Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pokemon Mayydawn Doujin


San Juan de Lurigancho
province is Special Scheme? So the whole lung is propagandized our ineffable Mayor Carlos Burgos. And you know who your sponsor for this gigantic uncut cuentazo for only 10 days of the general elections of 2011. Nothing more and nothing less than the President Alan García Pérez. So as you read. Agarranme I am reality. Wonder how long our mayor is interested because it San Juan de Lurigancho Province? Nostro know that he always was opposed to this project. Happened. To set foot. A which is due this miracle? That stung him for it now assumes the manager of this long-awaited desire of the people of San Juan de Lurigancho.
The answer is obvious. Since a long time ago Mayor Alan Garcia Perez Burgos and have made a good combination of chemistry. Both are needed. Wanted. The first to seek to perpetuate themselves in office as mayor and being Specialised province would drop him round to their plans. And our President is seeking to win votes as to help achieve the APRA party from 5% in this election. That is the truth of this monumental blunder Milan.
to see estimated compoblanos tell me that section, subsection and / or literal State Constitution states that you can create Provinces Special Regime? Please jo ... that no one can steal iron. Even the illiterate know that the State is governed in the Political, Economic, and Structural as regulated in the Law of Laws as our Constitution where
and then here I come with Specialised Province.
This smells really bad. And tease this land of promise. And you know what the cherry sweetener unhappy over this project? That would be San Juan de Lurigancho DISTRICTS WITHOUT province. And of course as a province will receive more budget. More money. In the more vulgar chivilines. More money. But it will always depend on the Municipality of Metropolitan Lima. And who is managing this money? If you create this province tomorrow, as they want Take the President of the Republic, Burgos and his cohorts as Zumaeta Congressman and others, would be nothing more n Each month that Mr. Burgos, who happen to be Mayor of the Province of San Juasn Lurigancho. That not nice. If you know it all.
Province without districts. Where we have seen this please?. This is the project of Carlos Burgos and Alan Garcia Perez. So you report mayor. Tell the truth. For God did not deceive the people. We have seen on the streets of San Juan de Lurigancho a truck with loudspeakers calling people to march towards the Congress of the Republic tomorrow 31 of this month, because supposedly the executive and sent the bill to be debated in plenary and approved esta singular ley de creación de la Provincia de San Juan de Lurigancho con Regimen Eseocail SIN DISTRITOS. Pero siendo esto un engaña muchachos estamos seguros que la gente consciente, honesta y trabajadora no se dejará sorprender. Salvo que lo acompañe su portatil que utilizó para la campaña Municipal.
Que San Juan de Lurigancho sea provincia estamos de acuerdo, pero que sea PROVINCIA ESPECIAL por favor NO ENGAÑEN AL PUEBLO. Eso es imposible. Es inconstitucional. Lo que tiene que hacer señor Carlos Burgos, si se ufana con ser el representante de esta tierra de los Luricanchos, y si respeta a su pueblo convoque usted a un CABILDO ABIERTO y consulte a la población, y lo que apruebe en este Cabildo usted acate y punto. Y the lords of the Executive please do not touch the consciences of the people of San Juan de Lurigancho. Finally Mr. Burgos
remember, you are not the author of this initiative and that the original draft is that the province of San Juan de Lurigancho is bound to have four districts: the capital Zarate San Silvestre, the Jasmine with its capital Cantogrande , the Nogales with its capital Mariscal Cáceres and Villa San Antonio with its capital Cercado. If you believe our province with the districts in question okay. If you do not like Jo ... repeat not stolen.


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