Friday, September 11, 2009

How To Roll A Proper Neckerchief

property Diplomacy (I)

Hello, family.

How about going back to school? It is never easy returning from vacation, you know. And even less what to expect when the crisis on the one hand and other flu. Not to mention the ruling of the statute, Berlusconi's jokes and the ministers, the war in Afghanistan, health care reform in the United States and the visit of his friend Chavez. You have to see how well he paints the beginning of the year, right?

Pessimism aside, this course begins with a new stage in the life of whom I write and, by extension, in the life of this blog. Completed the law degree and the title under the arm throw me to study competitions, which as we all should know, are the tests done to work for the government, whether of the State, Autonomous Community and the town hall. And I'm not going to spend some opos either, no sir, v o to study nothing more, nothing less than to be diplomatic . And this just wanted to tell you today. I express only four reflections on the subject, since talking about diplomacy could spend hours and not plan.

1. The policy carried out by the government may be divided between domestic politics and policy abroad. The first is taking place between government and citizens of the country and which is mainly developed in its territory. The second is the one that has to do with relations between the state itself and the rest. Example of things first: pay taxes. Example of the latter: the bilateral summit nothing between Spain and Italy. That said, diplomacy or the diplomatic body is , within the ministry of foreign affairs, who is basically responsible for carrying out this "foreign policy" , in the same way that the tax charge to raise taxes.

2. Just as judges, prosecutors, notaries, police and tax inspectors are in the country, diplomats there are only two places: the Ministry (in Madrid) and embassies, consulates and missions (diplomatic) in the world (which are everywhere except in Spain, as you can appear.) This largely explains why I have decided to consider the opposition in Madrid where she is walking.

3. And I'll be saying: "All this is fine, but nobody here has told me what these diplomats." However, in the vernacular diplomats do three things, I write in order of importance: Organize cocktails and dinners in their homes and / or go to cocktail parties and dinners at the homes of other diplomats (the famous "dinner at ambassador's home"); represent the State of origin in the receiving State (ie, Ambassador Japan represents Spain in Spain to Japan, surprise!); and assist "their" citizens in the country. This last, perhaps most useful to us all, is the subject of a new advertising campaign of the Ministry, which IMHO is not bad. I recommend you to take a look here .

Anyway, I think with this and to know that the opposition come some 225 themes ranging from "The functions and purpose of private international law and regulatory techniques" to "Bases of economic dynamics: growth and development. Growth and structural development" , through "political and social developments in the Arab world. The peace process in Middle East", you can make some idea of \u200b\u200bwhere I'm getting into. In any case, know that we will return to this later, once you're more into the core.

Any questions you know.

A treatment!


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