Friday, November 26, 2010

Tamanho A3 Powerpoint

Illapu - will fly

Monday, November 22, 2010

Carhartt Boots Vs Red Wings

wish to cancel the amnesty law



BenitezCarlos Hilaria Ibarra Burger RodríguezJuan Bentancur CarriónJulio MoratoLuis BarbizanRaúl Roberto Federico Jaime OrosaDiego TerraDora CantioniVicente LópezCesar GuidetPascacio Isabel Baez

At a time when many characters in our daily happenings trying to impersonate the likes of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, an editorial appears be repetitive, it is not .-

this editorial is intended for the sole purpose of facilitating the difficult task of a group of nine teacher researchers, highly qualified, it is said, who commissioned the codex has organizing courses specialization and the development of support material for teachers and sixth-grade history teachers who will be responsible for the teaching of political events that occurred in our country over the last thirty years.

must be assumed that their work will recall, among many other unfortunate events and circumstances that Tupamaro Movement attacks were initially directed against an established democracy, a freely elected government and a legitimately constituted authorities. And they mention the existence of prisons in the village calls * * o * * tatuceras where they remained abducted, in some cases for more than a year, the banker Gaetano Pellegrini, the Coroner Manelli Pereira, the Brazilian Consul Aloysio Diaz Gomide; the American Claude Fly, the journalist * Action *, Homer Farina, the director of UTE Ulisses Reverbel Pereyra, the British Ambassador Sir Geoffrey Jackson and Don Carlos Frick Davies.

could even arrange a guided tour of one of them, located in a house on Calle Juan Paullier.

also reserved some kind to mention the theft of arms in the Club Swiss Shooting New Helvetia, the assault on the Financial Monty Casino and San Rafael in Punta del Este, the bombing of Bowling Carrasco, the blasting of explosives at the Golf Club or other theft of pounds of Mailhos. And, the worst since the historical perspective and emotional, the theft of the flag of the Thirty-Three Orientals who was at the Historical Museum and has not yet been returned, although he or perpetrators of this crime may be circulating or occupying positions in the full view of all uruguayos.Y, finally, be included under the many names mentioned today, that of the 66 people killed by the Tupamaros, a list which should include:

LOPEZ, Dora. Civilian nurse, is shot fired from a window in the Confederation of Uruguay.

SILVEIRA, Antonio. Commissioner. Shot as he prepared to enter a poultry farm spa *. * The Sauce

GARA, Germain. Agent. Shot while trying to disarm a seditious group in the 7th station.

