Thursday, October 8, 2009

From No Gba Save To Dstt


According to Article 20 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, as amended by the Legislature Dec. No. 959 still in force in Lima, and the following to Section 25 of this standard adjective, points the way to the Judges to proceed to the accumulation of Criminal Procedure. To that has been established that legal? To avoid contradictory judgments. Ie to avoid duplication of judgments in criminal proceedings there is a connection of people and events. It is known that paragraph 20 above shall be applied in accordance with Article One of Law No. 10124.

Why must also proceed to the build process? Of expediency. The rule states that if a judge has knowledge that another court is instructing the same procesado por los mismos delitos que instruye, debe comunicar al otro mediante oficio sobre este hecho. O si no mandar sacar razón y en todo caso puede solicitar el expediente y acumular si claro está se dan los requisitos para ello, siendo el más saltante que ambos se encuentren el mismo estado (estadío).
Bien. estamos hablando de la acumulación positiva o de la negativa. En el caso de que un Juez diga que él es el llamado para conocer el caso, osea es un Juez probo que le gusta hacer su trabajo de Juez, estamos hablando de una acumulación positiva. Pero miren el accionar del Juez del Primer Juzgado Penal de San Juan de Lurigancho. Será un buen Juez. Tendrá el perfil de Magistrado que reclama society?

turned 5 in his criminal trial summaries against the same defendant for the crime of Unlawful Bypass. He knew exactly that in his court were handled five cases. It gave the connection of facts and the same person. But not proceed automatically to the backlog of cases. Will have fulfilled their duties and responsibilities assigned to him by the Organic Law of Judicial Power? With this type of judge the status of individuals is ensured. Society will have confidence in these judges?

I think not. Why? Because the accumulation can be performed automatically did not.

And worse because even having applied in writing informing him that all these processes were in court in the state. Sent right out to the secretaries. They did, but after weeks. Eye and the reason was right there. The same court. No other courts. But, mother. So work it in the courts. Costiante here as this Judge. No accumulated OFFICE OR processes OR Despite his request by letters. There were only on grounds of secretary, who is out of date and did not resolve.
Then the Executive Council of the Judiciary, having issued an Administrative Order Odd that all records pass the First Transitory Criminal Court. It turns out that this judge again referred four cases to court. Ie got rid of these criminal proceedings. But he stayed with one. And not to refer this case. And you know when I went to talk personally to claim that reason has not sent the last record, know what I said, why do you want this case go to court Transition. Good God this is how some judges administer justice?
The judge's question is obvious. Is irrelevant. Fool. If, as we have mentioned were all in the same state, because it accumulated. If you did not want to continue knowing these processes to four of them refer to the Court Transient, why keep one? What is the interest of the judge? floats that question. Quedrá revenge for having reported on several occasions to the OCMA, where one imposed the disciplinary measure of warning? Will grudge has caught me by always claimed to administer justice according to law, and not biased against the other party?

The truth is that this Judge punishable negligence has caused injury to my client. Why? Because records are now two Office to resolve. And two are pending in the Court Transitional instructive. (Four) and one holds it in his Court
a thousand tricks. I ask because it accumulates these processes having been in court all in the same state? Finally, we must remember that the most serious process pulls the other minor. The `pull processes oldest to newest. But nothing. For this Maguistrado what counts is your CRITERION OF CONSCIENCE. Judge for you folks.


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