Friday, February 25, 2011

Still Bathed By Babysitter

(Here are a little More than eight in the morning)
I send the text of his compatriot in this way.
A hug from the land of their ancestors

"Dear citizens of the global neoliberal world:

From Montevideo, Uruguay, a country that was able to welcome many Galician and English in general, when misery swept southern European areas mainly in the processes of "modernization", where the offices were destroyed by massive industrialization, is that I am glad I can contact you in

Here there is also the mobbing. At the same time there is an association ACAMU, which is in its infancy, but slowly begins to add in the social environment, since it is suffering from this scourge in its postmodern version.

is extremely interesting that among you talk of "solidarity" as one of the values \u200b\u200bto develop in situations like this. Perhaps these issues bring with them on the positive side, the necessary review de ciertos valores que se han ido dejando de lado en una sociedad capitalista que de la mano del neoliberalismo, y su hijo primogénito "el consumismo" han conjugado un sinfín de efectos perversos, como los conceptos de "eficiencia" y "eficacia", en un economicismo, que no considera otros valores más allá de conseguir el éxito económico, dejando por ejemplo a hijos abandonados al salir los dos padres a trabajar y buscar su desarrollo personal y profesional, por encima de la constitución familiar.(otro valor perimido)

Este es un país chico, y estamos pasando ya hace más de 10 años un aumento sustancial del PBI, con disminución histórica del desmpleo, bajo los gobiernos progresistas que se preocuparon de pagarles las deudas externa al FMI y al BM. Esto permitió, emitir esa deuda en bonos negociables de deuda nacional en el mecado

inteno, cosa esta que tuvo una muy buena acogida.

Esta independencia de esos organismos internacionales fue tan importante que nos permitió poder realizar lo que nosotros deseábamos realizar con nuestra economía, y no lo que ellos nos exigían que hiciéramos para pagarle la deuda.

De esta forma logramos DISTRIBUIR los recursos nacionales, realizando un país más justo y solidario, donde las clases más desposeídas hoy son verdaderos ciudadanos, ya que les llega todo los servicios de: salud, agua potable, luz, teléfono, saneamineto, education, eliminating poor housing, little by little, one for each child lapto licial school, etc.

This has brought increased consumption has reahabilitation aim and invigorate the economy, they both have also been tried in the MERCOSUR area.

But beyond all that, we are being invaded by theories and values \u200b\u200bof the "first world" or "core countries" that have led to bankruptcy, under the speculation and corruption.

is then that bullying is found in Sweden by Leyman, in the early `80, studying birds, strangely enough, and we are in different scale, we are suffering these perverse effects identeficados as bulliny as harassment in the student, and mobbing, and harassment works.

Inside my master study in sociology of work, I develop in my final thesis, part of this issue and seek to measure what the impact of bullying in our environment.

that is new from the agreement with AECI (English International Cooperation Association for Development), University of the Republic, is being processed in certain powers, extremely significant changes imposed by this partnership where support is monetary change "Developmental changes" under the neoliberal positions.

Thus, the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, LL has imposed a state of terrorpsicológico in the Faculty, at the request of the new dynamic efficiency.

This is bringing persecution, dismissal, harassment of all kinds, screaming, bad treatment, etc.. etc.

So it is not an issue bullying Restrict to a situation of unemployment or transiting a country crisis, but the imposition of values \u200b\u200bby individuals "narcissistic psychopaths"

According to experts, often mobbing not looking for a person to stop their jobs, but "morbid satisfaction of who is doing it." This was stated by Roberto Gomez, occupational psychologist, adding that it is a "pathological form of trafficking" that is developed enough "high" to "hold harassment at the time."

Solidarity is a good tool to overthrow the kind of person .

Greetings ... and a lot of occupational health, I want from here ... Mr. Gonzalo

Cote. "

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Prices Jewel Baby Lock

Editorial Focus

Julia Rodriguez Larreta

saved his life, yes, but it is ruined forever. Delay Gerard was a man healthy, young and hardworking, but since the fateful September 19, 2010, he became a paraplegic due to the bullet that fell into bone marrow a juvenile offender who entered the restaurant the French girl, for steal the money that may be in the box. His medical report indicates multiple and serious consequences as a result of sustained, but the heartless not be convicted of murder, because fortunately for him, the victim did not die, but Delay lost for the rest of his days normal life until then had.

Since the offender had not reached 18, he shall be punished either fully in accordance with the Penal Code, for the atrocity. Whether for severe injuries, which could mean 20 months to 8 years imprisonment as maximum or be construed as attempted murder, (which reduces the penalty for murder of a third to half) of 5 to 15 years penitentiary. Moreover, as the suspect was a minor at the time he left crippled Delay, the court will apply the Code for Children and Adolescents, which provides less severe criteria. As if this were not enough, in a year the robber, who was arrested by police in late October, will be of age and merit of the aforementioned Article 222 Code on Children and Adolescents, history, full of annotations (21 to date) accounting for multiple robberies (theft with violence) and takeover, will be destroyed and the young will be "clean." So to get back into court, after making a new outrage, surely serious, given his background, will be judged as if that was his first crime, without the aggravation of his criminal career.

