Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Publik Ejakulation Videa

For some time this part both in the judiciary as well as in the Public Ministry, as regards the criminal proceedings, and the preliminary investigation is in charge from the Justice, is giving a series of abuses and excesses by the decisive role reporters are taking the calls, responsible for delivering the ballots of notices with the court ruling and / fiscal respectively. Why these blessed reporters working for private companies engaged to distribute or deliver the certificate of notification, simply enter with some scribbles on the back of the ballots that have notified the parties to a case having left it under the door, are deciding even until you can take your house, because for a few suns more arranged with the other party and say I gave you notice under the door, when you do not received anything, or at your door and personally.
But his word. His doodle on the back of the card is law, period. The judge / prosecutor believe this reporter, and they scrubbed it has passed the word to challenge. Appeal and / raise on the appeal. Knight just have to lose your house, because, supposedly so the laws say. In this case the procedural laws. Wonder who defends the victims, who have had the blessed fortune that he has touched a notifier arranger? because now we are in the world of globalization more laws protecting the offender, the rogue, the rogue
making easy money at the expense of the humble people who have been cheated, scammed?
Look that has happened Don Luis Exp 396-07 Forty-four Criminal Prosecution Lima. This guy walks into a department store in Abancay, and buy a TV. Seller very helpful. Amable attended him. Then he heads home happy with your TV. After a week at home appears the seller supposedly wanted to know how is running the TV. Don Luis as any sane person gives attention and invites you to lunch. And here this zamarro tells Don Luis "hear you're losing money. Here you can build a hostel. You will make money sitting. If you like what we do. I have the Financier. The Architect. Everything. We do this in a two by three. He convinces Don Lucho, who makes the mistake of not communicating or exchanging ideas with their children. And did not say that these scammers had told him he has to sign an investment contract.

And as they had convinced Don Lucho and his wife, one day the phone call them and tell them to take a taxi, take their ID and go to a notary of July 28. Arrive,

and before going to invite a Notary Frug, which according to Don Lucho sonñolensa produce them, sleepiness, in other words the stun. Admitted to the notary and not even miss them sit, I said I'll sign out fast. And not allowed to read the document, which had remained as such was the Investment Agreement. Oh

Don Lucho and his wife had not read the document. And when a good day going to the Public Records to take a report on their properties, are given with the unpleasant surprise that three of its properties were registered to third parties. What had happened? Those chaps who told him they were going to build a lodge in his house, had sold their properties are so-called because Don Luis had signed a document granting power. Don Lucho almost died. But if I gave them no power, but they told me I was the Investment Agreement. Hence the problem. To make friends?

Don Lucho report this fact to the Attorney stated above. Research Preliminary lasted over a year. First the police in their conclusions said that if the defendants were allegedly responsible for the alleged offenses, fraud, conspiracy to commit a crime, misappropriation, against the public faith. But the Prosecutor sends extend the investigation for 30 days.

police then rises just a party and say it has been determined that the defendants are responsible for the crimes alleged. Don Lucho came and went to the Bureau of the Attorney to know the outcome and said Mr wait at home the notification will come to your home. And then when he was told to ask again: Lord your case has been resolved. Is filed. You have to make another complaint in another Attorney. Another one for Don Lucho. After horn sticks. What had happened? Prosecutor said that you have been properly served, because the notification notifjcador left under her door. And you can not do anything. His case is filed.

Mrs. Don Lucho says I do not have notifificado. That is false. The notifier has lied. Who is the reporter? Nothing. He did not even have wanted to identify the Notifier of yore. Don Lucho thus was fried. You can not go to the higher court, the Chief Prosecutor bone, because the deadline for filing the complaint had already past. Who decided the fate of Don Lucho and will run three of property collected by the sweat of his brow? THE BLESSED has notified. As the Prosecutor believes it to this reporter and who will believe Don Lucho? Nobodies because it is a humble man, elderly, sick and blind because you can not read well suffer from diabetes. So are things in this world of injustice.

as costiante here. He complained to the Prosecutor before the Internal Control. And resolve not need to open disciplinary proceedings to the prosecutor. Appeal. Climb to the Supreme Prosecution of Internal Control.

After an oral report, this resolves to declare Control Body found our appeal. Devolved back to the office and know what they do, again to decide that there is no place to open disciplinary proceedings to the prosecutor. But accept that Don Lucho had not been notified of the resolution decided not filed formal charges against those who timaron Don Lucho. This we call it a Galamatias Legal. A scam of Internal Control Body of the Public Prosecutor. No doubt is expressed here as the esprit de corps. Otorongo Otorongo not eat. But right now we are Don Lucho leave your home because scammers have raised demand for eviction from the only home he had left and where she lives with her family.

operators would be good law, the prosecutors and judges are removed or shake the clothing of esprit de corps, and have into account Article 161 of the Civil Procedure Code, and beware of BLESSED NOTICES.


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