Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Eczema Scars

The good father

Hi everyone!

hope you've got all a good month of August. As regards to your narrator has been a quiet month compared with July, a month which as you know I spent in the ville des lumières , read Paris. I still stand little house, we were in San Lorenzo (Huesca) in Bailo (like any ordinary citizen, in summer you have to climb to the village), and the capital of the kingdom paving the way for September. And go into details later, for now is all a bit in the air, starts on track but the issue of opposition. I have already in mind a post to explain what I study and what I think served, but in any case it will be later.

Finally, as has already happened before, there have been several reasons why I have not updated the blog this month: the lack of access to internet, laziness and the fact that I have not touched anything that has to do with the law since I finished my Business Law exam IV (exchange law and bankruptcy, to be exact) were all relevant factors. However, yesterday I saw the light and now I throw one of the most important issues of civil rights: the right parent. I will try to keep the post short, we know that in August lazy as having to stay too long at the screen, above may be taking the sun or cane around.

In civil law speak of the diligence of the good father. " Two questions arise scathing comments: Who came up with this the "good father" and "What the hell you mean this? Respond first to the second question, if it seems good.

diligence and its opposite, negligence, are two key concepts in the law of contract and damages. As I look there are logical contracts are complied with (as the Romans said, pacta sunt servanda ). This does not mean, as you will understand, always met. When a contract is not fulfilled raises the question of who is to blame and who should pay for the breach of that contract. And this is where we will analyze the negligence or diligence of the person who has defaulted. Have you done what I needed to do or has not been careful enough? The general rule is that a person will only respond if you have committed fraud (in breach voluntarily) or negligence (not had the care they should have had). The case is clear, the coach is not valued in a vacuum, but need something to compare. And in Spain, to resolve this issue we say, "What would a good parent?"

What to me is the grace of good family (a part of that name, which has enough fabric) is that there is no exact definition of what a good father, so is a concept that varies depending on when content is interpreted. is, and in the nineteenth century could require that the good father to ride and knew he could not be required to know to use a computer, today would rather the reverse. What would make more sense to change this and use a criterion such as "the average citizen", you say? Yes, of course. But we have enough with what we have in this country to go up changing things that work fairly well.

remains to answer the second question, although I have been explaining and should be more or less responsive. We talk about the good father and not the average person because at the end of the nineteenth century when it drafted the current CC women cut no ice. Once again we see the importance of putting things in context.

And with this piece of article is inaugurated in 2009-2010 of the doctrine! What a year I expected, my mother ...

Take care! Soon more!