This sad episode reminds us once again that the deputy project Lacalle Pou, presented several years, first under President Vázquez and then under current continues drawers because the left can not reach an agreement before a proposal full of meaning common, coming from the opposition. The same is assumed that the bundle of juvenile offenders does not disappear upon reaching adulthood, as today, and can be studied by the trial judge before sentencing, if deemed appropriate. The same happens with regard to other changes Penal Code imperative for our times, the decline in accountability. No sane person can deny that today existe, lamentablemente, un submundo de jóvenes que son un peligro público para la sociedad. Es evidente que ya no calzan en la categoría de menores y es infame que el tiempo se pase en discusiones estériles, dando así cabida a que suceda una tragedia como la mencionada, con responsables que no son sacados de circulación a pesar del riesgo que entrañan para la gente que trabaja y vive de acuerdo a la ley. Ni tampoco reciben un castigo acorde a la gravedad del hecho. Coyunturas semejantes han llevado a que sean muchos los países que han rebajado los estándares de otras épocas, para establecer un límite a la minoridad.

A su vez, para la víctima y sus familiares, a quienes among other penalties were also dropped a big economic problem difficult to solve, the time the person breadwinner of the family was not used, inadvertently becoming a generator of expenses, they must be disheartening to discover how helpless they are in their ability to claim to justice. Gives the impression that there is significant deviation of who deserves more guarantees, if the injured or the striker, to know the answers received through his counsel, against the order to assemble the steps preparatory to its application. First, in the court of third shift was prevented access to the file in which substance the criminal process and constant injuries, etc. to the point that they only learned he and the family, the offender nicknamed "Shorty", captured by police, was another escaped from Colonia Berro, as his accomplice. And what about the other camera. This time the Supreme Court, in its reply also refuses to provide the information requested by the defense, arguing among other things "that the child owns the information", which "prevents any activity from the raw data participation of children and adolescents duly assisted by counsel ... "

So it prevents something that is part of fundamental rights of any resident, as is the access to any information that legitimately have a right to know, just as much talk of defending human rights. Arguably too, which makes it a case of solidarity of the state against the citizen.

Family Guy Ipod Touch

More webcomics

In this age of rampant crisis (sigh , Germany had already gone, what hosts is with us?) And stay at home because it was tantamount to high I can not but seek other forms of entertainment. For starters, new webcomics. Bargains, fun and to abstract a while:

- Blip :
Featuring a very special character, which veil the heaven and hell, a friend of the queen of vampires, a magician superpower and an incredible cyborg be spinning a story of ... life in general. With the addition of old gods, supernatural beings and many tacos in English, K. looking for happiness and a hole in the world. Tell what the mystery surrounding the poor K. but better let you find out:)

Very highly recommended, although not seem to be nowhere and has 834 strips ... I have read in 4 days. There's that.

- Rabbit Frustrated:
The title could not be luckier, Rodolfo is a newly divorced rabbit has to take charge of your child's deep subnormal Rodolfito supreme pervert and his father all this while working IT and try to find love ... or something similar but with touch.
The webcomic that more laughter me lately has and just broke the barrier of 100. Great to keep in mind.

- Spinerette :
Molari sting you a radioactive spider or who you fall in a swim mutagenic, right? For the poor Heather is enthusiastic but has not had much luck. Mutagenic fell into a bath, yes. And I could throw nets, of course ... but only from the base of the column ... where the back 'almost' lost the name, yes. And you better not say anything about the 4 extra arms that came out. Now it

combine his love of being a superhero as you play deal cn her fellowship research (which they throw breaking almost everything), extra arms to disguise a fat suit and face Marvel comics who do not like anything real superheroes have costumes similar to those of their own. Luckily she has good friends nearby, and without disguise.
A fun approach to the world of superheroes: P

- Buttersafe:
Absurd. Ridiculous. Stupid. And surely you've ever thought one or another of his jokes. Is little danger of thinking and look much internet.

If yours is the absurd humor and you are taking time to look.

