breathe, I can feel my lungs burning / and filled with eternal desire and guilt.
In this 150 th anniversary of the birth of the "father of psychoanalysis" fields have been demarcated bluntly: by one side are the supporters of the analyst in Vienna and the other (and rising daily), its detractors. For the first

remain valid and existing theories, while for the latter the master Freud must download it from its pedestal. Feminists mock penis envy, the gay community rejects him because he regarded homosexuality as "perversion" and are increasingly asking analysts put the work of Sigmund in the field of literature.

of that size!
The division of opinion also focuses on one point: he convinced his followers as "a great scientist" who made valuable discoveries in the field of psychology. On the other hand, critics see it as "a philosopher" who rethought the concept we have of human nature, which served to break down taboos. However, they believe that their theories can not be considered science because they can not pass scrutiny.


to have revolutionized the concept of sex and its role in human development, Sigmund was one man and one woman in love: the pale, delicate and insignificant (Freud dixit) Martha Bernays, whom he married in 1886.

"I know you're not beautiful," the bride tortured in his letters where collected than the sighs of love the devil appeared metallic tail: estimates of expenditures and revenues, references to how much it had cost such a gift or what had left in a patient consultation.
If it is true that "the blind gods who want to lose," also happens to enlighten those who want to win. A decisive meeting Freud occurred when he moved to Paris, thanks to a grant he obtained to study. There he met the famous neurologist JM Charcot and came into contact with his work on hysteria, a subject that attracted him deeply Sigmund.

Beside this, their analytical and inquisitive mind led him to that, at age 28, Freud came into contact with the touch of the "white lady" with cocaine. It was not a vice but scientific interest in the continued eating until 1895.
In one of his letters, Sigmund - perhaps under the influence of dust snorting exclaimed that he had found a substance that allowed him to develop long hours resent work without exhaustion.


In this regard, researchers and Alicia Liliana Vazquez Barrile Donghi explain that in 1884 there was a meeting between Sigmund and cocaine, shortly after the introduction of the drug in the U.S. and Europe.
Freud became interested in their properties and effects, so it became "an avid user and advocate it."
He began his "experimental research on its effects on man and tried to use to stop the morphine addiction of a friend, Ernst von Fleischl-Marxow. The consequences of these experiments and the subsequent controversy, led him from their research on its action on the central nervous system, although we can infer from the interpretation of dreams was still using the drug in 1895. "
Freud's fondness for cocaine was ignored by his biographers, to the point that Ernest Jones, reduces the matter to an episode, where she had a "direct influence on the development of psychoanalysis," say the researchers. CRITICAL CRITICISM


As for the criticism he received Freud, is that of the teacher Karl Popper who wrote against in their work on the philosophy of science. Adolf Grünbaum considers that the theory it can be distorted and, in fact, is false.
Hans Eysenck in the sixties collected and criticized all existing studies on the effectiveness of psychoanalysis. He felt that Freud was undoubtedly a genius, not science, but propaganda, no rigorous proof, but of persuasion. "
The Case of The Wolf Man has always been a touchstone and example must for those who want to criticize Freud: Sergei Pankejeff is "Wolf Man" case was investigated by reporter Karin Obholzer. Work concluded: Pankejeff suffered from a severe neurosis and recurring nightmares that she could fend for same.
Freud interpreted the dreams of the patient and concluded that "were related to sexual trauma in childhood. According to Freud, to inform the source of your problem, Pankejeff completely healed. "

, however, who discovered the journalist was blunt: "Pankejeff never healed, but continued being treated by other psychoanalysts until his death, and his condition worsened considerably during that time." But the patient, "charged a monthly salary by Sigmund Freud Foundation in order to keep it hidden in Vienna for fraud are not made public."

Finally, if only out by a question of literature (remember the lovely book The delirium and dreams in 'Gradiva' Jensen, written in 1907) Sigmund deserve a huge monument. Freud died far from Vienna in the city of London on September 23, 1939.

1 .- The Ego and the Id and other studies of metapsychology
2 .- Interpretation of Dreams
3 .- Dreams Psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis
4 .- 5 .-
art Paranoia and obsessive neurosis: two 6 .-
histories Psychopathology of everyday life
7 .- On Narcissism and Other Essays
8 .- Infantile sexuality and neurosis
9 .- Essays on the sexual life and theory of neurosis
10 .- Studies in Hysteria Hysteria

11 .- 12 .- Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious

you still force his theory of psychoanalysis?
Psychologists debate the validity of the theory of the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, who was introduced in the structure of the human mind and behavior also have created a therapeutic technique to treat people with mental disorders.
The analyst Olga Martinez, a graduate of the University of the Americas, told Chronicle that Freud's theory remains valid because it gives dignity to the word and the subject.
Freud is the creator of the unconscious, what is called psychoanalysis, from this theory, the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, takes the concept and placed just at the point where we are today, said the expert.
Jacques Lacan's contributions consist of the possibility of working with psychotic and a logical time, not chronological.
is, "during therapy, the psychoanalyst lacaneana orientation makes a close because we consider the importance of the latter fact that the person must be pointed lived. This can happen in 10, 15, 30 or 40 minutes of a session" .
Olga Martinez lamented that "the science of psychoanalysis has been distorted by other sciences such as psychology which take behavioral therapies at erasing the subjectivity of the subject. "

In contrast, the clinical psychologist Yolanda Rodriguez, a graduate of the UNAM, notes that Freud's theory was revolutionary in its time, however, was today exceeded.
The most rejected at present is that referring to the infantile sexuality, argues that the main protagonist of the unconscious adult.
The father of psychoanalysis argued that certain patterns of behavior in adulthood were directly related to situations experienced during childhood, only with the mother, the psychologist explained.
In the office, "we review from childhood from our relationships with love objects: father, mother and environment. We explore how over time our neuroses arise.

Modern techniques refer to behavior management through self-hypnosis, gestalt, behavioral therapy, client-centered therapy, Fromm, and neurolinguistic programming (NLP), among others.

Yolanda Rodriguez explains that self-hypnosis and NLP are to take the patient into a state of relaxation where your conscience is clear, to move to a state of trance and modify the information we have on the right side of the brain, correcting in the unconscious.
gestalt therapy is more movement Which brings us to generate structures and behavior change through change of emotions.

AWARE: Those of our thoughts than we realize and we have perception.

subconscious: a set of thoughts that we can ignore their existence. These thoughts should not be confused with remote memories, but are rather the products of emotions that have been repressed.

* UNCONSCIOUS: Here we would fit the thoughts that can become conscious without harm to our concept of ourselves, but they are immediately.

* EGO or ME: The conscious part of our personality.

* IT: Set hidden desires and passions of our personality, generally reprehensible. Represents the dark side of ourselves.

