Saturday, February 20, 2010

Walk In Clinic In Toronto 24


La verdad que como abogado litigante. Como periodista afiliado a la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas, la gloriosa ANP. Me preocupa el comentario del Dr. Enrique Ghersi, en el Diario el Correo , edición del 14 del actual mes, y a quien llegué a conocer hace varios años cuando me desempeñaba como Auxiliar Jurisdiccional en el 39 Juzgado Penal de Lima. Digo que me preocupa, por dos razones: por ser abogado y periodista.

Lo que manifiesta el destacado Letrado, que los Jueces están censurando a la prensa. Es cierto, y como lo puntualiza cuando entre en vigencia el Código Procesal Penal del 2004 aqui en Lima, una Espada de Damocles va a pender sobre la cabeza de los hombres de prensa. Why? Because

paragraph 1) of section 139 of that statute that is found here in Lima Vacation says: " is prohibited publication of the procedural steps taken when developing the Research School or the intermediate stage ia . A pessimism, is banned from publication, even partial, of the actions of the trial when they occur in cases deprivacaidad of the hearing.
words friends, in our view this is becoming almost standard a gag press men that are the subject of complaints by complaint, because they can not play the song while is developing the first and second stages of the unique process that regulates this new standard adjective. Ie with this new code disappear from the scene Summary Criminal Legal Process. The ordinary criminal process and the common complaint and the particular complaint (by the press) regulated by the Code of Criminal Procedure and Law No.22633.

Who promotes this Standard before glossed? unquestionably going to favor the so-called white collar criminals. That is the corrupt. Those who have the protection of political power. Because these so that they are not publicly denounce. In order that the people are not aware of their illicit escapades, simply claiming a complaint for crimes against honor, and can isofacto sent to jail to fulfill its mission reporter informs the public criminal acts perpetrated against the Peruvian State. This rule is arbitrary and contrary to press freedom. Should therefore be reviewed and amended to be at that we are in a state of law and democracy as indicated by the current government.

face of this danger that hangs over the men of the press, and for the good of society is necessary for the ANP, The Federation of Journalists of Peru, and the College of Journalists, join forces and engage in a struggle to prevent Political Power and Corruption are shielded and so avoid being investigated and inspected by the public. Accurate as the opinion of the lawyer Enrique Ghersi in its assessment of the New C ODE Criminal Procedure, which makes no distinction whatsoever as to its handling of the complaint against the honor, committed through the press, as did the art. Procedimteos 314 of the Criminal Code of 1940, as amended by Law No.22633.

Ahi is the detail on the procedure of crimes against honor under the new Code of Criminal Procedure, which according to their mentors here in Lima will take effect in 2011. We share the analysis made by the Dr.Ghersi, and will also say that this new standard adjective is not the panacea Peruvian Penal Process, because it is true or not being met in the places where it is in force, as expressly stated in the standard.

is provided for prosecutors and judges loe committed serious injustices that undermine the right to defense and due process. On another note we will discuss


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