- Surviving the World:
Not so much a webcomic as a collection of truths about the world, from a guy (Dante) with gown, cap, slate and kilos of sincerity, bad temper and twisted thinking. And every day, and really cool. Too much text for you? Buuuh. Reflections, Venn diagrams, lists, tips and even questions submitted by readers. You will almost certainly start a laugh. :)

And here everything. Have fun. OST

this Post:
A Perfect Circle - Passive

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Smallest Breasts In Bollywood

Quote of the Week (CVI)

"If you treat an individual as it is, he will remain as is. But if you treat him as if whatever it can and should be, it will become what it can and should be. "

Wolfgang von Goethe (writer, poet, playwright, novelist, philosopher and German scientist)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Heating Low Loss Headers

Sinde talking about ... Big ass Day'11

Many people have said these things better than I could say about this topic. I just want to leave you with 4 things based on my personal experience:

- I'm watching Babylon 5 in Yonkis Series. I admit it. Do you know why? It is the only place where I can see beyond the first season in Peninsular English. And why say more beyond the first? For the first one I have more than seen, is the only original left on dvd and after several emails to the distributor yet I have no answer to when or whether they will get the rest. I would buy it if it were for sale, but as they do not want my money because I keep it ...

- English cinema I do not like, I've said several times. The fact that a film of war (a conflict over which there are movies English kicked and, damn it, began 75 years ago and ended it 72) that has just stepped theaters (I'm still looking for the number of rooms in which it was released, if any kind reader knows and can quote me the source, below are comments) and not nearly recovered their investment ... made mostly by grants and public funds speaks volumes as is the case in many ideas and dandruff. The actors make the film after they charge, and the impact they have, as I understand it, it will not be for the money they earn but by the quality of that work ... word of mouth from people who say 'you have to see this thing that is so cool. " Focusing
again I must say that seeing the broad theme of English cinema I will not spend 8 euros to see a neighborhood drama, a story full of stereotypes ("The Chronicles of Narniecas, the queer, the whore, the junkie and the closet ") or the like. Damn, I fooled enough 'Alatriste'.

- I download music, I admit. But I admit that I still buy discs (both CD and vinyl) of bands I like. None English, specific. Mostly English, Japanese and Americans. What I do is spend time and effort in looking for the latest album by Alejandro Sanz. I do not like anything. Besides, I think anyone who lives, works and taxed out d Spain should shut up before saying lindeces as has dropped, mainly because as you respond .
could say that I think that trying to pay for a disc of 12 songs about 24 I think an evil thing euros, but as I said before. I also think a lot of nerve to want to put your rights as an author over fundamental rights (read: freedom of expression and the presumption of innocence), but I'm not talking about all for free. At any time.
Although bullshit me when I write here, and if there way I could give wings to my projects and I would come out ahead out of them, at least just enough to cover what it has cost me. But when I write here I do with this idea. I write because I like and it fills me, calms me and helps me focus. When the federal artists became so greedy?
apart from that, you know few artists I have met through internet? Hundreds, many without their own album and sell their works

- I really, REALLY, that Sinde Act will not only be ineffective (you can not stem the tide, you can not stop the signal) but will close the technological advancement of the Llori-racy of the authors while others are ready and accurate use of new technologies to reach more people make more money and pull to up front. Be aware, gentlemen, but will close a page more. Although close the link to pages on foreign servers go another way (such as using social networks, mailing lists and, I say from now on, return to the glorious fserve IRC and automatic).
The feeling I get is that they try to cover all the holes of a strainer to keep from sinking. And you end up with a large intranet will cover the whole country ... with the predictable consequences of stagnation and no piracy ... and just creation.

Why technology platforms do not use or permit to enter the country? Spotify is the best invention since the compression of files for everyone, and I'm nothing to pay for it (all be for not listening to Melendi cocoon while I have a list of Brian Eno and Mike Oldfield). iTunes is being made of gold, but have some another bump, as the network attempts to antisocial, and Netflix in the U.S. has a large volume of sales and shows us that if you put a price competitive people do not bother to pirate. And do not make me talk about, the Kindle and ebooks. Maintain a model

ignoring the incredible technological revolution of humanity and mother's advice * is closed very much, and passed through the liner before those rights ... they mourn my common sense.

the end we will end badly. I, for the time being, be who I am voting NO ... the problem is that I start to run out of options. See

OST for this post:
Andrew WK - Ready to Die
** Kill Hannah - Lips like Morphine

-------------------------- * [mothers and Sesame Street taught us to share what you have is good, the one with the webOS that otherwise will face Triqui. I said]
** [Goear curiously has a license from the SGAE ... not exactly where or how, but it XD]

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Digital Camera Sale 20 Megapixels -camcorder

Anda, took 2 hours just looking for a picture worth so great time and I do not find anything. Nothing

front, I say.
to choose:
"as if it would not take anything ... anything ... take nadaaaaa"

Or should I say back? Big ass
Happy Day, people: P OST

this Post:
Airborne - Diamond in the Rough

Saturday, February 12, 2011

3 Inch Wide Packing Tape

Wallpaper Dump (XXII)

Special Delivery, as the first of the year.

Y uno de Calvin y Hobbes :P

[ I ] [ II ] [ III ] [ IV ] [ IV ] [ V ] [ VI ] [ VII ] [ VIII ] [ IX] [X ] [ XI] [XII ] [ XIII ] [ XIV] [XV ] [ XVI] [XVII ] [ XVIII ] [ XIX] [XX ] [XXI ]

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cost To Replace Struts Jeep Liberty


... and then decided to swim upstream.

