Friday, October 31, 2008

How To Sell Fingerboards


Well, considering I have all the movies in the list empty, except for one and a part of another, I thought maybe you might want to hang them. I'll put the links of the films according to go hang. Some are in original version with subtitles, some in Castilian, and may not have found any subtitles, in which case if you do not know how to get subtitles tell me and I will do this out of my hand. The quality varies according to the film, and that somebody is missing a scene, as there are several films that have different versions depending on the year or country. Considering I've only seen five movies in the list, maybe some have a fault, if so tell me and I will try again bajármela. I imagine that will hang all on megaupload, so will download the movies on this page, you need not log-in or anything, and I know my computer has no virus JeJe.
I hope you find it helpful.
Here you
links to download movies, take a while to post them all because it takes longer than expected to hang (I hope not the same thing later to download, but will always be less than the emule ...) :

"The Birth of a Nation (DW Griffith, 1915): (1 ª part) (2 ª part)
The film is divided into two parts, as expected, its duration (3h and little). English subtitled intertitles Castilian.

- The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1919):
Well this is a bit strange, the film has the intertitles in English, but if he open with Windows media listening to the music and the narrator (in English, throughout the film), and if I open it with DivX, only hear music (without a narrator). Duration 72 minutes.

-The Crowd / Y. .. up the world / The fucks (King Vidor, 1927):
The movie is recorded or something 2, so that the labels are directly in Castilian. Duration: 104 minutes.

-Sherlock Jr. (Buster Keaton, 1924) :
has no subtitles, but emerging signs are understood fairly well, and there are few given the duration of the film (44 minutes).
"The Battleship Potemkin (Eisenstein, 1925):
intertitles in Castilian. Duration: 72 minutes.
-Metropolis (Fritz Lang, 1927):
The film is in original version with subtitles and lasts 118 minutes.
-Sunrise (FW Murnau, 1927):
The film has English intertitles, but I put in the same file some in Castilian. Duration: 95 minutes.
-City Lights (Charles Chaplin, 1931):
The intertitles are in English but they understand quite well, duration: 83 minutes.
"The rule of the game (J. Renoir 1939):
original version with subtitles in Castilian. Duration: 101 minutes
-Stagecoach (John Ford, 1939):
The film is in Castilian. Duration: 90 minutes
"Citizen Kane (O. Welles, 1941):
is in Castilian. Running time: 115 minutes.
-Be or Not to Be (Ernest Lubitsch, 1942): = 4PW0XUX0
The movie is in Castilian. Duration: 94 minutes
-Ladri di biciclette (Vittorio de Sica, 1948):
is in Castilian. Duration: 80 minutes.
-Los Olvidados (Luis Buñuel, 1950):
original version (Castilian). Duration: 76 minutes
-Viaggio in Italia (Roberto Rossellini, 1953):
dubbed into Castilian. Duration: 78minutos
-Written on the Wind (Rock Hudson, 1956):
is in Castilian. Duration: 100
-Roma, citta aperta (Roberto Rossellini, 1945):
is in Castilian. Duration: 97 minutes.
-Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock, 1958):
is in Castilian. Duration: 122 minutes.
-Rio Bravo (H. Hawks, 1959): = 5UODF5NS (subtitles)
perfect image quality, is original. Duration: 136 minutes.


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