Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Gas Furnace Is Making Buzzing

Latin word made


¿Cómo estamos? ¿Celebrásteis ayer vuestra hispanidad? Yo no estoy para muchas celebraciones porque entre que no me llaman de Madrid (no hay manera...), que veo la crème de la crème del país en páginas como "votamicuerpo" y que la desfilada militar daba bastante risa comparada con la de los chinos se me agota la fe en La Nación. Tampoco es que tuviera mucha faith to begin with, but boy, the state of things does not help.

Wear, as you know, a few weeks without much to do, so what I'm giving the reading. Right now I'm 100 pages from over Foucault's Pendulum, Umberto Eco, stilted and dense book, where they exist but not without grace, mostly because it's like The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown but Seriously, if a book about Templars, Rosicrucians and Judeo-Masonic conspiracies can be serious. Is a novel which I recommend if you have enough free time, a dictionary at hand and all this stuff you are interested Conspiranoids. Have a look at the synapses wikipedia, if I have you to summarize the story we go to what interests us: the right! (I know what you like, oh yeah ...)

First things first. As I said once, human relations can be of two types of agreement or conflict. Broadly, if no agreement can be of two types: we can not agree because I want what you have and you what I have or they have the same goal. The quintessential example of the former is the sales contract, in that I have money and want your fridge and you have a fridge and want money. The contract that perform two or more persons to pursue a common goal is usually the society, especially if one wants to make money (Forget for the moment of associations and foundations). To learn more about the classification, operation and regulation of the companies I recommend to Law II, a subject that is devoted entirely to the subject. A master's degree in corporate law will also suffice.

Well, and what the hell does this have to do with the friend Eco Well have to see the whole book revolves around the "secret societies", ie groups of people who have the same objective but which agreements, decisions and operation is kept secret. Two aspects of these societies.

1. Code civil (art. 1669) denies legal status to companies that keep their agreements in secret and whose representatives hire in his own name with third parties. To see how to explain this to understand. Usually, when you create a company creates a separate entity from the partners, with their own assets and debts is answerable to the margin of the equity partners. Example: If the English Court will be € 10,000 can claim they are not the Koplovitz. However, if the partnership agreement for the establishment of the English Court is secret, you make a contract with the Koplovitz and will be € 10,000, the above can not say "cóbraselo the Corte Inglés", because you have no legal personality own. I do not know if it has been very clear ... Think also, last but not least, here comes the whole roll of proper and improper mandate and the distinctions between commercial and civil. Calico often ...

2. The Templars are a society dedicated to protecting the Grail, but this is not just a metaphor to hide the key to the telluric currents known by the Egyptians, Celts, Kabbalists Jews and Muslim mystics, which in turn give control of the earth, the lunar cycle and tides. Yet 600 years ago they devised a plan to be met in 2000 but could not for the intervention of the Comte de Saint Germain in the seventeenth century which prevented them to join English and French branches of the Templars, Freemasons, not to mention the Jesuits, who created the Rosicrucian secrets to get the Templars and avoid that they could carry out the Plan. Are those who believe the Protocols of Zion, thus giving rise to the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy and they're all the same and come to me because I know too much and can afford it and oh no knock on the door is they must follow safe rescue id my mission to Saint Martin-des-Champs in Paris and aaaaghhhhhhhhh

no attention to me, all this is nonsense and Scientology has nothing to do with any of this nor do we have carried to a place where Victor and not cause more problems.

A careful not to ask too many questions!

* Correction: It seems that Koplovitz has nothing to do with El Corte Ingles. Sustituidlo by Isidoro Álvarez Álvarez, president of the society according to wikipedia . *


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