One day he woke up and instead of working like everyone else, and absolutely ALL others, decided to dress in disagreement and show that going around. On and different
put on his green cape and decided to protest.

And watch.

The system worked almost well. In a well-oiled machine and optimized as a single fault is visible. I noticed the big brother and attempted to go through all the phases before taking action on the matter. Sloppy, resignation. They all watched as the small dissident consequences of their actions.

'small but significant', reaffirmed in its character as she looked up to big brother. He was aware that speaking out against the behavior of masses was crazy, but it was sometimes necessary. Big Brother would have to realize what was at stake. They could not be treated as a mass stupid bow to their wishes, though I knew it was crazy trying them individually.

And in these he saw his companions. All absorbed in their work, to play its role. If they were aware of this 'microrebelion' did not know, but the impact seemed minimal. Does all this? "To all the effort? "I remember Big Brother?

And then withdrew.

returned to wear the colors errands and perform their duties, small but significant in the fabric. And at night, when everything is turned off, remember his rebellion and the terrified eyes of big brother, rubbing his eyes and hoping that everything would not have happened.

And this is the story of a dead pixel on my screen, they say that the computer has no art: P

PostScriptum: Dedicated to Yeray and Pixel Anarchist, apart from personal experience inspired me. .. this. :)

OST for this post:
The Cinematic Orchestra - Hatching

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wowway Need Receiver For Each Hdtv

Caca Crime and Punishment, "the ministers heard?

of in f Oques , Tuesday, 08 February 2011 at 23:31


Caca, "the ministers heard?

This happened days ago in Maldonado Bay.

One of the many trips he found nothing better to drop in Maldonado Bay all residual glow of the ship's bathrooms.

While the waste is chemically treated, coliforms is not completely gone.

No ship in the world can do what this boat was, and DINARA and our Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Environment and Tourism course that usually foreign, should take measures, must make the formal complaint to the shipping company that owns the vessel.

In order to better understand the bathers and tourists from Punta del Este sewage were bathing in the duration of the stay of the boat in the bay.

We indicating that the vessel in question had to do this operation in open sea and NIGHT, taking advantage outgoing tides of the ports or at least 12 miles away from earth, otherwise, should be punished and fined.

Source: in f Oques


Monday, February 7, 2011

Other Names Of The Game Bow And Arrow

IMMORAL Emergency Decree 001-2011 and 002-2011

Here at home, no doubt we need a press that is fair, objective and honest. And above all it plays for Peru. And do not you dance to play the entrepreneurs, and major transnational capital. A press report, educate and guide people to want and love to our country. And above all we talk in simple language. They leave the technicalities of all kinds in the closet. In Peru have to talk in front. Without cortapizas halftone. Why ?....
Because we know this government APRA that it is already out, career, as if those who live in this beautiful land of Peru, we were jerks in the name of the little word prostitute sinverguezon of EMERGENCY, want enyucado two Emergency Decrees the 001-2011 and 002-2011, supposedly to expedite Execution / 33 projects infrastructure, easing environmental requirements, and no doubt it must be said aloud, with the clear purpose of promoting afordable groups, and amen to lined well, they leave. In plain language the government responds TROUBLE blessed and we are not so stupid for not realizing it is the fat commissions they hide behind private business.
Fellow known is that the RTICLE to 118 , inc. 19 of our Constitution authorizes the Executive embodied in the President, to issue extraordinary measures through emergency decrees with the force of law, said that it Emergency Decrees should be on economic and financial matters, when so required by the national interest and under must report to Congress. That is, my friends clearly state that are issued for emergency situations. Then "who are trying to fool with these unconstitutional dercretos emergency?
thing is that with these emergency decrees, once again become effort uncovering the sellout and traitor of this government. Al caballazo irritated with these rules is to sell to foreign capital, mostly Chileans, our ports, airports, roads, and others. And most crucially privatize the North Terminal of the Port of Callao, which for Chilean capital are ready to take over the strategic port of our país.Y allow our neighbors to the south, go slowly taking over Peru. If now and bought farmland in Ica.
ask, without so much want our Peru, why these blessed rulers of the star, not preucuparon of these investment projects at the beginning of his administration? Why now gentlemen, if you are only 70 days to go home? Respond . Why? URGENT Now for supposedly intended to cut the powers control over resources, taking the turn with cachita and seafood to the Government Procurement Act, reducing time and limiting the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)?
In this sense the danger that threatens our country, that our ports, airports, and water to pass to domains of the Chilean people is that this trench also joins Protext chain of democratic institutions in the country, port workers, and dignified country, and requires that as soon as a ray of Congress President to convene a special legislative session, and repealing these decrees Emergency, Emergency that has not one iota. And we welcome the convening of the National Day of Struggle given for this rejection Wednesday 9 THE AUCTION AND LOOTING THE COUNTRY. Ahi esters. URGENT PD according to the Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary means: AS URGENT. LACK pressing than is necessary for some business, talk about the laws and decrees, ACTUAL OBLIGATION TO COMPLY . Finally remember don Manuel Gonzalez Prada ... HOURS OF FIGHT ... "Where you put your finger ... SALTA LA PUS.