* SUPEREGO or SUPEREGO: Part of our personality and self-concept perfectly adapted to the society in which we live, which is perfectly its rules. Often comes into conflict with it.

* EROS: One of the basic desires or passions of our nature, the desire for pleasure, especially sexual.

* TANATOS: The other desire, passion or driving force of our nature: the influence of death

* Oedipus complex: Freud all the men wanted in childhood sexually possess his mother and kill his father. In adulthood repress these desires. This concept was brought out of a Greek tragedy.
Women also fought to Freud ended well, and he also invented an "Electra complex" for them.

* DEFENSE MECHANISM: Repression is to "forget" or removed from the conscious memories or desires unacceptable, yet would affect the person of one form or another.

* SUBLIMATION: The most unacceptable desires are replaced by others that are more acceptable transformation of them. So an artist can "sublimate" (another of the defense mechanisms) by expressing their sexual desires in the act of painting. There are
Freud's theory of multiple other defense mechanisms such as denial.



Getting Aroused During Waxing

A vaccine could "immunize" against the effects of cocaine

Asturias was selected along with Barcelona and Madrid to participate in a global test has

thousand people participate in a trial Asturias world the cocaine vaccine. Monaco has been selected along with Madrid and Barcelona to be part of an international, multicenter study aims to find an injection to enable disengaging of cocaine addicts with less distress and disruption that with current treatments. In Asturias will be the center The health Corredoria in Oviedo, who will recruit participants. In total there will be 30 people with high levels of cocaine and whose ages can range from 18 to 55 years. The investigation will be conducted in the Principality by Professor of Psychiatry, Julio Bobes, who also chairs the English Society of Biological Psychiatry and Sociodrogalcohol entity.

The global test is targeted to a thousand patients from Spain, Germany, France, UK, Netherlands and the United States and other countries. Before reaching this step (phase three of the study), the vaccine has already been tested in animals and in a smaller group of volunteers. The hypothesis of the hub of all specialists is that the vaccine is capable of blocking the arrival of cocaine to the brain. This will make the patient feel no pleasure every time you eat, but to suffer the negative physical effects of cocaine and left in the body (heart palpitations, feelings of restlessness and palpitations).

The injection consists of processed cocaine. The substance causes the body to produce antibodies that prevent the arrival of the substance to the brain. Without the 'reward' or encouragement to each 'line' left in the body, decreases drug dependence and therefore is easier to disengage.

Preclinical studies conducted to date with this experimental vaccine show that it does not produce the traditional 'mono' do cause the rest of treatments for addiction. "For a cocaine addict in treatment would be much easier to leave," says Bobe.

trials will start next September. For results will have to wait until March 2012. Half of the participants Asturian (15) will receive the vaccine against cocaine. Another 15 will be injected with a placebo, a substance with no therapeutic effects. The therapy is conducted over six months. The first three doses of la vacuna se darán con una frecuencia de 15 días. Las dos restantes se inyectarán una cada mes. Al final del semestre se compararán los resultados de deshabituación obtenidos en cada grupo. Durante los seis meses los participantes serán sometidos a analíticas y pruebas constantes para determinar si consumen y cuántos consumen.

Datos favorables
El catedrático de Psiquiatría se muestra optimista, aunque cauto. Pese a que los datos barajados hasta el momento «son favorables», Bobes no quiere adelantar acontecimientos. «Hay que esperar a ver qué resultados se obtienen», precisó. Si el ensayo confirmara que la vacuna es efectiva, arrancaría la fase de elaboración, approval and marketing. Julio Bobes

stressed the importance of Asturias supposed to be part of a health project of this scope. "It is a testament to the mental health network Health Service of the Principality and also an encouragement for their professional," he said. So far, treatments for cocaine addiction are based on cognitive and behavioral therapies, combined with pharmacological support. "It would be the first biological vaccine."

health center also Oviedo, Spain will also participate Ramón y Cajal hospital in Madrid, and San Pau and the Sea of \u200b\u200bBarcelona.


Canned Beens In Microwave Sparked

Do they handle our brain to buy? What excites

The current sales, say, break records even in a crisis. But where is the switch from the "want it"? Why do not we turn it off and makes us better off each time? Neuroscientists have searched the keys in our brain and have found real oil ...

The winter sales are already presented as those in the midst of crisis, could break records for attendance and sales. And all thanks to the prices look set to reach record lows, with discounts of up to 70 percent.

Pero no sólo el precio influye a la hora de comprar. Los científicos cada vez están más seguros que nuestro cerebro también juega un gran papel. Pero, ¿cuál? ¿Por qué alguien compra lo que compra? ¿Son todas sus decisiones lúcidas y conscientes? Los expertos creen que no y por eso, a la par que el neuromarketing, se ha desarrollado a gran velocidad la shopology, la ciencia del shopping, que estudia tanto el cerebro de los consumidores, para entender sus comportamiento e impulsos en el instante de comprar, como el papel que juega la ambientación de las tiendas en nuestras decisiones.

Los expertos calculan que cerca de 6.000 mensajes publicitarios llegan cada día a un ciudadano europeo medio. Por eso es tan importante para las marcas conocer a fondo los anhelos, sueños y sentimientos que influyen en comprar o no un objeto, desvelar uno de los últimos secretos que los psicólogos, neurocientíficos, anunciantes y profesionales del marketing buscan en el cerebro humano: ¿dónde se encuentra el interruptor del «quiero eso»? ¿De qué forma se convierten los stilettos de suela roja de Louboutin en objeto de deseo para las mujeres? ¿Por qué de repente millones de personas quieren un iPad? ¿Qué es eso de sentir felicidad en Ikea? ¿Es el ser humano, ese Homo Sconomicus del que tanto hablan los economistas, un animal que se conduce de acuerdo con la razón?

"No," says Paco Underhill, the American legend of research into consumption. "No" behavioral economists also respond as Dan Ariely of Duke University. "No, no and no, experts agree.

The institute Dr. Elger, Bonn, has studied, among other things, how the Dove advertising, brand known for using amateur models, women with curves and flaws. All volunteers stated that they looked funny ads, positive, different. However, it was observed that did not provoke any reaction in their brains. The brain fireworks began just before the advertising supermodels classic.

But this is only the beginning. Scientists have gone deeper and deeper in the minds of consumers ... and found that the most successful products activate the same brain regions that religious feelings.

