Thursday, October 15, 2009

Constipated And Peeing A Lot


A very unique has happened to me in a criminal case. Specifically in the processing of a particular complaint, bone committed through a newspaper, charges regulated by art. 314 of the Criminal Procedures Code, amended by Law No. 22633. It was proposed that an exception Nature of Action, which initially was declared founded. Appealed by the complainant, Criminal Division reformadola was revoked and declared unfounded. Then he challenged the Judge of Criminal Court, who is inhibited from continuing to hear the case, and dsipone that cars are sent to the Bureau of unique parts of the Criminal Courts for distribution to Named by Law Judge
The complainant appealed inhibition, and with unusual speed up the matter to the Board that he had already solved the Exception of Nature of Action. The college also has an unusual speed, solve inhición revoke the judge, and ordered that he continue with the ruling of the complaint. A judge later proved that I can qualify for, issues acquittal for my client. Problems remain. The clerk of the court with the same unusual cars quickly rises to the Criminal Division. Again alarming rate notes with a view of the case. Wondering this lawsuit is so important that is dealt with this unique speed?
there not hundreds. Thousands of important files? Well, then why this case is treated well. Here the answer. Speed \u200b\u200bis given preference because the complainant is an active judge. So here is given the esprit de corps. Jaguar jaguar protects. therefore must be ordered and the defendant does not lock you up? If all records are processed in different rotating Criminal Chambers of Lima?
Then address these visible and apparent procedural acts of the unusual speed. Notifications for the hearing of the case irrgular as that is made with only one day in advance, in violation of art. 147 of the CPC which states that the notifications for diligence must be made at least three days in advance and art. Bounded 205 of which states that for the hearing of the case shall be made ten days in advance. That the President of the College who stays in that room more than three years without being rotated not know why, as always, is usually mandated by the Organic Law of Judicial delPoder each end of the year, and as I pointed out who had already settled revoking the ruling of first instance upheld the Exception Nature of Action and declared unfounded.
That decision reversed the inhibition of Criminal Justice, and ordered that it continue, will be an impartial judge to resolve the appeal of the acquittal? will give confidence to the defendant his act arrogant in the conduct of the act pr ocesal the view of the world Cause when a lawyer makes a word on oral reports? Eye have realized how gracious and forgiving they are when the lawyers who report orally belong to the law firms of Miraflores. San Isidro. Sounding names and surnames. Of rank?
And they treat the lawyer easy. Village. At trial lawyer? Surely if you have not noticed.
That would make an obvious bias against the gentlemen Members of the Chamber? I've been through that experience, and not weary you in another note after I tell them that as the Defense Mnisterio permits.


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