Indian Channels Frequancy

As forensic science works / Spain


never come face to face with the offender, usually do not even know who he is. Theirs are the tiny samples, traces almost invisible, their task is to bring them to light and helping to resolve cases without leaving the bench ... "bills of exchange, checks and receipts, here comes a blanket." While talking, José Manuel Benavides, Technical Document Examination Section of the Central Forensic Science Service, is showing a large collection of all types of forged or manipulated. "For example, here is a check that is says is reviewed.'ve Scraped the paper, have eliminated the original amount ... because of course, here's what it is to benefit the firm."

forger's work did not help much: the apparatus of Section took the changes in light, rather, to different types of light filters through which passed the check, and that got rid of the original ink by magic, leaving only visible alterations. Once issued

the opinion of forgery and sent to court, the case ended, at least for the men of Document Examination. After all, only one of many cases of forgery with which they face. In addition to bank checks, receipts and bills of exchange, also get passports, identity documents, wills, driver licenses, lottery tickets, handwritten or typewritten letters, casino chips or football tickets.

The counterfeit paper money, which have been subject in many movies, not as common as you might think: "There are several types, from classical organized gang, it does well, even photocopies of hand-colored bills." Forensic Document

has large units, but has not always been so. This section, like all others that make up the Central Forensic Science Service (formerly Central Office Identification) has been a great change in recent years, a dramatic expansion of media shows has gained importance over the years the scientific techniques applied to the police investigation. "Police have not changed but the way they do, it works according to certain laws, as these laws are setting new demands, the police must meet these requirements. Currently, we are going a demonstration of the fact much more reliable. That requires any demonstration might not get a policeman saying what he thinks or giving his opinion of what he has seen, what he has seen what has to prove, and must do so technically. With an expert's report, with analysis, something that can serve as objective evidence in court. "

But in those particular cases apply these analytical techniques? Practically, almost all crimes may include the involvement of this service , but only act injunction, providing the results of its analysis. Usually they are not usually informed about the details of the case are working: they may find that signing a check is false, that a bullet had been fired by some gun in particular that several bags of coca have been cut with strychnine, but not who falsified the shooter, who committed adultery. What's more, do not want to know, because knowledge of details may make them lose objectivity in their work. "The next news we have when we quoted trial to testify about the survey. The expert arrives at the trial, answer the questions asked and, when finished his statement was going ... and we do not know what's happening in the trial to end. "

This pursuit of objectivity in the work of the Police Science is shared by its counterpart in the Civil Guard, the Judicial Police Service. Its facilities are perhaps less colorful and workload more rested, but primarily engaged in the same, with identical procedures and performance standards.

The basis on which these departments work could be defined as any type of action or human intervention on an object or another person leaves traces. And these traces can be found and identified. Document Examination Section of the Scientific Police (the equivalent in Civil Guard is the department of graphic) is a good example. A fraud can happen by legitimate sight to the man in the street, but years of experience and equipment as videoespectro comparison, get wonders: a simple scrape, barely visible to the naked eye, stands out as its own light. And if anyone has tried to remove a strikeout, also presents a greater problem: to go by subjecting it to different types of light, the erasure disappears beneath the text can be read clearly.

The comparison microscope is perhaps the most common weapon used by these officers in white coats, is used in almost all sections and allows to observe two different objects simultaneously. Forensic Document as used, for example, to compare an actual document with another dubious. Lofoscopia to find similarity between two fingerprints. But perhaps the Ballistics section that makes greater use of that device ... and many others. In this department do what we all see out in the movies, just what is real and much more thorough analysis. Shells, pods and weapons are the material of work, and when they are analyzed section as fully as possible. The pods and shells were examined under a profile projector or a comparison microscope for signs that may be less than a tenth of a millimeter, but that will demonstrate conclusively, for example that two pods have been fired with the same gun. All information obtained is archived for future reference, so that it is possible to reconstruct the criminal history of a gun newcomer consulting files. Sometimes the weapon's serial number is defaced, or the gun's firing pin or needle is not the original. These manipulations are a major difficulty, but never impossible to solve. Makes it very clear maximum exposed on the wall: "The forensic laboratories do not exist for rapid action, but to respond fully reliable." (Or, one might add, as reliable as possible ...)