Dane Martin Lindstrom, dedicated to the brand consultancy, has conducted interviews with representatives of all major world religions. His intention: to know what pillars resting on their respective beliefs. At the end of ten columns identified apply to all religions. These include symbols, secrets, a worldview, a story handed down from generations ago, be an antagonist and a growing community of faithful.

points are "extremely similar to the essence of a cult brand," says Lindstrom. Large trademarks care as their founding myths and its secrets. There is more to think about the recipe for coca-cola or legends that surround the founders of computer brands like Microsoft. Their logos represent entire worlds: the shell of Shell or Apple's apple or Google multicolored letters. Prada's flagship store in New York is not so much a boutique as a temple, fashion presented as a sacred object.

consumption has almost become a global religion. The "shoppismo" it could be called, promises quick and superficial rewards. Even provides identity: I am Mercedes or BMW, Aldi or Lidl, Gucci, Prada, Puma or Adidas, Tchibo and Starbucks, Zegna and Hugo Boss?

Martin Lindstrom advises companies like McDonald's and Porsche, but also royal dynasties and famous, how to manage and care for their brands and images. And especially since he managed to raise seven million dollars for various companies between 2004 and 2007, brain scans of 2,000 people from five countries, the largest study to date in the field of consumer science. Lindstrom was able to use the enormous resolution of scanners MRT normally used in medicine for discovering, for example, cancerous tumors, with a much more prosaic: to find the root of the purchasing decisions.

"I never imagined what would come of that", says Lindstrom. Now signing contracts, appears on television and published a book (Buyology).

"I did not want to continue leaving everything up to the polls, in which consumers will only say what has been expected," he adds. For example, respondents always comment that the warnings of "smoking can kill" of the snuff boxes of them to instil fear and therefore smoke less. MRT scans, however, showed so-called "nucleus accumbens", the addiction center of the brain, was activated when the study volunteers were threatening a label like that, that is, the win gave notice of lighting a cigarette.

What Linstrom preached to all corners of the world is something like the art of seduction brought to perfection ... or the path to total manipulation. For example, items placed on pallets are selling better than those in shelves simply because they look cheaper. In stores was sold more expensive if you hear classical music ...

"When shopping, we act in an irrational way "Confirms the American behavioral economist Dan Ariely," but predictably irrational. "Such predictability-studied in detail by the brand-is precisely what makes us so vulnerable now end up buying things that really do not need. The researchers' enthusiasm for the many possibilities is directly proportional to the danger that these contain: know the keys that determine how certain messages are active in our brains could open the possibility of a total manipulation.

One of the doors to this new world is barely a few square centimeters. Is called Brodmann area 10 'is located in the frontal cortex of the brain and among neuroscientists is considered one of the least researched the human body. Many buyers said, for example, who had bought an expensive bag moved by the quality of the leather or its convenient design. But Lindstrom MRT images, the brain was irrigated appearing particularly Brodmann area 10.

"If this brain region is activated, it means that the real intention to buy this particular bag is to acquire self-esteem." The medial prefrontal cortex, by contrast, is involved in promoting accumulation. He is direct, for example, marketers of shoes or the manufacturers of miniature replicas of cars. Images certain products and purchase situations activate different brain regions. Therefore, professionals and all interested Lindstrom, feelings and sounds, colors and experiences.

In a German study, 49 percent of valued customers better service from a DIY store after having been released in the hallways smell of freshly cut grass. "Everything indicates that the scent is associated with attributes such as" hard work "or" in nature, "says Lindstrom. Porsche used, even in their cars a perfume with a hint of smoke that spread sense of sportsmanship. Also, Apple products are packaged in materials with a particular aroma, which enhances sensory experience of opening an Apple product, such as when you open a new workbook. "The smell is important," says Lindstrom. But actually, the perception of certain sounds which is more effective on the brain. The pace of background music in stores, for example, must be slower than the heart rate. That way, customers are spending more time inside. "

Christian Elger The doctor says:" Sometimes it scares me how easy it is to manipulate. " Posters of sales, for example, always attract some immediate desire to buy. Lindstrom, the lay preacher, said: "We have a powerful means at our disposal and should not be used for evil purposes. "

Source: Martin U. Müller, Thomas Tuma

Deletions In First Chromosome


The brush is fine. The female seems relaxed. The clitoris, clearly visible. Mayte Parada, researcher at the Laboratory of Neurobiology at Concordia University (Canada), lift the tail of the rat to be appreciated the focus of their research. The epicenter of female pleasure in this and other closely related species, says there, the clitoris.

This wayward capsule brings together more than eight thousand nerve endings, and it could find the hidden secret female sexuality. Many and many would agree with that statement. Moreover if we add that 90% of women need clitoral stimulation to produce the blackout. But it could be so easy to solve a puzzle that each year produces more scientific papers than string theory.

Mayte Parada is one of the hundreds of distinguished researchers trying to disentangling the skein of pink sex. What women want in sex? Your rats are fortunate in the world of laboratories. Stop injected with hormones that predispose females to copulation, causing ovulation. Then they stimulate the clitoris with a brush impregnated a stuffy odor. "The clitoris is an organ that sends signals to specific brain areas that regulate female sexual behavior. We found that stimulation associated only with pleasure if done with alternative friction (distributed in time), not constant. The area preoccipital (MPIO) responds much more activity to stimulation of breath, and not to the constant stimulation. " Go with the rats. If given a choice, stay with the male impregnated with the same aroma.

"This tells us that clitoral stimulation helps to associate that positive experience with a specific male. The clitoris of the rat functions as a leisure and learning. "If the rat passes it well, and not with any brush, remember the male that had the right scent. "These studies," says Mayte, "is a first step toward understanding the function of the clitoris in female sexual behavior."

I ask for a combined red button, the clitoris, as all protocols is a good starting point for ending the Cold War in the bedrooms. But not alone. And here the complications begin. Other genital areas deserve such treatment. By region supplying the signal to the brain, the sensation of orgasm is different, and hence it is common to speak of clitoral orgasms, vaginal and "combined." To hit the target, to do a master with practice, ie, "to masturbate a lot," recommended by sexologists.

The path along which nerve impulses travel from the genitals to the brain is the spinal cord. Barry Komisaruk, a specialist in psychobiology, writes in his book The Science of Orgasm, published by Johns Hopkins University (USA), the case of a woman with a spinal injury that "crackling" when stimulated with a vibrator at the height of the neck.

Komisaruk and his colleagues did extensive research field with volunteers. "I think one of our big surprises," he explains, "was when we found women who had orgasms without any physical stimulation. Reached the climax (the big O) only to the imagination. " Recreated some erotic scenes, others landscapes ... and one of them imagined energy waves that ran over her body sinuously, entangled in the corner that was the angle of your legs. Komisaruk says that if these women can achieve orgasm only by the imagination, is due to kick off a good race is the clitoris, but behind the eyes.

The "neighborhood red "the brain is perfectly located. Some people with Parkinson's, electrical implants located in that area to control the tremors characteristic of the disease, experience orgasms or very similar feelings spontaneously.

