Thursday, November 12, 2009

What Kind Of Trainer Are You Platinum

Small differences (III) The impartiality of the judge


Newsflash: I moved to the College next Thursday, in a week. I probably go to Madrid a few days before to prepare the ground (look for furnishings and such), but in any case has reached the moment of truth: the opposition is closer than ever. What a relief!

We already ours. I want to make a post about the abduction of Alakrana, but I have some doubts about the terminology that prevents me at the moment, so instead I bring you the third installment of the small differences ( here first and second here) with two terms of those that fit you like it or not after 4 years of career, and raise real. Best start for "real", which is more complicated and left it easy for the end. If you do not like, what you say and edit in a moment.

1. Real. In the language of everyday "real" can mean two things. The first is q ue is about king, queen or the institution of the monarchy in general, so we talked about the Royal House, Real Madrid or peacock. The second definition refers to a Quelle is tangible or perceptible, and opposes a fictional . So I can say that the computer from which I write is real, and that unicorns are not. Details lexical and philosophical considerations aside, this is more or less the normal definition of "real."

And what right? Nothing to do, ma'am. The most used meaning in law is that which comes from the Latin res , or thing, and is opposed to "personal" . It makes sense, then, the classical division students crushed us every year between real rights and personal rights. And now to see how you explain me what are the real rights in three liarme sentences without too ... Let's see. Real rights are those that are linked to real (or things) specific example being the basic and fundamental property. They are often opposable erga omne s and also tend to be listed in public records. Mother, that no one can understand. I better give you an example.

Imagine that I own a flat. My right is real because it is projected on the floor in particular is in the Land Registry and is enforceable against third parties. Now imagine that I do a lease with Manolo floor and then sold it to John. John, radiant in his new apartment, comes and sees that Manolo has seized the room. The right of Manolo to be on the floor is not real, but that is personal, because it derives from a contract that transfers the floor. Ie John Manolo can not tell you anything, even if a contract for 5 years and have only spent one, because he had no idea that the contract even existed. If instead of a lease would have been a usufruct (soon more on this word) for Manolo, the right has been registered in the Register and John could not throw a Manolo the floor until it was extinguished. Conclusion: This is a calico that do and will need a post devoted exclusively to this. Some school registrar or notary find to enlighten us.

2. Source. A source is, in the vernacular, a place from which water flows, a spring.

speak In right, again and again, "the sources of law X" where X can be any area of \u200b\u200blaw you can think of: labor, international, civil, criminal, administrative, constitutional and so on. Here "source" has the sense of origin, the process by which the rules are accepted as such valid. Important to retain: varies, more or less, depending on the area. The collective agreement is a source of labor law but not international For example, although the treaty may be on the other hand sources of employment law. And I better not see that we are dangerously close to the philosophy of law, undermined field where they exist.

torture you leave already. Soon

post on Alakrana promised.


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