Saturday, August 16, 2008

Snowboarding Withhip Replaceent

Your servant born in the village of Buldibuyo, Pataz province, department of La Libertad. He attended primary Education Center for Boys No. 329 Chimbote (the glorious 329). High in the San Pedro College, and Superior National University of Trujillo, the house founded by Don Simón Bolívar and Sánchez Carrión. Post Master's and Doctoral Degree in Univesidad vBulletin.

IN MY YOUTH Founder of Youth Clubs North Slope Foothills. Student Model North Slope. I played soccer defending silks Defender Steel Club's youth was Sogesa Deportivo (after Siderperú sports), where I trained with the first of Siderperú, where were the memorable "Pelé Carbajal, the" gut Cáceda, "Daddy Estrada the "cholo Castillo, the bulldozers Tallo, el puntero Vasquez, el "chino" Caballero y otros.Acuerdense de los clásicos entre LOS TIBURONES DEL NORTE del José Gálvez y el Siderperú. Eran unos partidazos. Jugué en todas las canchas de Chimbote de ese entonces.
CULTURALMENTE: EN CHIMBOTE. He participado en el Grupo
Isla Blanca, con Iván Vasquez, Salamandra, Oscar Colchado Lucio, Víctor Hugo Paredes y otros y fui invitado del Instituto Cultural de Chimbote con Víctor Unyen Velezmeoro el autor dell Despertar del Coloso. Presenté el Poemario La Palabra Encarnada dentro de la programación oficial de la Semana de Chimbote en la Cooperativa San Carlos Borromeo, evento al Trujillo who came from the poet Juan Felix Cortez Espinoza Rios Obdulio Guardado et al. Group member Runakay of Trujillo. He presented Tado in Chiclayo in the House of Culture of poems the Incarnate Word and the Word of Gaviota.
AS A JOURNALIST. In Chimbote: Journal Editor Latest News. American writer and commentator on Sports. (Radio and magazines), EnTrujillo: Senior Commentator and editorial Trujillo Vision Sports Radio and Radio Liberty. In Chimbote was leader of the National Association of Journalists and the Circle of Sports Journalists in Chimbote. I have participated in the Latin American Congress of Sports Journalists when he was President Don Humberto Martinez Morosini. In the National Congress of Sports Journalists in Huaraz. In a Asociaciñon National Congress of Journalists.
COURT AS A WORKER: I was press secretary of the Union of worship of the judiciary 90 years, where I proposed the establishment of the Multiple Services Cooperative of the judiciary. I was invited to join the first committee to prepare the Bill for the Center for Advanced Judicial Studies (Today dela Judicial Academy when he was President of the Superior Court of Lima Dr. Nelson REYES. I was invited by the Executive Committee of the Judiciary to developing a project to improve the quality of the judgments event at the then Hotel Crillon.
I 2nd Provisional Judge., 17 and 44 Criminal Court of Lima, Magistrate Counsel in Augustine, Villa el Salvador, Victoria, San Luis, Rapporteur of the Second Criminal Court of Lima. Secretary of 39, 40, 22, 2nd and 1st Criminal Court of Lima. As union leader
re-launched the Fight association when democracy was restored in the year 2000 where after the increase to the judges for Toledo, where the Justices they put a salary of 6.000, that of 1st 9.000 instance, the Senior Members and the Supreme 12.000 26.000, and judicial and administrative assistants nothing, not a cent, so we took to the streets.
reflationary the National Federation of the judiciary .. where declined in search of trade union unity. Subsequently I was founder of the Union of Workers of the Judiciary SITRAJUL Justcia Palace.
Having worked for the unity of the union struggle, I was forced to quit my job in the judiciary because of the constant threats to me and my family, they wanted to link seditious groups, giving me very sad that now the legal trade union movement, has fallen into a slump and despondency, which led the drive to dig deeper union, having today, two national federations, and in Lima more than three unions, part of the Cono Norte and Callao. In short something we have done so far, always remembering the words of Professor Don Florencio Mixan But we said we Joselito by his unique voice in the Faculty of Law of the UNT. Who was saying TO BE HONEST THERE SEEMS NO ONE BUT YOU . I confess I wanted to be Judge Holder but failed, not because they have no ability or fitness, except for reasons that obviously touched by the evils in-depth knowledge of the judiciary. Therefore continue with the Pearl Trial because we are so confident that we are contributing something in this room of life.
In my university life at UNT. We were a leader of the Socialist Student Movement (MOES) to support the Government Rev0lucionario Don Juan Velasco Alvarado, because state structures removed, the better president after Don Ramon Castilla, where we had the opportunity to hear General Howard Graham advanced as Leonidas Rodriguez Figueroa and others, and had it not been for the treason, this August were recovered piurano Arica. Also participated in an election, by that time in the year 90 for the Regional Representative chimbotana Progressive Movement (MOPROCHE), founded by my brother Wilder Culque Narro, defining emphatically no socks inks, and strongly censuring the escapees Now, as a leftist, and hurt those who hurt. The principles are not sold or after death. CNC.


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