Tuesday, November 10, 2009

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As I said in the previous article. 2 members recused Institutions of the Fifth Criminal Chamber of the Superior Court of Lima, on reasonable grounds (Art. 31 of the C. of P. P) for doubting his impartiality. Was accompanied by the evidence thereof (instrumental) which demonstrate that our motives founded. An objection is a right of individuals, was responsible. Be it resolved by the members of the Sixth Criminal Court. There just in front.

This objection was raised, three before the hearing of the case (dl inc.2 C. PP Art.34 as amended by Leg. 959). The Collegiate responsible for dealing with the challenge, with unusual speed, issuing its order declaring that UNFOUNDED Challenge. Here the problem. The Chamber admitted the challenge, but I did not run VISTA HIGHER TAX. Notified of the decision of the Board, in accordance with law and with the receipt of payment of the respective rate, we propose Appeal. Why, because there is a plurality instance (inc 6 of Article 139 of the Constitution of the State. Art. 11 and Orderly Unique Text of the Organic Law of Judicial Power. Art.X Preliminary Title Code of Civil Procedure). But they know that the Board resolved? Issued a resolution saying that suited our appeal, as if out of Nullity ????. Please where we are in the Andromeda?
What should make the Hall, was run Vista Prosecutor. Then decide. Report, and against our appeal, grant the appeal as being pointed to above. But no. As the vocals are awesome. We wanted to force us to accept that ours was INVALIDITY and no appeal???. And wonder who are the procedural rules? Are not mandatory under functional responsibility?. And it's the constitutional standard is above another lower-level standard. What has violated this Court is that trampled the procedural and constitutional standards, not having granted our appeal, and force us to tricks, to accept their absurd positions. In the end they got their way, saying that we had not accompanied the receipt of payment of court fees, even though my client was the defendant, not plaintiff. Compared to this unique decisiciones tosuda Criminal Division, pose for rejecting complaint Exceptional Invalidity. And said no.
Now I wonder who will defend these judges?

Well. Here what has been committed is a crime of malfeasance flgrante. This is because the Board has decided contrary to the law Festina process. In compliance with the Plurality of Instance, should increase the appeal file to the Supreme Criminal Court Act But call it. They are the judges and the rule applied under the circumstances. According to the names of the lawyers, because if the appellant had been a large, well-known example Nakasaki if they had formed the book challenge and would have gone to the Supreme Criminal Salal. Now we are waiting for resolution Finally, on the appeal of the acquittal that favors my client. Not attend the hearing of the case by two judges to be disqualified as mentioned before. We will see that resolved. But it certainly will not allow in any way, pardon the redundancy to any defense, non-Haute or economic power. The law is to enforce it. Did not say that all are equal before the law? Finally I ask, because there will be rotated Judge Vidal Morales fifth dla Criminal Chamber? And the constituents of the Sixth Criminal Court has made this legicidio be punished? Amen.


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