  • TEJERA, Manuel. Agent. Killed in an assault on a bank.
  • FERNANDEZ, Enrique. Radio Patrol Sgt. Died from wounds received in the takeover of Pando.
  • Guideta, Rafael. Trader shot dead by rebels to resist a robbery at your site.
  • Burgess, Carlos. Citizen, is shot during the takeover of seditious Pando, where he had gone to register at the Civil Registry, a newborn child.
  • ZEMBRANO, Carlos. Agent. Shot in the intersection of Centenary and Carrara.
  • VIERA, Juan. Agent. Falls shot when two rebels were trying to steal office supplies Uruguay 942.
  • FERNANDEZ, Juan. Agent. Killed by rebels in a gun battle in El Pinar.
  • PALLAS, Alfredo. Agent. Died from wounds received in a clash in the Court of Canelones.
  • MORAN, Hector. Inspector of Police. Riddled by a seditious group near the Summer Theatre.
  • LESSER, Armando. Agent. Shot by rebels while in custody at the home of Deputy Chief of Police.
  • Mitrione, Dan. Official U.S. citizen is executed by the AID back after 9 days in captivity with their hands tied with wire.
  • MACHADO, Nelson. Agent. Is killed in a seditious assault a bank in a refrigerator Rocha while on duty, after months of agony.
  • SOSA, Nelson. Agent. Shot.
  • Villalba, José L. Administrative Police Officer. Rebels killed by seven bullets in the back.
  • CARABALLO, Gilberto. Agent. Rebels gunned down by a van.
  • PEREZ, Aidis. Agent. Gunned down by rebels while driving the car of a head of the Metropolitan Guard.
  • Bentancour, Juan. Foreman Niboplast signature. Rebels kill him as he heads to his home.
  • RODRIGUEZ, Walter. Sgt. Is shot by rebels to surprises in a robbery of a branch of Manzanares.
  • KAULAKAS, Ildefonso. Agent. It is found dead in the Hill City Park with two bullet holes in the skull.
  • Arhancet, Alfonso. 16 year old girl, executed in the back, after much beating, inside of a Political Club.
  • ALVAREZ, Juan F. Agent. Tupamaros murdered by four to assault a vehicle driving Manzanares remittances.
  • SOTO, Wilder and LIMA, Nelson. Coraceros. Are killed by rebels in the Hospital Pedro Visca, where they were in service.
  • FERREIRA, Santos. Transit Police Sgt. Killed in a local collection of UTE, the Minnesota Street.
  • BAEZ, Pascasio. Rural workers. Killed with quicklime, evil "numb" with pentothal for having discovered, by chance, a cache seditious.
  • CASTIGLIONI, Heber. Police Cadet. Falls killed by rebels who make fire from a van during a procedure in Punta Carretas.
  • Leoncin, Rodolfo. Safety and Chief Inspector of Penal de Punta Carretas. Is killed by a command that ambushes outside his home.
  • GODOY, John. Agent. He is killed when a command tries to corner the police station in the 27th. Three other policemen were injured at that time.
  • DO CANTO, Rosie. Agent. Falls in a clash with rebels in the State Street of Israel.
  • FERNANDEZ, Second and SANCHEZ, Juan. Agent and Assistant Officer, killed in the takeover by rebels from the Commissariat of Soca.
  • DELEGATES, Oscar and Leite, Carlos. Deputy Commissioner and Agent. Two cars riddled with machine-gun bursts at Rivera and Soca.
  • GOÑI, Sagunto. Agent. Dies of wounds received in the ambush that killed the two.
  • ACOSTA Y LARA, Armando. Educator and public figure. Killed by a sniper who shoots from a Methodist church window Constituent street.
  • MOTTO, Ernesto. Lt. Cmdr. Gunned down after leaving his home in Las Piedras.
  • NUÑEZ, Luis. Soldier. Falls killed during a raid.
  • MORATO, July. Killed at a time when, on reaching home, he tries to kidnap and resists.
  • CORREA, Saul Nuñez, Gaudencio;
  • NUÑEZ, Osiris, FERREIRA, Jesus. Soldiers. Were killed by a group that attacks at close range firing machine-gun fire at interior shot in fulfilling guarding the home of the Commander in Chief of the Army in Abacua and Avenida Italia.
  • GODOY, Eusebio. Cavalry Soldier No. 10. Reported killed in a clash in Artigas.
  • TERRA, Diego. Merchant. Gunned down, confuse it with an officer of the Armed Forces who lived near his home.
  • DELGADO, Eduardo and AGUILAR, Victor. Soldiers killed by a group that fired machine-gun fire from a vehicle in flight, in Italy and Anzani Av.
  • CROSA, Vicente. Bus Driver. Killed inside a passenger vehicle which was done unprocedimiento.
  • BENITEZ, Luciano. Agent. Completed in Barrancas de Mauricio, San Jose.
  • ALVAREZ, Artigas. Army colonel. Director General of Civil Defense. Gunned down in front of his wife and daughters, leaving his home.
  • FERNANDEZ, Darwin. Official inspector. Killed by a rebel who resists a Bogota Street house, where he meets a search.
  • BRAIDA, Ricardo. Lieutenant 2. Shot to death while guarding, in a car, a rebel custody.
  • QUIET, Carlos. Agent. Attacked by surprise by two rebels while on his way home, dies of bullet wounds received.
  • BUSCONI, Wilfredo. Army captain. He had been seriously wounded on April 17 after a procedure performed on a property boundary to a regional Communist Party.
  • Mozambique, Nelson. Soldier. Died in a clash with rebels on October 8 and Villagrán.
  • Aryans, Manuel. Mortally wounded a tiroteo.MAYA, Artigas. Gunnery Sergeant Group N 1. Is killed during an operation against seditious elements.
  • GUTIERREZ, Julio. Captain. Died from wounds sustained in a clash that took place on April 21 proceedings Calle Ramon Santiago.
  • CANTIONI, Raúl. Completed at a time when integrated a team trying to identify strangers who wanted to plunder.
  • Trabal, Ramón. Army colonel. Military Attache of the Embassy of Uruguay in France. Killed by a guerrilla group international as he parked his car in the garaje.BOTTI, Roberto. Army captain. Killed while engaged in operational.
  • RODRIGUEZ, Aurora. Died from wounds received when an attack occurred in the room * The Tropezón *.
  • NOT deserve to be born, or lived in this country, in the case of foreigners, and finally integrating this sad list. Over thirty years later, can be, at least the peace and comfort to their family members also have them, "that will be claimed if you include their names and fortunes in bailout announced the recent past.
That should be complete and not partial.