For that, both the Police and Civil Guard, issued a diagnosis so, they need a certain total.En Sometimes the work is simple, for example, if you come to the ballistics section of the police photographs of the autopsy for a robber shot dead in the heart. The pictures, not very pleasant to contemplate, show the wound caused by the bullet inside the body, and inlet holes and outlet that was left in the clothing of the corpse. With this, and the analysis of holes and shells, the men of the section are sufficient to describe the circumstances in which the shooting occurred as clearly as if they were there. Even more clearly, in those cases where witness statements contradict each other.

Occasionally his testimony has been inconclusive. A little over a year, a woman was shot dead in Madrid while walking down the street Arturo Soria. The proximity of a Marine barracks there, went to research. "By examining the bullet, we determined that a cartridge was 7.62 and had been shot with a Cetmar. Now What Cetmar was twenty thousand, thirty thousand, one hundred thousand, which are manufactured? Impossible to know. As there suspicion that the area of \u200b\u200bperformance could be the Marine Barracks in the vicinity, are legally required to have weapons that day might be available at the dealer. Were, 34 Cetmar that passed through the lab, and found them perfectly what was ". The rest of the investigation was carried out by other departments, but, faced with irrefutable evidence, the manager was quick to confess.
fires a weapon in the departments of Ballistics, projectiles need to make comparisons, and to get them have a shooting gallery and special collectors. They even have holders for firing a ranged weapon, if there appears no be in good condition, thus preventing it from breaking the technician in the face.

These findings can also be used if the judicial authorities of the day you want to know if this gun or that gun can fire accidentally or if they work smoothly. If you have to find the deformation of a projectile embedded in a body, turn to substitutes: for example, the Civil Guard fired at pig heads to compare the status of other bullet has been found in a human skull.

Fingerprints can leave a projectile inside a body are now the responsibility of the Forensic Analytical Laboratories. Despite the name, no dead bodies lying on the tables, but you work with a tiny sample, not just bodies but any substance that is necessary to identify whether it is a poison, explosive or drug.

"We are working at the level of 120-130 monthly issues, both biological and explosives, drugs or classical liquid in front of a deceased murder or suicide, and you have to say what is or what has not. There are techniques basic must know all know that the University ... but if you go poking in anatomic absorption, you go poking in electron microscopy, then you need the expert that, based on years and years, is taking this technique. What you have in this area is a great imagination. " Good but still few results they have achieved progress very applied genetics to the police investigation may give a lot to say to these analytical departments.

Although the DNA is of paramount importance in the biological field, for police Lofoscopia section, a fingerprint, or a fragment thereof, may be sufficient to identify its owner without any risk of doubt. Each track has a series of characteristic points or accidents, and the minimum number admitted as evidence by a court depends on the laws of each country. In Spain there are twelve other countries reach 17, others were just four. There are areas where the prints are better exposed than others, but when not seen, there are a number of products to make them stand out.

Police has 750,000 chips with the fingerprints of people who, at some point in their life have had to "play the piano", as it was before the printing of the ten digits in police stations. Each tab is listed alphabetically in a file, and the characteristics of the impressions, in another. But these gigantic files are intended to give way to modern computer terminals, "Berta", a database that preserves 750,000 cards, about seven and a half million marks in the computer that the Directorate General of Police is in Escorial.
Located in an authentic
bunker, the Berta being computerized every day a thousand cards of the police file to get a fingerprint identification that can be solved in seconds from anywhere in Spain.

The Civil Guard has not been left behind: his computer, "the Duque de Ahumada", located in the Directorate General of Madrid, operated from a building built specifically to house two massive ordenadores.El "Duque de Ahumada" and " Berta "are interconnected and can assist in criminal cases of special importance.

The scientific work of the police officers can be found in the future, and improved facilities seems to indicate, new departments, such as Trace Instrumental to identify tools, Toxicology and Voice Identification, will become even more effective the work of laboratory beagles. His work is not in the street, or often even know the face of the person whose diagnosis has just declared guilty. Since its quiet tables full of high-tech instruments, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, they simply tell what they see and how they have seen.
Author: Vicente Bobadilla

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Does Acute Hiv Rash Itch?


