Friday, August 15, 2008

Kristall Summers Fllando

Pearl Pearl

judicial Perlita. Here goes. It happens that in the Superior Court of Justice of North Lima
in the Eighth Criminal Court, exp 4143-07, held in the jail to a boy who still does not meet the 21-year-old for stealing a cell phone , having framed first and then the Provincial Prosecutor Mr. Criminal Justice in the offense of aggravated robbery, in which the penalty is 10 years of grief custodial (minimum) and maximum 20 years in prison. Just wondering is that a boy who is under the restricted scope of the responsibility of the Substantive Rule 22. That is the first time offender. That has received the benefit of the sincere confession of art. 136 of C. PPP, as amended by Law No. 28760. in which the victim has stated that it was threatened with a weapon. And what he said at police, was because the police told him that if he wants to go to jail, saying it had threatened him with gun. And when the police despite repeated notifications resistance will appear in court to clarify the facts.
Perlita. were asked variations of the detention hearing, Judge circumspect but he denied it with a resolution of half a page, with the sole argument that the defendant had not worked together to identify other subjects known alias.
Pearl: This happens because in the Peruvian criminal is NOT COMPLY WITH THE BEGINNING of immediacy. For those who take the preliminary hearing are the secretaries and / or assistant secretary.
Perlitaaaa Perlaza: the car that was appealed varaiación denied. Upload the Upper Chamber notebook.
the hearing is scheduled for the cause for the July 15 final. We performed oral report respective
where did you see everything favorce the defendant. It aimed to sensitize the College, which was due to release the boy
already in jail over 8 months. But the school decided on August 12, just three days to one month cunpla. Wonder and promptness as advertised where?. But as almost resolved after month? As the judge declared inadmissible the variation of the detention hearing. And do not know what their rationale, because until now have not reported such resolution.
be just like you treat a first-processing. A young he is sorry, and that is on the verge of despair, because in jail at the point of threats and beatings they are forcing comsunir drug. Prison abuses and corruption that is about to get crazy the young defendant, and is destroying the homes of their parents. Destroying his family and what is more
these unnecessary and abusive detentions, such as this, where the young accused is not have seized anything. That is a weapon of any kind, either drugs or money or any kind, but for the famous criterion of awareness of some judges, the only thing they do in some cases like this is that the accused be frustrated even more in schools from prison.
Lo que pasa es que algunos Magistrados no leen ni analizan concienzudamente los atestados policiales. Se limitan a poner en el lomo de los atestados Comp. y/det. y lo pasan al secretario o al ayudante de este y/ o a los practicantes. Es decir se opta por lo más facil. Algunos fiscales
dicen lo más facil es denunciar y acusar. Y algunos jueces dicen lo mas facil es denegar, y lo más facil es sentenciar, dejándose llevar del dictamen fiscal y punto. Es decir no realizan el debido razonamiento lógicoi juridico. No compulsan debidamente las pruebas.
Este joven que por su edad, por sus características psicosomáticas y familiares, teniendo un domicilio conocido, y habiendo demostrado que estaba trabajando, y que error by Young, who is in training even committed the criminal act deserves to be investigated and tried in freedom, as the arrest last Ratti. The judge and the referees denied the right of human being, who deserves an opportunity to retrain. Let's see the performance of the school when they start the second phase of this trial. The truth that these actions embarrassed the law enforcement agents, that each day that passes makes each time more and more people lose trust and credibility of this so-called judiciary. Amen.


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