Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tessalon Perles Cough


"There is more cruel tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and on behalf of justice
Montesquieu (French philosopher)

OST for this post:
TRON Legacy - Overture

How To Install A Belt Yamaha Snowmobile

Christmas and Holiday Gifts nearby (2010 edition)

Now a bit of navel-gazing and touch to give gifts to friends and readers of the generic blog:

To Tenchizard: Not knowing
to give, you have touched a very rare reaction to a question very rare (for those where you need two and a half glottic larynx to say them)

For Mol:
Action and more action in the form of espidercosas

For Nita:
A frog educated to help you in your quest for science!

Puto For Poet:
A close up or far zoom, ugliest dog england. Why? Because yeah ... And because I can not deny anything to the peek and the twisted tusk.

To Josie:
A pimp English course taught by Samuel L. -Fatherfucking-Jackson. In case you because it gives extra tarantino.

For Isma:
The final facepalm, but you have to use it with discretion ...

To Mei:
The uncensored version of the Lord of the Rings American and uncensored, where Gandalf heads the NRA of Middle-earth ...

To NacoFido:
Copypasta Some of your favorite flavor.
... and now you're going to currar from home, one more reason to not get up, an elementary sheets, P

For Topo:
Some motor, and indoor games that
played outdoor

To my sister:
A sample of what awaits the world now ends to take the driver's license
For Joaquin:
A Megatron really is a gun xD

To Mari
tricks to hack your own brain

To Sid_Rautha:
A Kamina dressed saying 'you molas'

To EMartin:
One day in Japan and a strange crossover (there are no crossovers strange?)

For other readers generic: A magazine supermasculina
A cat who fixes computers
The effects of Ritalin
A link that does not go to any Lao and looks at you stupid face

And for absolutely everyone a general approval superblack how well you bear it all.

See you next year;)

OST for this post:
Panty and Stocking OST - Theme Scanty and Kneesocks

Friday, December 24, 2010

Hutcherson On The Bed In Blue Boxer


Well, that, to have fun:) OST

this Post:
Little Richard - Lucille

Friday, December 17, 2010

Funny Twin To Twin Sayings

Merry Whatever the odd man

original seems to me (at the time, the novel is 1969) that the argument has as its central element which is a microorganism and not a bug with nave, ciborium and duplex arms in whatever comes to moon kill us, but what was ...

* The U.S. government is behaving more diligent than usual and activates a special equipment for this occasion, an infection of extraterrestrial origin Wildfire. Its aim is to find a vulnerability to 'Andromeda', the microbicho in question, while sealed in a lab with 3 fun stuff: a couple of survivors at the first point of virus infection (a people), an organism not like nothing I've found a funny man and nuclear self-destruct if the thing is chaos.

should not say over what happens in the novel, but if you want to talk about "the odd man."

Among the investigators is a person slightly more important than others. It is not for their knowledge, as emphasized in the novel. Nor is it because you know something that others do not. It is important because it is' the odd man. " The lords of the USA do some studies by the Rand Corporation and is shown ** that in cases of crisis the most reliable person to take and implement decisions of command is a single man but X years.

There is that.

Although later in the novel explains that such a RAND Corporation study is filthy lie ** and has been removed from the sleeve to justify putting in the hands of such a small group of people a nuclear device. Apparently the power to rein in the worst case an alien body with the potential to destroy all life is not enough for the military with more nuclear firecrackers on the planet.

This made me think about the necessity of having a 'guilty' in case things go wrong. No? In the event that the gizmo would not work always an unequivocal guilty that throwing the dead.

Man appears be in serious cases need to point the finger at one person or small group of people and able to scream 'have been them "to wait for the subsequent stoning. And as I have seen, this happens even when there can be guilty (and will comment on another post as it is impossible to predict the biggest snowfall of the past 20 years CONAS a week ahead ... for now just try to faults) . For more visual was an episode of CSI Las Vegas where the alleged murder of a girl is not wrong for a series of small coincidences and events linked to this particular form end with the death accidental. The parents of the girl, after the explanation and sample test by forensic super burst of anger and threaten to find the real culprit ... when there is none.

if something seems also that we are good at is brown drain or at least shared. If there can be blame for many, but they play less. Open any newspaper and find stories on any judicial process open. And count the total of guilty by the accused. I bet the left hand passing, 5.

Maybe that's why we sometimes have to scapegoat marked time, is simply to reassure the desire for revenge (not justice can not have both at the time many times.) And maybe also why we can not take as fast as we would like sometimes change our 'guilty / responsible' and we cling to the idea of \u200b\u200b' Damocles' a person from foolproof.

Or maybe not, "a philosopher in the room for me to talk about it? OST

this Post:
Team Me - Weathervanes and Chemicals

------------------------- ---------------
* [for a change, all the interesting things happen there, I can not remember any novel set in the ground just where all the action happens entirely outside U.S.]
** [literary technique of false documents, choose you]

Monday, December 6, 2010

Lakeside Mall Michigan Anime Stores


Marcos Camacho, better known by the nickname of Marcola, is the leader of a criminal prison in Sao Paulo (Brazil) called First Capital Command (PCC). Marcola responses we approach to what may be the future of crime in Latin America. Interview

"Marcola," the chief of the First Command of the Capital "of San Pablo

Marcos Camacho, head of the prison of San Pablo band called First Capital Command (PCC), that this year has led to numerous acts of vandalism in that city and vicinity. The following is the literal translation of the report.