See what has happened to a litigant. We have appropriated unlawfully charged a play statation that fails 400.00 soles. He is technical and the device led him to fix it. Failed in the due date. Le claimed. The one used by them as delivery. And in that roaming the victim and his family are looking for a technician. Was physically assaulted. Owner's family out of the Play Station and beat up the coach. And you know, these are the Commissioner and report it supposedly for aggravated robbery. First he had
denounced by misappropriation. Then the aggravated robbery and thrown in jail. He was later released on parole are in the process for aggravated robbery. The Court of Illicit Appropriation at sentencing to three years of deprivation of probation rules of conduct in accordance with Art. 57 of the Criminal Code. Here comes the problem. What drives me hives. happens that the sentenced hear his sentence and goes. And does not comply with the court submitted to justify their activities and therefore to sign the book of the PLC.
to normal here. What unsettles me is the proceeding of the judiciary. More precisely the Court clerk and Criminal Justice. Mind you, in collusion with the victim without being notified the proper and validly sentenced to be present in court and explain their non-attendance and sign the book, in accordance with inc. 1 of the article above Substantive admonished him. Then without having been notified in accordance with inc. 2 will extend the period of testing. And finally eat without having notified the LEGICIDIO validly in accordance with Articles 160 and 161 of the Civil Procedure Code compliance revoked the sentence. And orders the capture NATIONWIDE.
That, say you'll be fine? For me not masters of the Forum. Why? The secretary and the judge have acted biased and have been interpreted to chicha art. 59 of the Penal Code. The blessed secretary without the victim so requests in writing, it gives a reason to judge that sentenced is not complying with the rules of conduct. Wonder how long the clerks are so, so diligent? And the judge will have fulfilled its role as Director of Process as stated in art. 49 Code of Criminal Procedure?
What the judge is due to ordering and exhausted all possible means are met properly notify the sentencing. And do you go to his office and severely call attention not to go to court to sign the book of process control, and this care should be in ACTA. And not in the record. Happened. To set foot. Who here has made a tremendous descomonunal abuse and arbitrariness. How is it possible that this Judge has given a notification, if not stated in this notice has been received by any person, if not with scribbles on the back says it was left under the door.
ADMONISH With all due respect is to draw attention, and this must be done in the Office of the Judge. And do not say you are cautioned and also send him official notice that either never received the sentencing. Oh my God! is happening in the judiciary lately? If there are some judges inept, muscle-flexing and timid who do not know what they sign. And with misconduct damage, and destroy the humble people, poor but decent does not deserve to go to jail.
And what is more reprehensible is that the Criminal Division when the case went on appeal, yielding to the opinion void Prosecutor confirmed the decision of the Court which overturned the conditionality of Pena. And this despite the fact that he spoke and told the Voice that the Court Reporter of no evidence that the condemned has been notified to be validly submitted to the court to justify their activities, much less that no minutes of the warning.
is a pity that the judiciary now that plagued some judges who follow the arrow on the prosecutor. No review or study the dossier. Sometimes the wizard makes the decision and boom! sign it. What makes me cringe. And the Constitutional Court handle these cases by following a template out jurisprudence, also following the arrow. Clear as the fibula is poor and humble, not sounding surname, I give a damn that they remain in jail just like that, even for minor offenses. For crimes cookies. As in this case for a play station. That they should not be judicialized in criminal proceedings, if not civil proceedings for breach of contract, isn't it?
From here we demand that this trench to prevent further abuses committed in this issue of the rules of conduct, he admonished the defendant in person at the Office of the Judge. And if so despite ell fails then you have to apply the newly inc. 2 of art. 59 of Penal Code. Reason? JUSTICE BECAUSE THE JUDGE IN PERSON DIRECTLY TO WARN YOU IF YOU DO NOT COMPLY WITH THE RULES OF CONDUCT YOU GOING TO EXTEND THE PENALTY, AND STILL YOU BREACH THE COMPLIANCE REVOKED AND YOU go to jail. This is the correct, legal and human to comply with the rules of conduct.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What Does A Cake Stand Image Means

agree special code for young offenders

The Code of Children and Adolescents (CNA) will change by political agreement. There will be a section devoted to procedural aspects of the trials of minors. The ministers of the Court analyzed the performance of the judge in the case of El Pelon. "

"El Pelon". Ministers will consider the trial judge performance

The special committee on minority infringement of the Standing Committee today proposed several changes to the General Assembly to the ANC, after having collected suggestions from President of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), Leslie Van Rompaey, and the Minister of the Family Court of Appeals, Ricardo Pérez Manrique.

The idea of \u200b\u200bdelegates of political parties is that due to "public alarm" that caused the case of referred child who murdered three people, adjustments are made to improve the ANC.

A document to be delivered today to the General Assembly, accompanied by a request from a month to a bicameral committee to prepare draft legislation to that effect, proposes to amend the time limit set as a limit for detention of a juvenile offender whose case is under consideration by the judge.

According to the idea of \u200b\u200blegislators, the document says it will incorporate a "safeguard clause" that can be used in a specially established by the judge to take two to four months total time deprivation of freedom while the process.

CNA The current rule states that the detention may not exceed sixty days and that after this period without issuing a sentence in the first instance the child must be released, that's what happened in the case of El Pelon "after the murders he committed.