To lubricate the brain are needed all those intangibles that women accessories boldly asked: "Imagination, fantasy, feel wanted ..." King Kong, a gorilla, had them all. In the uncensored version of the film, the beast, huge and hairy, subject to the lovely Ann. King Kong, with this great hand made to crush rocks, you take your clothes off very slowly, while light music footage imagination, and look with a distinctive gesture: the love! The Invincible Kong makes the silky dress torn, it leads to the mouth and smells like a fetish. The sexy blonde moves like an eel in the hands of his captor. Censored the scene for its erotic charge. They took the music, left Ann with the dress intact and added a few screams of terror that annihilated any bastion of sexual tension. Never mind that King Kong is a hairy gorilla. Demonstrate what they have in Toronto is that women, rather than the character of the action, what excites him is the context.

Meredith Chivers, University of Toronto (Canada), investigated the differences between men and women to sexual stimuli. The volunteers were several models of images: couples making love naked men playing sports, nude women, and copulating bonobos and chimpanzees in the sun between branches and leaves. There

excitement ... and excitement

Volunteers of Dr. Chievers had to press a bar computer to indicate what they thought was exciting. On the other hand, a vaginal plethysmograph measured the increase in blood pressure in the uterine wall and the flow. According to Meredith, women are physically excited, ie the plethysmograph "beeped" with images of men and women both hetero and homo, making love. Also porn videos copulating bonobos. Nothing to do with what was going through their heads. Women only recognized sexual arousal to images of couples. For men, however, mental and genital arousal are the same thing. Women have physical symptoms of "desire" without thereby having to be unfailingly erotic desire.

If there is a "mission" so far impossible to sexologists, is to find the perfect aphrodisiac the lust active. The oyster final. Studies on coffee, wine, chocolate ... However, one of them just show that administration of a placebo improved the lack of excitement for some women. Believe they were taking a pill for libido served to who benefited. The study was published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, and was part of a study that evaluated the effects of the medication tadalafil (Cialis) for the problems of lack of desire in women. This product belongs to the family of Viagra and Levitra for erection in men. There were indications that favor vasodilation of the vagina and lubrication. Not resist the comparison with a placebo, or a piece of "nothing."

"I believe that women do not know what they want in sex ..." says John, a happily married friend. "Ah! But they want sex? "That the Manolo asks, also married and satisfied. Sigmund Freud said it another way: "The big question that has never been answered and I could not reply, despite 30 years of research on the female mind, is what women want?"

Dr. Pedro
Street, a gynecologist and sexologist Galena Health Center in Madrid, has an answer. Ensures that we live glory days for a researcher of human sexuality: "It is a time of profound change, and one of the most interesting is the understanding of desire in women." The desire for sex remains a complaint, but now deals in another way: "Some authors have proposed a different model to interpret, which is spoken, rather than desire, interest in sexual intercourse at the time when it starts, and not before. The desire before the relationship is considered more appropriate for the male model. "

Ana Belen Carmona, a psychologist and sex therapist Lasexologí Association, puts it another way: "When a couple is a consultation and tells us that 'she has no desire to' ask, 'I want, what? ' If we talk about desire for sex, it is likely that men have more explicit and clear. But the big problem is that what women want to date is not considered sexual, call it love, affection ... Sex seems the second division. If we speak of stroking, touching ... I would say the desire is greater in women. This desire of women is as important as man. For the 'preamble' we should remove the prefix 'pre' and understand that it is sex, and the good. The man is still struggling to get there ... "

Let's see what they say:" I like toys, lots of masturbation, alcohol, the two types of orgasm ... I like to snack time and then eating. I do not wake up in the morning to make love ... makes me a bad milk! "Just responds Adela, 35. Lucia, 33: "I can not imagine sex without preliminary ... and long. If I'm in bed with someone who skips the 'warming', do not get into the game. " Paloma, 24: "I like to feel that I have elected me, then I am someone special, even if it's a powder in the bathroom of the club and they know that we will not see us."

Both Dr. Street and Dr. Carmona spoke of a time of sexual emancipation of women. Confirm the success of pornography for women The healthy women selling erotic novel, the 335 advisers Red Suitcase closed meetings organized with the mothers of the cabbage AMPA co-workers or offering products that look like jewels to put in your bag. Enrichment Course erotic, online, taught by Ana Carmona Lasexologí who runs for 200 euros, goes smoothly. Erika Lust

The eroticism of women improves, experts say. "We have a decade managing the numbers of a population that did work in the U.S. and that would result in 43% of women could have sexual problems. Now, within the Research Group of the University Sexual Response Almeria have obtained very different book. We found that the percentage of women with sexual problems is likely between 9 and 11 percent ... These are data that are consistent with other international studies. And they seem much more realistic than ten years ago. " infografia of

it better, then our understanding in the bedroom?

Professor Street hawked before answering: "Well, there is no scientific data, because the criteria have changed from 2000 to 2010. My expert opinion is that is that women are evolving, but not men, or at least the process erotic evolution is more shy. " The woman has stopped loving Prince Charming in bed the rescue of the dragon, to keep the fire-breathing dragon. And besides, you just imagine.

Source: Lorena Sanchez to

Thank You Letter To Dental Hygiene Schools

Quote of the Week (CV)

"Living is like playing the violin and learn the instrument as you play"
Samuel Butler (English novelist)

Nepali Song By Abijeet

working for nothing less

the frame.
Society is increasingly alarmed at juvenile delinquency cases, the political class fails to agree a response.

By Martin Aguirre

Jordan Brown was a child as anyone. At age 11, lived with his father, Chris, the new woman in this and two sisters in a rural area of \u200b\u200bPennsylvania. But one morning in February 2009 the little Jordan got up, went to the closet of his father, took his hunting rifle and shot him in the head by his stepmother, 8 months pregnant while he slept. Then she went to school as usual. The case has generated much controversy over the bloody the fact, for the coolness shown by a small 11 years and above all, because the laws of Pennsylvania, the world's toughest juvenile crime may end up sentencing him to life imprisonment without possibility of parole.

With its nuances, the discussion on the legal treatment of juvenile offenders is installed in much of the world. From Argentina to England, Spain Uruguay, people ask the same questions, at what age a person starts to become aware of their actions? When you can make it legally responsible for them? Are more and more young offenders and violent? In our country the issue is of particular severity. A cocktail that mixes marginality, demographic, and ideological complexes has led to living an explosive situation.