Q: You're the PCC?

More than that, I am a sign of the times. I was poor and invisible. You never once looked at for decades and was easy to solve the problem of poverty. The diagnosis was obvious: rural migration, income gap, few slums, suburbs discrete, the solution never appeared ... What did they do? Nothing.
"The Federal Government set aside some budget ever for us? We were just news in the rubble of villages in the mountains or romantic music on "the beauty of the mountains at dawn," those things ...

Now we are rich with multinational drug. And you are dying of fear. We are the late onset of your social consciousness. Did you see? I am cultured. Leo to Dante in prison.

Q: But the solution would be ...

solution? No solution, brother. The very idea of \u200b\u200b"solution" is a mistake. Have you seen the size of the 560 slums of Rio? Already a helicopter went over the edge of San Pablo?

Solution ", how? Only have to many millions of dollars spent in an organized, with a high-level leader, an immense political, economic growth, education revolution, urbanization general and everything should be under the baton almost an "enlightened dictatorship" to leap over the secular bureaucratic paralysis, who passed over the Legislative accomplice. Or do you think the bloodsuckers (sanguessugas) will not act?

Neglecting will draw up to the PCC. And preventing the Judicial punishments. There should be a radical reform of the criminal process in the country, there should be communication and understanding between local police, provincial and federal (we make up conference calls between inmates ...) And all that would cost billions of dollars and involve a profound psychosocial change in country's political structure. That is, is impossible. There is no solution.

Q: Do you not afraid of dying?

is you who are afraid to die, not me. Rather, here in prison you can not come and kill me, but I can send out there to kill you. We are men-bombs. In the slums there are a hundred thousand men-bombs. We are at the heart of what it insoluble. You in good and evil and, in the middle, the border of death, the only boundary.

We now have a new "species" as we are other bugs, other than you. Death for you is a Christian drama in a bed, a heart attack. Death for us is the daily meal, lying in a common grave. Do you intellectuals do not talk about class struggle, to be marginal, be a hero? Then we come! Ja, ja, ja ...!

I read a lot, read 3000 books and read to Dante, but my soldiers are rare developmental anomalies twisted in this country. No more proletarians, or unhappy, or exploited. There is a third thing growing out there, planted in the mud, educated in absolute illiteracy, graduating in prison, as an alien monster hidden in the corners of the city.

already emerged a new language. Do not you listen to recordings made "with permission" of justice? That's it. Is another language. Is facing a kind of post misery. That.

misery The post generated a new culture killer, aided by technology, satellites, cellular, Internet, modern weapons. It's shit with chips, with megabytes. My commands are a mutation of the social species. Fungi are a dirty mistake.

Q: What changed in the suburbs?

"Mangos" (money). We we have now. Do you think he has a $ 40 million Beira Mar (Brazilian known criminal) no charge? With $ 40 million prison is a hotel, a police office ... What will burn the gold mine, understand?

We are a modern, rich. If the officer hesitates, is fired and "placed in the microwave." You are the broken state, dominated by incompetent. We have agile management methods. You are slow and bureaucratic. We fight on home turf, you in a strange land. We do not fear death. You die of fear. We are well armed. You have 38 gauge. We we are on the attack. You in the defense. We are cruel, merciless. You have the mania of humanismo.Ustedes we became "super stars" of the crime. We have to payasos.Nosotros we are helped by the people of the slums, out of fear or love. You are hated. You are regional, provincial. Our weapons and products come from outside, are "global." We will not forget you are our "customers." You forget us when it passes the shock of the violence they provoke.

Q: But what should we do?

I'll give you an idea, even against me. Grab "the barons of dust" (cocaine)! There are congressmen, senators, generals, there are even former presidents of Paraguay in the middle of the cocaine and weapons.

But who is going to do that? Army? With what money? They have no money or food for the recruits. The country is bankrupt, sustaining a dead state with interest at 20% per year, and Lula is still increasing public expenditure, employing 40 000 miscreants.

The army will fight against the CCP? Klausewitz'm reading "On War." There is no prospect of success. We are ants devouring books in the corners. We even have anti-tank missiles. If you kidding, they will leave a Stinger. To destroy us ... only with an atomic bomb in the slums. Have you thought? Radioactive Ipanema "?

Q: But ... Is not there a solution?

You can only reach some success if they cease to defend the "normal." No more normal one. You need self-criticism of his own incompetence. But to be frank, honest, morale.

We are all in the center of the unsolvable. Only we live it and you have no way out. Just shit. And we are already working within it.

Understand me, brother, there is no solution. Do you know why? Because you do not even understand the extent of the problem. As Dante wrote the Divine: "Lose all hope. We are all in hell."

Original source: newspaper "O Globo", Brazil, its second Editorial Notebook, published an "interview Marcola PCC." We do not remember who made translation. Thank you!

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