TIME. Another change will be raised to overcome the "inconsistencies" says the document detected between provisions of the CNA on the established process and schedule. For example, Article 76 paragraphs one of whose mandates the final hearing to make final decision shall be within sixty days, but if the injunction is ordered to temporary internment of that child, the final hearing must be made within thirty days. Lawmakers raise

separation of a code infraction proceedings from the rest of the rules of the ANC.

justify this proposal, we suggest the need for the process is bounded in time, the definition of "reasonable time" beyond which detention becomes illegal, and the need to devise a new scheme procedure the possibility of a trial stage in which the defense can articulate against the prosecution's evidence it deems appropriate. Regarding the INAU

, other proposed changes to meet the deadlines prescribed psychosocial reports, without which the court can not decide.

In the case of "El Pelon" rose to the report later.

STUDY. On his first day of work after the Fair Judicial January, the justices of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) resolved individually, who will analyze the performance of the judge who freed last December 30 to 17 year-old nicknamed " El Pelon, who hours after being released he committed his third murder.

fair judge of the Ciudad de la Costa, Juvenal Javier, ordered the release of teenager under the legal deadline of 60 days that the ANC expected to pass sentence in the case of juvenile offenders in detention. "With the report of the judge (Javier) it was decided that ministers make a simultaneous study of the case and then decide if you agree or not to initiate an administrative investigation" to the magistrate, said Van Rompaey to El Pais.

FOUR MONTHS. The SCJ president explained that the statutory period provided the ANC should be expanded to "exceptional circumstances" of particular gravity and complexity that does not allow the sentence is handed down in only 60 days.

"It is unreasonable within 60 days to issue sentence because it is too soon, because in some cases, if requested evidence it is impossible to meet, "said Van Rompaey.

Asked about the possibility of keeping criminal records of juvenile offenders once they reach adulthood, said "not legally influence" in the criminal judges' decision because for them are primary.

El Pais Digital

Infinite Repel In Ruby

17 policemen were relieved by rebel


The Interior Ministry ordered the relay and the start of summaries and 17 policemen " suspended their duties. "Pit-Cnt seeks to lower the profile of the incident and police unions have not agreed position.

Measurement committed by members of the Section 7 th meeting only essential activities (including the patrol), caught by surprise Wednesday at the Interior Ministry officials, the leadership of the Pit-Cnt and some of the police unions.

The reaction of the ministerial hierarchy was swift and harsh: "immediate relief of the officials involved; delivery uniform, gun and police ID card, they take minutes and start the corresponding summary."

In assembly, police from the sectional 7 th (Prado) discussed and questioned the wage situation, they consider unsatisfactory and decided to suspend the activities that were not essential to its function, said various sources consulted by El Pais.

During the afternoon yesterday, police chief attended the branch and spoke with officials who took the measurement. When

18, the Ministry's decision was already taken. A van with several troops of Task Force Preventive Patrol to the local police arrived to relieve the officials. In three trips, the 16 policemen who took the measure were taken to police headquarters.

Outside the faces were of concern among some police officers sectional own functions and were not members of the Police Union Montevideo (Sipom).

"With dignity!" Shouted one of them who departed in a vehicle driven. Another effective

Sectional 9 th also had to go to headquarters for adhering to the best of their comrades in the 7th.

People who were at the door of the branch joined other police union and the member of the Executive Secretariat of the Pit-Cnt Gustavo Signorello, who coordinates the trade union with the police unions. There

discussions and claims between police and union Signorello, who then joined the local branch to speak to the commissioner, deputy commissioner and staff who attended from Leadership.

At the exit, Signorello sought to lower the decibels of what happened, said there was no unemployment, but an assembly whose conduct was not communicated to the Ministry of Interior, as it should in this case.

mentioned that there were misunderstandings between the police and spoke of immaturity and lack of experience in the police unions, the result of a few years ago they formed. He added that the Pit-Cnt make representations to the Ministry to prevent the police to be punished and that his understanding is to meet the Federation of Police to discuss what happened.

"It's a complex, a series of misunderstanding and misuse of certain information, especially what happened. For example, in this branch there was no unemployment. Were assembled, "he said.

" End this because among other things is such misunderstanding of what happens in the police force. This is subject to discipline force, navy, so any small movement is then detected by appropriate agencies, and what happened here was that, "said the leader of the Pit-Cnt.

To Signorello, "there was no repression" of the Ministry, "is not met certain requirements that would allow the assembly will be held in the right way", as previously notified to the secretariat State, which "should be clarified to not take penalties with those fellows." He said the talks with the Ministry will be "starting with the decisions, because you can not make arrangements in case". "The move is not detected as the Ministry or someone sold it," he said.

Héctor Giménez, the assumptions, said the union does not support mobilized in the Section 7 th, because one of their leaders said they wanted no union. Instead, Jose Acuna, Sipom vice president, said that the Ministry's decision "was an exemplary implementation of political power, to see what will happen to them if they take further action. "

be free
The Montevideo police chief, Wilder Ferreira, told El Pais that the police moved to headquarters will be released after questioning. Ana Suarez, counsel for the Police union Montevideo, said he was not allowed to make contact with the police custody.

El Pais Digital