Although this is difficult to find solid data to gauge the extent of the problem. Even the official figures on the number of crimes featuring minors are accepted unanimously. On the one hand, data released by the Colorado Congressman Germain Cardoso based on figures from the Ministry of Interior, indicated that 50% of violent crimes are committed by minors, which would be also responsible for up to 100 homicides a year. That is why the sector is promoting a controversial amendment to the Code on Children, voted under President Jorge Batlle, to lower the age of criminal responsibility to 16 years. A claim that seems to have strong base in society. According to a 2009 survey, 42% of Uruguayans favored reducing it to 14 years and 28% to 16. Only 24% think it should continue in 18.

This view finds strong resistance in several areas. Defense agencies of childhood as UNICEF, disbelieve the official figures, and argue that it is a "chill" media-fed. Judges and operators are moving in the field of juvenile justice majority hold that a legal change, whether lowering the age of accountability and enabling the retention of records of juveniles once they reach 18 (the Code requires destroying ) will not change anything. They claim that the number of children is not as big problem (about a 300) but the problem is in the inpatient, which do not fulfill their function reeducation, and are "strainers" where children run away when they want .

Reality seems to give Part of the reason. The situation of juvenile detention centers is often in the headlines, and never for good causes. Overcrowding, lack of funds, trade union problems and permanent leak, are the daily bread. A problem also appears to have been effectively ever faced by the political system. Beyond the permanent (and somewhat ridiculous) name changes of organisms, the only moment that seemed to be taking a serious step for routing when the system was entrusted with the leadership of Father Matthew Mendez INAU. But after a short period that had clashes with officials, the chief resigned due to lack of political support.

But the side of those calling for more rigor there are strong arguments. The Code of the Child has aspects of a guarantor almost naive, such as not criminalize attempts or the misdeeds. And trying to attribute the entire problem to a kind of media campaign, it hardly seems credible. It is also true that most countries worldwide are lowering the age of accountability, and that 18 years from now, are not the same as 30 or 40 years.

But above all these arguments, there is an underlying theme alarm. While the problem of juvenile offenders has deep social roots, and will not improve overnight by a change in the law, positions causalist contain extreme danger. Public alarm that exists on this subject is authentic and that since the government does not give clear signals that something is being done to address the problem, society is likely to react by resorting to heavy-handed who offer at any price. And in those cases, usually ends up being the cure worse than the disease.

"The attempted theft is a potato for anyone under: if you eat well, otherwise nothing happens because the police have to release him." (Attorney Gustavo Zubia)

I. The data Chile

criminal responsibility lowered to 14 years but there is a project to bring it to 12 because youth crime did not fall as expected.

The data II.

Costa Rica has the toughest legislation in the region, decreased juvenile crime figures, and is the country with less under detention.

El Pais Digital

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Gumbo Mud And Motorcycle

Music Recommendations (New Year edition) I'm laughing

Let's see, things we recommend to enjoy sound and has not mentioned in previous posts?

- Mash-Up Town.
I have always put on the blog that people have too much free time. Now people have too much free time and access to music and editing programs. And eventually things like this happen .
starting to remix songs by great bands and artists with Ero .. I say, with curious results.
a For examples, other and other . And sure there are thousands more, ale, to look: P

- Bloc Party
rediscovery has given me a big surprise was Bloc Party. I thought no larger than 3 or 4 good songs, but have been listening more carefully to their albums (especially the Weekend in the City) and enjoy as a dwarf. I encourage the very long train sessions every day. A rock with electronic stuff and lyrics ... between odd and interesting. Waiting for the 7.18 , I Still Remember, Signs and This Modern Love sound good *

- Ash English
The small group famous for Burn, Baby, Burn ; Girl from Mars and a little less for Shining Light * * decided to get into a man scrubbed in 2009 ... well, two. The first was to break with their record label and make his own firm (Atomic Heart), the second was get a new single every 2 weeks.

Apparently they were tired of the old discography and decided to put aside the normal disk format and return to single + album collections.

The Project has two masters AZ volumes (with the singles represented by a letter and a color we have the first volume of AM and the second NZ) who are ... strangers, contain almost all styles by Ash has been throwing from their success in the '90s, apart from some sides by versions of these songs. Throw him an ear Arcadia, Binary and Return of the White Rabbit .

Did you funny? The singles were sold for digital download and / or limited edition vinyl 7''. And do not arruninaron and are not pirated much either. "S'up now, SGAE?

- The Heavy
I can not recommend this group , it seems that at times becomes famous. With two discs at the back: 'Great Vengeance & Furious Fire "and" The House That Built Dirt' and have a bunch of songs cojonudas his back.
"style? indie rock ... to say something. It reminds me a little rock sixties in some things, but it is better to hear it. The milk is low, especially on stuff like Short Change and Hero How You Like Me Now

's it for now. Until next time. OST

this Post:
The Connels - 74/75

----------------------- ----------------------------
* [not Helicopter do not like: P]
** [although I Clones and won with Starcrossed ]

Stuff Atound Clitoris

Cord Blood

Cord Blood
after birth, usually the umbilical cord is discarded with the placenta. However, researchers have found that recovered from umbilical cord blood is a rich source of primary cells. The primordial cells are unspecialized cells that produce all other blood cells, including clotting platelets and red blood cells and white. Like donated bone marrow, umbilical cord blood can be used to treat various genetic disorders affecting the blood and immune system, leukemia and certain cancers, and some inherited biochemical disorders. To date, more than 45 disorders that can be treated with stem cell from umbilical cord blood.
Currently, there are commercial companies that offer parents a storage of cord blood for your baby. Prospective parents who are considering this option should gather as much information as possible to make an informed decision.

What are the primordial cells and why are they valuable?
primordial cells of the blood, which in most cases are found deep in the bone marrow, are the fabric of the blood system. Permanently make new copies of themselves and produce cells that make most other types of blood cells. The primordial cells are critical to the success of bone marrow transplantation (BMT or, as they are known by its acronym in English), and that continue to produce blood cells indefinitely.

marrow transplants marrow can save the lives of people suffering from leukemia (cancer of white blood cells) and other cancers, or people with serious blood disorders like aplastic anemia, in which the body does not produce enough blood cells. The primordial cells can help improve the capacity of a person's blood and immune system when affected by an inherited defect (genetic) or have suffered severe damage or were deliberately destroyed by cancer treatments. Currently, the donated bone marrow is the most common source of primary cells.

What are the advantages of cells primordial umbilical cord blood?
Studies suggest that the primordial cells from umbilical cord blood offer some important advantages over those taken from bone marrow. On the one hand, the primordial cells from umbilical cord blood are much more readily available and can be taken immediately from the placenta at the time of delivery. Harvesting stem cell from bone marrow requires a surgical procedure, usually under general anesthesia, which can cause post-operative pain and a small risk to the donor.

is broader range of recipients who may benefit from umbilical cord stem cell. These can be stored and re-transplanted into the donor, a family member or a receiver without kinship. For a bone marrow transplant is successful, there must be an almost perfect match of certain tissue proteins between donor and recipient. When using primary cells from umbilical cord blood, the donor cells appear more likely to "take" or engraft, even when there is complete correspondence between the tissues.

