Friday, December 11, 2009

Desiproject Train And Bus Groping

Public faith doctrine First Birthday!

Hi everyone!

I know I have been a little neglected lately, but that is what has changed this whole city and start to competitions and such and such. Anyway, I made a promise that I maintain: paradeta endure open until the body says enough. That is, more or less until May, when they called my competitions and I will be studying 12 hours a day. I can not wait (say sarcastically).

Well, here we are. Just a year ago today, during a break from the study of private international law, began to walk this blog. There are going to get sentimental, nor is the plan, but not bad, do not you think? 1 year 50 posts and not know how many visits. The truth is, rereading some little article, I'm pretty happy with the result today. We treated a lot of issues (more or less) to the right and I think for the most part, are left to understand. Nor prentendía this blog was much more than that, a place to make "The Right" was a little more accessible and to give vent to my legal freak.

That said, I want to make a small selection of things to read this holiday season, both this blog and elsewhere. From what I see out there is something that is customary, and as this blog is to last (note the creative commons license to right) will not be less. There he goes.

1. My favorite post: The proportionality.

2. Post more fun: I'm between two; doctrine is on vacation and legal dilemma. Judge for yourselves.

3. Most Viewed Post: The retroactivity. When you are in class, the first thing that law students is to search Google.

4. Blog to follow: Or the Timothy Garton Ash of or Sanchez-Drago. Each one you prefer.

5. Book entitled: As always, "The right and vice versa," Thomas-Ramón Fernández and Alejandro Nieto, Editorial Ariel.

no longer think of anything more ... Any suggestions?

holidays are approaching and the holidays and just do not know if I'll have much time or energy to write, but will try. Until then ....

A treatment! PD

Then the surprise guest at the birthday party ... ZAP!


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