Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Funny Vegeta And Bulma Comics

Diplomacy (II): Diplomatic immunity statute

Nothing like a cat to begin in 2010, and the way to draw your attention.


Do you you thought you had already done, right? What starts this year you were going to get rid of the sermons legal doctrine, eh? Ahhhhh, Alert! It is going to be no, even seen what it has cost me start writing in January, it will not take this as often as he planned to give at first. You know the usual excuses: that if a lot of trouble, if laziness, if you please with this, that if you study that ... And finally, as always, this remains drier than Mohamed and begrudge me a sense of duty and a desire to report that I have me, I say, being of family of teachers. Not by fear, for any, Hayle, and now that I have returned to study law and I'm up all day convention, discussed below.

Finally, let us and let stories and what we, namely the so-called "diplomatic immunity" which will ring you more or less have heard or seen a chapter of CSI Miami. Well then, to explain a little about the subject that I will divide the post into two parts: the first when I say this as the issue more or less a day, and a second in which, practically, is as was the subject of old, so you can see how far we've come. Skip directly to the video is cheating.

As always, best to start at the beginning. diplomatic mission (ie, the local and the staff of the same) is the organ of the sending State which will, inter alia, to represent him in the receiving State . Or what is the same, the French embassy in Brazil represents France against Brazil and Spain in Ecuador to Spain to Ecuador. Does that represent what it means? Well, the embassy can make legally binding acts on behalf of the State (more on soon mandate, which serves civil even for that matter), or what would be the same, the ambassador or chief of the embassy to sign a treaty with the State in which it is the embassy ( ved the 1969 Vienna Convention Law of Treaties). Today these diplomatic missions are usually permanent , but this is only so since the XVI century or so, until then what was done was to send a State representative to the neighboring king to address what had to be treated and then re-house (what we now call "special missions"). All matters relating to the topic at hand is regulated in 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations . No, there were no more places to make treaties. This latest agreement

collects certain privileges and immunities to) local mission Al b) The diplomatic staff of it. The most important , in my opinion, is that the police receiver can not enter the premises of the embassy without permission from the ambassador and diplomatic staff can not arrest (in leguleyo "personal inviolability"). These two immunities should be added, among others, privacy in mail and communications (emails can not open the letters from the embassy or they can click the phone), tax exemption and the famous diplomatic bag, which means say that customs can not open up the bag (those dog sausages!) And to realize how much privilege, you might be wondering? The long answer is to process the representative of another state equivalent to prosecute the State, which does not fit too well in an international system governed by the sovereign equality of States (2.1 CNU). The short answer is that it has done all my life.

But this is not the same as giving them carte blanche to commit crimes to diplomats? Well perhaps, but there are several considerations involved: 1) Although a diplomat will leave frog throughout history these immunities and privileges have been very helpful and, after all, are respected by almost every state in the world , 2) In principle, the diplomats are responsible people who want to keep your job after x years of opposition, 3) Although you can not judge the person, the receiving State may declare person non grata and throw the country. Dead dogs, dead of rabies, which they say.

Well, after similar rant comes all been waiting for. So things worked in ancient Sparta, which, incidentally, still went to special envoys.

Here the whole scene. And with two last thoughts I leave you, that these are not hours.

1) You are not bottomless pits like they used to.

2) Someday I'll have these immunities, if all goes well. Muahahah!

Soon more! Or not.

any questions you have you put in the comments, that's what they are.


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