A potentially fatal complication called graft versus host disease (GVHD, in English), in which donor cells can attack the recipient's tissues, appears to occur less frequently with cord blood than bone marrow. This may be because cord blood has a mute and certain immune system cells, usually active in an immune reaction, have not yet educated to attack the recipient. A study in 2000 found that children who received a transplant of umbilical cord blood of a sibling with a high degree of correspondence were 59 percent less likely to develop GVHD than children who received a bone marrow transplant from same way.

The use of cord blood can cause umbilical stem cell transplants available more quickly for people who need them. Each year, approximately 30,000 people diagnosed with conditions that can be treated with bone marrow transplantation. Approximately 25 percent of these people have a relative whose tissue is compatible. While for many people can locate suitable donors through national bone marrow registries, the process can take months. Donors are located within four months to about 50 percent of patients. It is often difficult to find a person with compatible bone marrow for members of ethnic groups and nonwhite race. Transplants of umbilical cord blood enable a greater number of people belonging to these groups access to treatment more quickly. The primordial cells of umbilical cord blood stored in banks may be more readily available, which sometimes is of particular importance for patients with severe cases of leukemia, anemia or immune deficiency that otherwise would die before they can find someone compatible.

umbilical cord blood is also less likely to contain certain infectious agents such as viruses, which can pose a risk to transplant recipients. Also, some studies suggest that cord blood may have a greater capacity than the bone marrow to generate new blood cells. In every ounce of umbilical cord blood, there is an almost ten times more blood-forming cells. This suggests that it requires a smaller amount of primordial cells from umbilical cord blood for a transplant to be successful.

addition, the primordial cells from umbilical cord blood offer some interesting possibilities of gene therapy for genetic diseases, especially those related to the immune system. Dr. Donald Kohn, and colleagues from Children's Hospital of the University Southern California in Los Angeles and the University of California, San Francisco, made the first attempt at gene therapy with cord blood in 1993 in three children suffering from adenosine deaminase deficiency (ADA), a potentially fatal flaw that cripples the system immune. Children, who also received special treatment with drugs, appear to be healthy to date, although his blood now carries only a small amount of the introduced gene in primary cells.

Where and when to collect and store samples of umbilical cord blood?
Parents who are expecting a baby can make arrangements before birth to take blood from the umbilical cord immediately after birth (within 15 minutes of delivery) and to store it for their own use in a commercial blood bank. They can also donate to a public bank to make it available to anyone who needs a transplant and which is compatible. If parents use a commercial bank, the initial costs range from $ 250 to $ 1,500, plus an annual storage fee of $ 50 to $ 100. Some insurance companies are beginning to cover these costs.

While public banks pay the processing of samples of umbilical cord blood, require los padres completen un extenso cuestionario sobre su salud y las enfermedades que han tenido. Las pruebas requeridas, para enfermedades como la hepatitis y el VIH, pueden ser costosas para los padres. Además, los arreglos con estos bancos deben realizarse al menos 90 días antes de la fecha del parto.

¿Quiénes deberían considerar almacenar la sangre del cordón umbilical?
A los padres que esperan un bebé y que tienen antecedentes familiares de enfermedades genéticas, como anemias severas, trastornos inmunitarios o algunos tipos de cáncer, les conviene considerar el beneficio que representa para la familia almacenar sangre del cordón umbilical. La mayoría de las familias no tiene estos factores de risk and only have one chance in 20,000 of needing a stem cell transplant. Families can request detailed information and advice to doctors and geneticists.

Families wishing to donate umbilical cord blood of their baby to a public bank for use by others should be fully informed of their responsibilities and the consequences of this donation.

What are some of the issues regarding them?
not yet been established universal standards for the collection and storage of cord blood, but they are required to exchange samples between different banks. Currently, some banks collect whole blood samples, while others separate the red cells, white cells and other blood components before freezing. There are also other security issues concerning the method of collecting cord blood in order to avoid contamination. The Ministry of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is considering these issues.

There are still many unresolved ethical issues concerning the storage of umbilical cord blood banks. Some of them are: who owns the blood sample? How is informed consent of parents before collecting the blood? How is provided with the necessary advice to help parents make an informed decision? How should you handle the obligation to notify parents and child donors of the results of medical tests for infectious diseases and genetic information? How can you maintain the privacy and confidentiality? How services will be provided for the collection and access to cord blood fairly? Does

transplant umbilical cord blood is still experimental?
The use of primary cells from cord blood for transplantation holds great promise but this area of \u200b\u200bmedical science is still largely experimental. Until 1988, French researchers conducted the first successful transplant with stem cell umbilical cord blood. The transplant was taken from a newborn to a sibling of five years with a syndrome that included severe anemia, skeletal defects (Fanconi anemia). Since then, the umbilical cord blood from donors with blood relation or not, has been transplanted successfully in approximately 2,000 people worldwide. Doctors at the Mattel Children's Hospital of the University of California, Los Angeles, recently reported that three Young treated for life-threatening immunodeficiency syndrome (X-linked lymphoproliferative and immunodeficiency with hyper IgM) had normal immune systems two years after receiving umbilical cord stem cell donors without a family relationship.

In 1998, the largest study ever conducted transplant umbilical cord blood donor no relation suggested that there was a feasible procedure for patients (adults and children) who did not have a donor with compatible kinship. Survival rates for patients receiving umbilical cord blood or bone marrow no relation donors were similar.

However, until you get the results of additional large studies, insurance companies and Medicaid still reluctant to cover the cost of storage. Consequently, the service in most cases is only accessible to those families who can afford it. It is highly unlikely that a child needs a stem cell transplant or, if you ever need that umbilical cord blood of the child itself is the ideal source of primary cells. There is no proven even if a transplant using primary cells of the same child is effective or even safe, especially in the case of cancer children. For these reasons, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) does not consider it prudent to store umbilical cord blood as a biological protection in the case of families with no history of the disorders mentioned above. However, the AAP and some other scientists are in favor of collecting and storing umbilical cord blood in public banks that can be used by recipients without family ties in urgent need of cell transplantation. This could be particularly useful for ethnic and racial groups are underrepresented in the registries of volunteer bone marrow. March of Dimes

is optimistic about the possibilities of treatment with umbilical cord blood and is evaluating the results of the investigations so far seem promising. However, parents are expecting a baby should be well informed to make your choice based on appropriate advice to medical reasons.

Source: March of Dimes

References American Academy of Pediatrics Work Group on Cord Blood Banking. Potential Cord blood banking for future transplantation: subject review. Pediatrics, Volume 104, Number 11, July 1999, pages 116-118.

