Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How To Set Jumpers On A Thermostat

Libreeee, like the sun at dawn I am libreeee ....


One notícias today is that has been left free to Millet after his statement to the judge by the many crimes he is charged (appropriating funds Palau de la Musica, etc ...). I want to make a very brief post on remand, so that you understand a little why this decision.

Article 503.3 of the Criminal Procedure Act provides res t causes that allow the judge to order the detention of the accused in criminal proceedings, provided that a) there is sufficient evidence that there has been crime and b) there is sufficient evidence that the defendant is guilty. The causes are:

1. There is a risk of absconding.

2. Prevent concealment, destruction or alteration of evidence relevant to the case.

3. Prevent the further production of the crime (for eg domestic violence).

Keep in mind also that the detention is reserved for those cases "dangerous", so if you can achieve the same goal with a less damaging to the defendant's release should be well. That is why they have been withdrawn the passports of Millet and his right hand, Montull.

Something very different is the subject of the security (Articles 589 and ff LEC) which aims to ensure the liability resulting from the crime. I suppose the accused returned as part of what has been withheld from the judge considered that there was no need to impose a bond.

said, it is understandable outrage of the people to see that two scoundrels these fields as wide as the street. Al post material justice I refer.

Hope this help you to understand, even to disagree, the judge's decision. That's what this blog, after all.


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