Wedding Welcome Bags Wording

Wallpaper Dump (XXI) of an obsession Youtubes

[ I ] [ II ] [ III ] [ IV ] [ IV ] [ V] [VI ] [ VII] [VIII ] [ IX] [X ] [ XI] [XII ] [ XIII ] [ XIV] [ XV ] [ XVI] [XVII ] [ XVIII] [XIX ] [XX ]

Friday, November 19, 2010

How Many Inches For The Woman Hymen

[Note: Tribute clear to this post Paranoia with potatoes. I always suspected, but still not the magic is gone]

Some people are obsessed by. Insurance surefire who know someone who has some stability with no fences to stop at the tables, or is not able to cross a zebra crossing if not Tread white stripes or may not have a drink if a frost is completely broken.

Novices, who do not dare to go beyond the realms of madness and obsession.

For if either of these two videos give a bad roll:

"The biggest fan of Harry Potter World '

'Twilight's biggest fan of the World'
Dan even more scared
if you hear while watching this:

Being perfectly credible and ready for the FBI to break out milk and rescue the abducted players: P

to another ...

OST for this post:
Doctor Who (series 5) - The Mad Man with a Box

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sinus Infection From Std

Quote of the Week (CIII)

"Nobody realizes that some people spend energy on looking trenemda just normal. "*
Albert Camus (Journalist, writer and philosopher Camus)

OST this Post:
Badly Drawn Boy - Magic in the Air

---------------------------- -----------------
* [moral: perhaps after a normal or simply vulgar facade hides an extraordinary person]

Friday, November 5, 2010

Catchy Phrases Birthday


In our daily comings and goings of a trial lawyer. We found a number of difficult situations. Not because they are not contemplated in the substantive law. Neither the adjective. No. If no more than anything about the lack of interest. Of responsibility and ability of some judges and some court officers. Oh but more than anything because the clerks blessed and some judges will not work. It's that simple. not want the judges to sit in their offices and read and study the record s. And the second bone secretaries do not want to sew or refoliar records. This is the crux of the matter.
This is the cause of resistance found in some criminal courts when requested in accordance with law A backlog of cases. This is the problem. Not a problem of the standard. But I wonder what are the judges? Then I saw that some do not have character and to have afraid to ask for the files to the secretaries, who even get over the judges and hinder when applying accumulation processes. And who controls it, who puts things in place. That is why there is a large caseload in the criminal courts.
accumulation processes as we know is regulated in Article 20 as amended by Legislative Decree No. 959, and article 21 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, in accordance with Law No. 10124. When? When there are cases of CONNECTION AND WHEN YOU ARE IN THE SAME STATE. Yes or no? This is clearer than water. But nevertheless complied with the requirements of some judges become hostages to the secretaries the court is reluctant to proceed to the accumulation process.

Now for what and why you must ask or apply for the accumulation process?. Plain and simple to avoid DUPLICATION OF JUDGMENTS RADICTORIAS CONT. And of expediency. But some judges and some secretaries blessed to have in your hands 2 or 3 applications against the same defendant, and being in the same state do not want to do this build, however, that even this can and should make OFICIO as it required by paragraph 2 of Article 20 of the adjective in question as amended by Legislative Decree No. 959. Lord but do not. Why? Because we have already said that some judges and court clerks as quiren not work. Oh and also because in some cases are tied to one of the litigants fields in these cases CORRUPTION. And who can save us? Of these secretaries and judges who do not want to work?
I believe that what can save us is for example a mandatory ROTATION time to time of judges and clerks coupled with other measures to prevent irregularities and misconduct to functional impairment of the DUE PROCESS AND THE RIGHT TO DEFENSE. continue this topic.