Rocha, V., et al. Graft-versus-host disease in Children Who Have Received a cord-blood or bone marrow transplant from an HLA-identical sibling. New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 342, Number 26, June 22, 2000, pages 1846-1854.

Rubenstein, P., et al. Outcomes Among 562 recipients of placental-Blood Transplants from Unrelated Donors. New England Journal of Medicine, 1998, volume 339, pages 1565-1576.

Ziegner, U., et al. Unrelated umbilical cord stem transplantation for X-linked immunodeficiencies. Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 134, Number 4, April 2001, pages 70-573. 09-1018-98 11/02

Saturday, January 29, 2011

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Chagas disease.

Chagas disease, also called American trypanosomiasis, is a potentially fatal disease caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi.

is found mostly in Latin America, where it is transmitted to humans mainly by the feces of triatomine insects called kissing bugs, bugs or other names, depending on your geographic location. Originally

(more than 9000 years), T. cruzi only affected wild animals was then when it spread to domestic animals and humans. Because of the large number of wild animals that serve as a reservoir for this parasite in the Americas can not be eradicated.

Worldwide, an estimated 10 million people are infected, mostly in Latin America, where Chagas disease is endemic. More than 25 million people are at risk of acquiring the disease. It is estimated that in 2008 the disease killed more than 10 000 people.

The disease is named after Carlos Ribeiro Justiniano Chagas, a Brazilian doctor who discovered it in 1909.

geographic areas affected by
Chagas disease Chagas disease is found mainly in Latin America, but in recent decades have seen most often in the United States, Canada, many European countries and some Western Pacific .

This is mainly due to the mobility of the population between Latin America and the rest of the world. Less often due to infection through blood transfusions, vertical transmission (from infected mother to her child) or organ donation.

Chagas disease Chagas disease has two distinct phases.

initial acute phase
Initially, the acute phase lasts about two months after contracting the infection.

During this acute phase circulating in the bloodstream a lot of parasites.

In most cases no symptoms or symptoms are mild. There may be fever, headache, enlarged lymph nodes palidez, dolores musculares, dificultad para respirar, hinchazón y dolor abdominal o torácico. En menos del 50% de las personas picadas por un triatomíneo, un signo inicial característico puede ser una lesión cutánea o una hinchazón amoratada de un párpado.

Fase Crónica
Durante la fase crónica, los parásitos permanecen ocultos principalmente en el músculo cardiaco y digestivo. Hasta un 30% de los pacientes sufren trastornos cardiacos y hasta un 10% presentan alteraciones digestivas (típicamente, agrandamiento del esófago o del colon), neurológicas o mixtas.

Con el paso de los años, la infección puede causar muerte súbita o insuficiencia heart by the progressive destruction of heart muscle. Forms of contagion

In Latin America, the parasite T. cruzi is transmitted mainly through infected feces of triatomine insects that feed on blood.

Usually they live in cracks and crevices of poorly constructed houses in rural and suburban areas. Normally remain hidden during the day and become active at night feeding on human blood.

generally bite in an exposed area of \u200b\u200bskin, including face and defecate near the bite. The parasites enter the body when a person rubs instinctively bite and push the stool toward the bite, eyes, mouth or open skin lesion.

Other modes of transmission of Chagas disease
by food contaminated with the parasite, for example, by contact with feces of triatomines;
by transfusion of infected blood;
by transmission from infected mother to her child during pregnancy or childbirth;
by transplantation of organs from an infected person
laboratory accident.
Chagas disease Chagas disease can be treated with benznidazole or nifurtimox, which kill the parasite. Both drugs are almost 100% effective in curing the disease if given early in infection in the acute stage.

However, its effectiveness decreases as more time elapses from the onset of infection. Treatment with these drugs is also indicated in case of reactivation of infection (eg immunocompromised) in children with congenital disease and in patients at the beginning of the chronic phase.

treatment should be offered to infected adults, especially those who have no symptoms. The potential benefits of medication to prevent or slow the progression of Chagas disease must be weighed against the long duration of treatment (two months) and possible adverse reactions (which occurring in up to 40% of patients).

benznidazole and nifurtimox should not be administered to pregnant women or people with kidney or liver failure.

Nifurtimox is also contraindicated in persons with a history of neurological diseases of the nervous system or psychiatric disorders.

addition, it may be necessary to give a specific treatment for cardiac or gastrointestinal manifestations.

How to prevent this disease?
There is no vaccine against Chagas disease.

The most effective method to prevent it in Latin America is the vector control.

objectives control are to eliminate the transmission and get infected and sick people have access to health care.

screening of donated blood is necessary to prevent infection by blood transfusions and organ donation.

prevention and control methods
spraying and surrounding houses with insecticides, improving housing
to prevent infestation by the vector,
personal preventive measures, such as use of mosquito nets;
good hygiene in the preparation, transport, storage and consumption of food;
screening of donated blood;
screening tests organ, tissue or donated cells and their receptors;
screening of newborns whose mothers are infected, as well as siblings of infected children to achieve early diagnosis and provide appropriate treatment.
Source: World Health Organization

Thursday, January 27, 2011

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megaconstructions of the sixth (I)

chupi Megaconstrucciones is a documentary of those Discovery Channel doing really cool things to show, in particular engineering challenges in the form of gigantic vacant buildings equipment or soaring.
But that dwarf compared to the things that engineers can imagine, and much more compared to the imaginations of science fiction writers, architects and engineers to the top of pills without a prescription.

And we always have great things molado *. While we may not make much sense. And is that however impressive is the Burj Dubai (the building and the largest structure built by man with 832 meters high) I still think ... nothing. Just a big thing because. Will compensate or something.

I've run into some crazy engineering, industrial engineering night terrors and materials, thanks to some books I browsed the small at home and on the other hand, thanks to Internet, who knows everything. If you have vertigo hits the wall:

Tatlin Tower:
Any idea?
Surge in 1920 by the Russian architect Vladimir Tatlin

And does it come from?
In 1920 many things happened in Europe. Mostly we were experiencing a hangover The War That would end all Wars **.

in Russia was on the rise of communism, so this gargantuan building Tatlin designed to serve as the headquarters of the Comintern (Communist International ). In fact the official name of the tower would be "a monument to the Third International."

The tower, made of steel and glass would measure 400 meters high, and turned up at an angle of about 65 °. The lower part of an amphitheater and what would I have told you rotate the entire building?
An entire revolution every year (no joke intended, really). And in the domestic building in the pyramid-dome other mechanism that would spin in full each month. Tatlin
not play to defend, is unclear. Designed a building taller than the Eiffel Tower, the tallest building in the time and would have needed to build all the steel in Siberia, or so the legend goes ... and, no, the legend does not say anything about 1000 or minarets esplandecientes majestic elephants.

