Friday, August 8, 2008

I Drink My Sisters Urine

Delay in Administration of Justice
In Peru, in general, complaints and claims is based on the delay of the administration of justice. We have said and we saying that to justify the slow processing of criminal cases has been institutionalized nickname "demasaiada caseload."
is unfortunate what's happening in our pais.Pero if we stay silent, we tacimente saying the system is perfect.

Question: When the judges refusal grounds, tested, or the Board says unfounded, the challenged judge must follow its course?, That judge disqualified, complained in the Organ of Control, the N ational Council Judiciary will dela to act impartially ?.... That is justice transparent? ... SAFETY THAT IS LEGAL?. Why
challenged judge is not inhibited by propriety? ... And clean up a little soiled face of the administration justice.

illiterate is .... THE WORST
"The worst illiterate is the political illiterate. Do not listen, not talk, does not participate in political events. Do not know the cost of living, the price of beans, bread, flour, clothing, Shoe and remedies depend on political decisions. The political illiterate is so proud and donkey that expands the chest saying that he hates politics. He does not know his political ignorance is born the prostitute, the abandoned child and the worst of all bandits is the corrupt politician, whelp and a lackey of national and multinational companies. " Bertolt Brecht .


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