Thursday, September 24, 2009

Custom Sweatpants Writing Down Leg

Small differences (II)

Hello and happy day of Mercy to all!

All right, I hope. Today is a curious thing, as is a holiday in Barcelona (Mercè is the patron) but not in the metropolitan area, so if you live in Barcelona but work in, say, Badalona, \u200b\u200byou have to go to work like a champ. Here we are, holding the country, yes sir! As you'll imagine, I'm in Barcelona and waiting for me to claim in the capital. And I now I have vacation, but will, in fact took the entire month of September in the same plan. Although good, seeing what comes over me is not to make too many parties ...

Anyway, this week I offer ladoctrina the second installment of the "small differences" . As I explained in first post of this series I try to do is compare the normal meaning of certain words or expressions with the meanings given to them in law. And the truth is that there are things you can not believe it can have such different meanings. Today we will focus on launching and hidden defects

1. Released . Describes the action of projecting an object in the distance. So, talk about a shot or shot from the line of three in basketball, or launch effective in baseball. O javelin in athletics. Everyone is familiar with what a release, go.

Well, in procedural law, when we launch we refer to an eviction. is, when you have to take someone from a property (say floor chalet tell, say land) by force, what we do is execute a statement that requires the person to leave the house but still with Case refuses. In a sense it is true that the meanings are similar, although the person who "squat" the house is not the spear, literally, while the image throwing Barney Moe's bar is well known by everyone.

2. Hidden defects . This is good. A latent defect, normal, meaning they do not know, smoking in the toilet, take a flask of whiskey in the ankle "just in case, look for the lock the wardrobe of the girls, keep a box of cookies in Prince box office, play play until the wee hours of the morning with no volume so you will not hear your parents, or I know, any other you can think of. The most common meaning of vice could say it's a bad habit or an addiction usually considered negative. And hidden, in turn, means that lurks, that is not done publicly.

Little to do with the definition we give to latent defects in title. In civil hidden defects are those characteristics of the object of the contract that make useless or reduce its value substantially and can not be seen with the naked eye . This hidden defects is discussed in depth in civil II (well, or studying until implanted Bologna), and it is easier to understand with examples. If I buy a car and has no crystals this is a normal service and detectable by anyone. If instead the car seems to pull, but suddenly the engine explodes because there was not what liquid, this is a latent defect, since it was impossible to realize that the defect existed.

To conclude nothing that the seller is liable for latent defects (1484 et seq. CC). Look, this can serve sanitation for the next episode of small differences.

had another word ready, but maybe I do keep this post is already long enough.

Nothing more, good weekend!


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