Wednesday, August 13, 2008

China Bang Austin Texas

judicial Judicial

The truth that individuals in the country, every day are powerless to enforce their rights. And we are at the mercy of some judges and assistants really rather than "push up" looking for the revaluation of the administration of justice, but the sink, but it dirty. Look in a Magistrate's Court Attorney to the Augustinian, a defendant does not duly and properly reported to your home procedural documents before the Court.
A prompt unusual speed copies. I refer to the Joint Prosecution and the defender of legality also with extraordinary speed, formalized complaint and the defendant affected or knew why he had not been notified. Oh God now the complaint is to qualify. Having

the litigant according to the law stands the nullity of Reporting default resolution covered in art. 171 of the CPC. on July 22 last. And to date not resolved. But amazingly despite having violated the Law of Defense and the Due Process.
Perlitaaaaaaaaa. The defendant goes to court and met with the judge calling the delay resolution invalid. Judge calls Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Specialist instead of solving it. And the defendant must claim from the Judge Specialist.
the story ends. The attendant let me say I will review it ????? And the judge?? HOLY GOD who is charged with resolving
in a Court Judge or the Assistant?. And after calling for 82 percent disapproval. Let to see resolved assistant. Take confessed to God and my
justiciable. Amen.


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