Molonez Level:
7 / 20. Because it views that change every year, like it or not spent a lot of electricity and not to squander the patio. Besides, the building would be the lightning rod in the world with so much steel.

Tokyo Sky 1000:
Any idea? Some
handful of geniuses of Takenaka Corporation it brought to light in 1989.

And does it come from?
Japan has a very big problem with space. The problem is that they start to fall short. As happens in almost all inhabited islands, is a very small space to live all over the world, and Tokyo is the city that everyone wants to live.
This makes construction a laugh, because what is paid for a work is that 90% is just to buy the land. Why

which passes the solution? Well, since artificial islands keep getting veneers and of reclaim land from the sea in volcanic islands and ocean are dirct largest planet requires much more thinking, for now only remains profitable in the field. So are put forward to 'condense' many buildings into one. I present this is just the first. A tower of 1 km. with a plant height of 400 meters wide in a hexagonal shape. In its 14 levels with concave FORMIT be condensed an area of \u200b\u200babout 8 km. square. That's nothing.
Green areas in central and office and apartment buildings on either side. For a change, the technology to build such big buildings is not yet at our disposal this building would not only have to deal with the structural integrity of something so large, the exposure to the elements and lack of oxygen in the upper floors (well, how milk gets sunlight in the interior of the intermediate floors for green spaces?).

And I have not said anything about Godzilla, King Chidorah or Biorante ... What is Japan, milk!

Molonez Level:
10/20, Because yes.

Bionic Tower
Any idea?
Launched in 2001 by English architects Eloy Celaya, M ª Rosa Cervera and Javier Gómez
"And this is coming?
This comes as before, but with a twist. This vagabond would have 1.2 km. high and low and would not be a skyscraper, but it would be a 'vertical city' . Started developing the idea in 97, following a convention in London. From then until 2001 developed the idea of \u200b\u200ba multipurpose building design based supertall biological structures. And it looks good.

The building's design is based on a floating island whose 'foundation' grow as you grow the building providing more stability as required. The city has vertical an oval shape, the columns that support it have a fractal structure (consist of other columns that carry electricity, water and form the 'skeleton') so that the building is 'flexible' in the sense that the wind passes through without eroding much of it abroad and how it can harness that wind power.

addition, as in the earlier buildings, seems to have a lot of green on the inside with the intention of, together with the outer end of glass and steel, helping to create a microclimate that reduces costs and such and that. Every 80 meters there is a 'neighborhood' prepared for this purpose, taking into account that we talked about 300 plants, it gives me is enough.

for now are often interested in Shanghai and Hong Kong in this project, to see what comes out ...

Molonez Level:
17/20; only because city water lily may molar and implement new models of planning a city that is environmentally non-aggressive to the environment and energy efficient ... and because of mega building gargantuan never see the giant DVDs Poseidon City

Shimizu TRY 2004 Mega-City Pyramid
Any idea?
Another incredible large-scale projects of the Japanese construction company Shimizu. Stay with the name, which tell more stuff from them soon.

And does it come from?
As we said at the beginning, people would cool the biggest yet. And the Japs can not think of anything else to take the project disproportionate X-SEED 4000 *** and get away a little. It's another megacity, but this time cloistered in a pyramid. Following the Arcology paradigm (architectural principles for designing megastructures forming a completely self-contained city in itself) we have a cover of carbon nanotubes that form a network in a grid outer triangular faces forming a pyramid.

This grid form a superstructure in which 'contain' transport nodes for buildings that are within that structure and a legion of (ouyea) robot builders. This building, it seems, need maintenance and some repairs very difficult. The reason is that by now the stuff of which would have to be made there. Structures would be shaped carbon nanotubes (which almost seems to be the panacea of \u200b\u200bmaterials science) and who better to keep a small robot that will forge building from within?

the end would have a pyramid of 2004 meters high, which is not bad. If you want to know miraoslo more things here .

Molonez Level:
17/20. It's crazy but it could work. Besides, it sure is a building that would be cool to Escher.

Transatlantic Tunnel:
Any idea? Possibly Michel Verne, son of the famous writer Jules Verne, as proposed in his story "An express to the Future '

And does it come from?
buildings not only human lives, there are things beyond the Big Ones live in a tower where you have to be paid for water, light and air. This is one of them.
Earlier this century
not think of anything else to people who imagine things . The world is moving at the pace of progress ... it was a very big thing that everything was in time and money (read, although not as efficiently) and you could not stop. So the idea of \u200b\u200ba bridge that linked London and New York. We talked about a Dubra bridge the enormous distance of 5.572km. leaving the-city-that-never-sleeps, and came to London, connecting to the British Isles for Swansea.

How we do this? Well, the classical idea was that of a bridge whose girders reached the bottom ... but this was a bit impractical, especially because we get to see where beams so large (the average depth of the Atlantic is 3900 meters, with a peak on the way up to 4500 meters).
What if we use oil rigs? The idea is not so bad, you just have to keep in mind that even if you use this type of structure there are problems with the tides, weather and collisions. Possibly need much maintenance.
But since the auction, what if we use that these structures have a vacuum pressurized tunnel under water? And we have
madness. The proposed idea is to mount a tunnel by prefabricated sections (about 54,000) about 50 meters below sea level, where there is no perceptible movement of water, traffic maritime and tides are barely noticeable, secured by guy wires semi submerged platforms serve as energy supply is reduced if they are equipped with solar panels and emergency areas in case of accident.

To train the clear choice is a maglev or magnetic levitation train, capable of speeds of up to 8000 km / h, but the acceleration would be a problem for passengers. The idea is a fast and comfortable journey, not just a quick trip. Perhaps if it focused only passengers traveling on the train would be too slow to compete with airplanes, but if this infrastructure is to be stable and safe, it could easily be used for freight transport ... and ultimately reduce costs

Although the problem of security is very peculiar (although the impact with the water would be tremendous, "a streamlined train might slow down without being a serious danger?) this project if it is within the limits of our knowledge engineering ... So if, to see who is the handsome you leave the money with cheaper alternatives.

Molonez Level:
15/20, not only because people begin to leave some lao planes, but because it comes in an episode of Sea Quest. Nostalgia attack! Very effective!

And now, as soon I have more great things for one or two more posts.
I return to the blog, people. Let's see how I go.

you soon. OST

this Post:
REM - Bad Day
La Casa Azul - I'd rather not
Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster Stronger

------------------ * [and grooved]
** [although there would be another later, but hey, what counts is the intention, right?]
* ** [sounds like a fucking robot ...]****
anything here ****[ a Buster Machine 3 ]