Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Histogram Advantages Disadvantages

The Time of Instruction or Process Object

I tell you, that avatar of defense, had to travel to Union City. The issue is on an expedited process for the crime against property, aggravated usurpation. In this regard we know that art. third of Legislative Decree No. 124, notes that the period of instruction is usually within 60 days and extendable once for 30 days. We agree?

Good. That is clear. So says the standard. But I ask, if within that period, there have been no out all measures aimed to clarify the facts? And if these have not been the subject causes atrubuibles trial. In this case the victim. The victim. For example there has been no diligence inspection. So called in the Code of Criminal Procedure Article 130. However, in this town inspcción Judge calls it justice.
This diligence sui generis. Important not done, through no fault of the parties to the proceedings. Negligence but the judge. It also has not been completed the survey the damage, also not for reasons attributable to litigants, but read well by the negligence of the judge, who apparently looks more like an assistant Secretary, because this is who heads the process.

not received the caution statement of the victim, even though it has requested more than three times by two actions. No testimony has been received. And the judge said Mr "YA CAN NOT MAKE SUCH SUIT, BECAUSE THE TERM OF THE INSTRUCTION ALREADY HAS EXPIRED. MY TOP PREVENT EXPANDING WITHIN ME UNIQUE. This Judge is a good judge? This is the kind of Judges the country needs? This is the form and manner of effective judicial protection,? Who will save us from abuses and violations of these timid judges? This will give legal certainty to society?

For our modest concept is not. Because judges of this profile and on the pretext of the term,
leaves hanging from the edge of the abyss who goes to court to seek justice. Lords rather than the rule that says the end of the period. But the judge in question to forget Article 72 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which states that the judge with the power under paragraph 49 of the same body of laws, must by all means reach for the process. Or not? More seriously, it has not agreed to anything of the constitutional guarantee of due process contained in the inc. 3 of Article 139 of the Constitution State. With omissions, and irregularidaes noted previously been respected due process?. also has not violated the guarantee of the right to defense? This is the way to administer justice within the country?
Our view is that this man Mgistrado should extend the period of research on an exceptional basis for 20 days more, and carry out the steps punctuated, and especially the inspection eye and expertise to determine damages. Anyway there are some judges,
their shyness, and muscle-flexing poses, instead of rescuing and re-evaluate this Power, merely increasing the people's censure.


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